Although this statement was absurd, it was somehow very convincing.

For a moment, everyone thought about it and felt that something was wrong, but they had no way to refute it.

At this moment, there was a mysterious silence at the scene.

At this time, Gailis spoke again.

"Of course, there is one more thing to note."

"My boss was resting at home when suddenly several people from the New York Police Department came with an arrest warrant and took him away."

"The boss was not accused of any crime and no evidence was presented."

"We strongly protest against this action that violates normal judicial procedures."

"For this reason, we have hired a team of lawyers to follow up on the entire case and trial process, and require transparent disclosure of all relevant information."

"In addition, a lawyer's letter suing the New York Police Department has also been submitted."

"We demand that the other party pay $100 million in personal reputation damages."

Hearing this, the eyes of the reporters suddenly lit up.���I smelled the scent of big news.

Although the previous answers were nonsensical and absurd, the latter wave was definitely hot and explosive.

Suing the New York Police Department?

And demanding $100 million in damages for reputation loss?

Holy shit!

This is really the first time in history.

No one has ever done this before.

At once, several reporters stepped forward and rushed to ask questions.

"Mr. Gehrris, are you sure you want to sue the NYPD?"

"Are you confident that you will win this lawsuit?"


In the live broadcast room

"It's really 666, city people really know how to have fun, and suing the police for fleecing is also awesome"

"Oh my god, $100 million for reputation damage? Is that true? Are they playing such a big game?"

"Curious about what that boss is like?"

"Do we need to guess? Maybe he is a hidden American capitalist. Otherwise, how could he make such a big show?"

"This wave is really exciting. I didn't expect so many follow-ups."

"The Eagles are a capitalist country. The New York Police Department is in trouble this time."

"Humph! There is no clean bottom under the capitalists, it's just dog biting dog."


At the same time, not far away, in the New York Police Department, the chief and his subordinates were also paying attention to the live broadcast room.

After all, such a big commotion was happening right under their noses, and it was impossible to pretend not to know.

Especially in the sky, there were several TV station helicopters flying around, and the noise was so annoying that no one would not pay attention unless they were deaf or blind.

At this moment, after listening to Garys's subsequent speech, the chief was so angry that he slammed the table hard.

"Damn, this bastard, is he threatening our police?"

""Oh my god... I'm so pissed off!"

To be honest, I never expected things to develop to this point.

At this moment, there was only one thought left.

Who should take the blame this time?

Suddenly, the director thought of someone.

That was Officer James who was still in a coma.

It seemed... everything started with him.

He was the one who arrested the scourge, and he was also the one he had always said was a Chinese spy.

Moreover, from beginning to end, the person who had not found any relevant evidence was also him.

It was most appropriate for him to take the blame for everything.

On the other side, the subordinates looked at their boss.

At this moment, they also had a question in their hearts.

Where is the support from the superiors?

Why is the incident so serious, but there is still no news?

At this moment

""Ring, ring, ring, ring~"

The phone in the office rang wildly.

Hearing the sound, the director walked over quickly, glanced at the incoming call number, and was immediately delighted.

""Everyone, be quiet. This is the mayor calling."

The room fell silent instantly. All the subordinates pricked up their ears and looked expectantly.

To be honest, the situation was too big now, and they urgently needed tall people to block it.

A few seconds later, the phone was picked up.

But before the director could speak, the roar of the mayor on the other end of the microphone had already resounded throughout the office.

"Asshole, you idiot, what are you waiting for?"

"Do we have to wait until the entire New York and the entire United States are turned upside down before we take any action?"

"I don't care who the so-called boss is."

"If you are not 100% sure!"

"Now, immediately, release the person and calm down the whole incident."

"One hour, you only have one hour, I want to see the end of this incident!!!"

After he finished speaking, the phone was hung up, leaving only the beeping sound when the line was disconnected.



The room fell into a dead silence.

A few minutes later, the director yelled at his subordinates with a cold face.

"Assholes, you idiots, what are you still standing there for?"

"Why don't you release him now?"

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