Then, Lin Yaozu took advantage of the victory and continued to refresh.

With a thought, the remaining number of refreshes changed from 2 to 1.

A golden light flashed, and six new products appeared in the mall.

【Daily Mall】

【1. 100,000 Death Soldiers Recruitment Ticket: Get 100,000 basic death soldiers at one time, stateless and without special abilities. (Original price 100,000 value points, 50% discount, current price 50,000 value points)】

【2. 10,000 Killing Soldier Recruitment Ticket: Get 10,000 elite killing soldiers at one time, stateless black households, proficient in firearm shooting, proficient in close combat, and specialized in killing. (Original price 100,000 value points, 50% discount, current price 50,000 value points)

【3. Attribute Enhancement Scroll (Physique): Increases physique by 1 point. (10,000 value points)】

【4. Million Death Soldiers Recruitment Ticket: Get 1 million basic death soldiers at one time, stateless and without special abilities. (Original price 1 million value points, 20% discount, current price 800,000 value points)】

【5. Talented ability: Photographic memory: Intelligent, photographic memory, and strong learning ability. (Original price 1 million value points, 10% discount, current price 100,000 value points】

【6. Attribute Enhancement Scroll (Spirit): Enhances Spirit by 1 point. (10,000 value points)】

【[Number of times the mall can be refreshed: 1]

Lin Yaozu looked at the remaining usable value points.


Very sufficient, start buying

【Hundred Thousand Death Soldiers Recruitment Scroll] 50,000 value points.

Buy it

【10,000 Killing Soldier Recruitment Scroll】50,000 value points.

【Attribute Enhancement Scroll (Physique)】10,000 points.

Can enhance your basic attributes, must buy

【[Million Death Soldier Recruitment Scroll] 800,000 value points.

Can't afford it, skip it!

【Talented Ability: Photographic Memory] 100,000 value points.

Buy it directly, the talent ability is a must!

【Attribute Enhancement Scroll (Spirit)】10,000 value points.

Improve basic attributes, must buy.

It took only a dozen seconds, and 220,000 value points were consumed.

In a flash.

The only item left in the daily mall that he couldn't afford was that one, and the remaining five were all bought.

Although the total value points were only 88,697, Lin Yaozu still felt that it was very worthwhile.

Then, while speeding up, he used up the last refresh opportunity. As soon as he thought about it, the familiar golden light flashed by again.

【Daily Mall】

【1. Attribute Enhancement Scroll (Physique): Increases physique by 1 point. (10,000 value points)】

【2. Attribute Enhancement Scroll (Lifespan): Increases the upper limit of lifespan by 1 year. (100,000 value points)】

【3. Space Backpack Expansion Scroll: Expand the backpack by 1 cubic meter. (10,000 value points)】

【4. Household registration certificate: Automatically legalize the household registration of 100,000 subordinates, and they can choose their nationality. (10,000 value points)】

【5. Death Soldier Recruitment Camp: Automatically recruit 10 death soldiers every day. (Original price 10,000 value points, 10% discount, current price 1,000 value points)】

【6. Killing Death Soldier Recruitment Camp: Automatically recruit 1 killing death soldier every day. (100,000 value points)】

【Remaining refresh times: 0]

At this moment, there are 88697 value points left.

Lin Yaozu looked around from top to bottom and made a decision.

【Attribute Enhancement Scroll (Physique)】10,000 points.

Improve basic qualities, buy it

【Attribute Enhancement Scroll (Lifespan)】100,000 value points.

Can't afford it, skip it

【Space Backpack Expansion Scroll (1 cubic meter)】10,000 value points.

Must be purchased to upgrade the space backpack

【Household Registration Certificate] 10,000 value points.

Buy it first as a backup, this is a must-have item for grabbing wool

【[Death Soldier Recruitment Camp] 1000 value points.

10% discount, must buy it

【Killing Death Soldier Recruitment Camp】100,000 value points.

No discount, don't buy, too much loss.

In a blink of an eye, another 31,000 value points were spent.

At this moment, the total value points were 57,697, and the daily mall had no refresh times.

In the space backpack, 15 items were shining with golden light.

In the following time, Lin Yaozu closed the daily mall, opened the space backpack, and began to use the items one by one.

First, two identical attribute enhancement scrolls (physique), all used


【[Physique: 8 points →Physique: 10 points]

In an instant, a burst of energy transformed Lin Yaozu's body. The six abdominal muscles in front of him silently turned into eight.

The shoulder muscles, back muscles, chest muscles... all became more symmetrical and contained strength.

At the same time, he felt that his endurance was epically strengthened, and when he twisted his waist, he became more durable.

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