After a while, when all the younger brothers left in disgrace, the Skeleton Gang leader leaned back and collapsed on the office chair, his face looking gloomy.

At this moment, his eyes were bloodshot, he looked up at the ceiling, and muttered to himself:

"FUCK, they even dare to cheat the gangsters’ dirty money, is there any justice or law left?"

"After all these years, this is the first time I have encountered such a mean group of people."

"Damn it, when I find the person, I will kill these sons of bitches. They are so bullying."

At this moment, his tone was full of frustration.

In short, the more he thought about it, the angrier and more wronged he felt. The leader of the Skeleton Gang almost cried out.

Similar scenes also happened in the United States, in different gang headquarters in various states and cities.

In the past few days, these gangsters couldn't sleep all night, tossing and turning, and they cursed those people who borrowed money and ran away all the time.

After so many years, these people had never encountered such people.

Moreover, they encountered an organized, well-documented, large-scale borrowing and running away organization at the same time.

Damn it!

They even dare to fleece the gangs?

It's outrageous.

To be honest, they are too embarrassed to say such things out loud, for fear that they will be laughed at by their peers after knowing it.

They lent black money and loans, but ended up encountering a group of people who were greedy for the principal and ran away after borrowing the money.

And hundreds or even thousands of borrowers were like this.

Who would believe it if I told them?

On the other hand, the equally depressed people are the hawkish police in various states and cities.

When those gang members were fleecing people, they wandered around the city and their actions were very frequent.

This abnormal behavior also worried the local police station, fearing that there would be a big mess.

So, they also followed They worked overtime for several days, patrolled every day, and took precautions.

During this period, the police had thought of ways to find out the reason, but they didn't know what was going on this time.

No matter how they asked, the gang members refused to give in, and there was an unspeakable look on their faces.

In short, they just didn't want to explain the reason.

However, there is no such thing as a wall that is impenetrable, and the truth will come out one day.

A few days later.

The fact that the black loan company was fleeced by people who borrowed money and ran away when it was lending black money was finally exposed.

After hearing about this, the police almost laughed to death, and in each police station, there was laughter and joy discussing this matter.

Mail City Police Station

"Hahaha… I am dying of laughter. It is true that evil will always be punished by evil. This group of guys actually encountered such a thing. This will make me laugh for the rest of my life."

"Where did this group of talented people come from? They actually formed a group to fleece the gangs. I am really impressed."

"I can't help but admit it. The most important thing is that this group of people actually succeeded. These gang members didn't say anything before, probably because they were afraid of being embarrassed."

Other police stations

"Have you heard? That group of gang members are running around like crazy because someone formed a group to borrow black money and didn't pay it back. I heard that all the local gangs were borrowed."

"I also know about this. When I heard about it, I almost died of laughter."

"It is said that this kind of thing also happened in the next city. I wonder if it is the same group of people. These guys are really talented."

"If you ask me, these gang members are just too stupid. They were fleeced so easily. I don't know if they will dare to release black money in the future."


As the news spread more and more, the police in countless different cities communicated with each other. They were surprised to find that such a thing had happened in the other party's city.

Then, as they continued to integrate information, the police in the United States were dumbfounded.

This team-building black money incident actually involved fifty states, hundreds of cities, hundreds of different gangs and black loan companies in the United States.

The total amount cannot be estimated for the time being, but it is estimated to be at least several billion US dollars.

There are at least tens of thousands of people who borrowed black money to get money, and even more than 100,000.

Although the gang members did not hand over the specific information list, the police still got the information about the number of borrowers.

However, the current situation alone is enough to attract great attention from the police.

To be honest, this matter is too outrageous.

If not everyone received similar news, the police would have thought that the gang members were doing collective art and joking with them!

At the same time, this legendary event with a huge explosion point was also revealed.

The various media in the United States heard the news and began to report on the matter.

On the Internet, countless articles with specious content and full of speculation have appeared.

《Shocking news! Big news in the US! Black loan companies were fleeced, involving tens of billions of dollars - from the New York Times》

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