At the same time, similar things happened in all the places where gangs in New York were recycling contraband.

Bag after bag of gold jewelry, brand-name watches, jadeite, etc. were recycled by them at extremely low prices.

The extremely high profits of two or three times made everyone let down their guard and greedily wanted more.

Lin Yaozu's system panel also began to refresh the screen continuously.


【Get 1200 value points】


【Get 1650 value points】


【Gain 1900 value points】


But as time went on, the gang members responsible for recycling the illicit goods also felt something was wrong.

"Boss Lusen...big business...I've encountered big business again...famous brand watches, lots of famous watches"

"Welcome, Karish, you are awesome."

…… after an hour

"Lu Sen... another big deal... I just ran into a big deal when I went out... this time it's jadeite... a lot of jadeite"

"Uh... welcome, welcome... please come in"


Two hours later

"Lusen... is out to receive customers... this time it's all diamonds... lots of diamonds"


After many successful business trips, I felt a little swelled, and even the tone of my voice changed a lot.

To describe it in one word.

That is... tough!

On the other hand, the black man began to doubt his life. He was so tired of collecting things. The wish he made before must have worked!

He just said that he hoped to meet such a great seller in the future.

Then, one wave after another appeared.

Moreover, each time they were different.

Famous watches... jade... diamonds...

Aren't they a little too outrageous?

Although I suspected that there was a problem, no matter how I checked or studied, there was only one result.

Those goods were all real, without a trace of fake ingredients.

Ah... where did the problem come from?

After a long time, the black man who felt something was wrong inexplicably asked me to send the collected things to the Black Gang headquarters in the shortest time possible.

After all, the value of these goods was too high, so we needed to be cautious and must not let anything go wrong.

What's more, in order to take these goods, the black man mobilized most of the gang's funds.

If there is a mistake, the gang leader will definitely use the most cruel means on him.

In short, it's better to be careful.

In addition, the Hell's Angels, M13, Wheel Soul... and other gangs are all the same.

They also sent these things to the headquarters in the shortest time, handed them over to the gang leader, and placed them in the safest place of the gang's vault.

On this day, all the gangs in New York City were unusually quiet. No gang members ran out to fight or cause trouble, nor did they go out to conduct business.

These people were all summoned back to the headquarters to guard and recover the batch of priceless black goods.

After recycling again and again, each gang has exhausted all its capital flows, and even the private money of the gang leader and gang members has been invested.

After all, the profit is more than doubled by reselling, which is simply picking up money. No one will not be tempted.

Under the temptation of huge profits, a little risk is not worth mentioning at all. The New York police, who did not know the truth, were also puzzled by this bizarre scene.

"What's going on? It's been a whole day, and there hasn't been a single case or fight. It's incredible."

"Maybe because the commotion yesterday was too big, those gang members are scared!"

"That's true. After all, there are tens of thousands of guys with AKs and high-explosive grenades hidden in New York City. Those guys are not fools and will not run out to seek death at this time."

"Hey! I didn't expect it to be a blessing in disguise. It seems that I can relax a lot during this period. Let's go and take a rest."

"Indeed, those troublesome guys will be dealt with by departments like the FBI, and there will be tall people to hold up the sky when it falls."


Several American policemen were chatting with a little smile on their faces, ready to take this opportunity to have a good rest and relax.

The situation yesterday also scared these people.

What's more, because they saw the scandal of the chief, they were made to patrol the whole city 24 hours a day.

If they can be lazy, they will be lazy on that day.

At the same time.

In a villa in New York City.

After Lin Yaozu fed Kalena, he let her fall asleep with an overflowing smile.

Then, he checked the harvest.

After a busy day, the total value of points increased from more than 190,000 points to more than 420,000.

All the gangs in New York have been emptied.

Have fun reading books on May Day! Recharge 100 to get 500 VIP points!

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