First, the first wave of operations, routinely refresh the daily mall.

The remaining number of refreshes: 1 → 0.

The first thing, the death soldier recruitment camp upgrade coupon, 10,000 value points.

Buy it and use it


【Death Soldier Recruitment Camp: Level 3 → Level 4】

【The number of recruitable death squads: 40/day → 80/day]

This wave doubled, it's a bloody profit.

The second item, the death squad training camp upgrade coupon, originally priced at 1 million value points, discounted by 50%, now priced at 500,000 value points.

I can't afford it for now, so I skip it.

The third item, the space backpack expansion coupon (10 cubic meters), originally priced at 100,000 value points, discounted by 40%, now priced at 60,000 value points.

I bought it in seconds and used it directly


【Space backpack: 5 cubic meters → 15 cubic meters]

Save 40,000 value points out of thin air, no loss.

The fourth item, attribute enhancement scroll (speed), 10,000 value points.

Basic attributes, must-buy item


【Speed: 10 points → Speed: 11 points]

Another attribute that has successfully exceeded the human body's limit.

If Lin Yaozu were to participate in a running competition, the black Bolt and the world record holder would only be able to eat farts behind him.

The fifth item is the attribute enhancement scroll (strength), with a value of 10,000 points.

The reason is the same as above, and it is also a must-buy item


【Strength: 10 points → Strength: 11 points]

Well, now if you participate in strength-type competitions such as weightlifting, arm wrestling, boxing, etc., you can also stand out from the crowd and easily crush everyone.

The sixth thing, the talent ability of the dead man control, the original price is 5 million value points, the discount is 10%, and the current price is 500,000 value points.


Even after the 10% discount, I still can't afford it.

Despite this, Lin Yaozu still focused on it.

Talents and abilities, every one of them should not be missed

【Death Soldier Control: Use a trace of mental power to possess any death soldier and have absolute control. You can return to cancel the descent at any time. The death soldier will automatically return after death.】

【PS: After multiple consecutive deaths and returns, mental fatigue will occur, and you need to rest before you can use it again. 】

Is this... a real-life version of Virtual Life?

Wow, it's simply a limited-edition mental control version of Professor X's ability.

It's a bit interesting, so interesting, it seems to be...

Lin Yaozu looked at the remaining balance displayed on the page.

195,963 points.

There is still a shortfall of 300,000 value points, or 3 billion US dollars, to purchase this talent.

Although it seems that the difference is very huge, there is still hope if you think of a way.

Originally, the 300,000 ordinary-level dead soldiers were summoned to New York City to prepare for a super-large parade.

But I didn't expect that the high-level officials in New York would be so scared and let themselves go in such a short time.

In this case, the parade has no meaning for the time being, and can only be put aside for a larger-scale one in the future.

However, since these 300,000 dead soldiers have come, they must get some wool before leaving.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

Thinking of this, Lin Yaozu began to issue a new round of instructions to the dead soldiers and set his target on the gangs in this city.

Although they could no longer rely on illegal money and illegal loans to continue to get things for free, they could change their thinking to achieve their goals.

Soon, instructions were issued one after another, and the dead soldiers received the information in an instant and began to act in an orderly manner.


The next day, in a dark alley in New York City, five or six people went in.

They were divided into two groups. One person was leading the way in front, with a lewd gesture and a look of joy on his face.

The four or five people behind him had no expression on their faces. Two of them were carrying a black travel bag each.

The guide led the group through many turns and finally walked into a shabby repair shop deep in the alley.

As soon as they walked in, they shouted excitedly.

""Boss Lu Sen, business is coming, big business."

Upon hearing this, a black man with tattoos on his face in the shop changed his expression.

He looked at the people behind him with a scrutinizing look and spoke slowly.

"You guys look a little unfamiliar, where are you from?"

At this moment, the guide spoke first with a beaming face.

"Boss, they want to pawn gold, a lot of gold."

The black man snorted coldly, his tone slightly angry

""Kalish, get out of the way. You have no right to speak here."

Upon hearing this, the guide's expression froze and he ran to the side timidly.

""Yes, Boss."

After scolding his younger brother, the black man stared at the strangers again, with sharp eyes, as if he wanted to see through everything.

To be honest, the Eagle Sauce Country has been very unstable these days. There are waves of weird things happening one after another, and he can't help but be cautious. He has been at large for so many years, relying on two words:

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