"Quick! Go to the hospital, pick up Crome, and leave immediately for Washington"


The convoy turned and changed its itinerary.

An hour later, the head of the Max family took his son and left New York on a private plane.

On the other hand, the heads of the Colton family and the Hermas family all learned the news.

In response, they all expressed their disapproval of this behavior in their different mansions.

"Hehe... this guy from the Max family is still as cowardly as a mouse."

"Tsk, no sense of honor or pride at all, the country bumpkins of the Max family are not worthy of living in the upper class"


At the same time.

All the different locations where the gun battle and fire broke out in New York City last night were sealed off.

However, there were relatively few American police officers on the scene, and they were unable to stop the onlookers, media reporters, and others from taking photos and videos.

Soon, countless high-definition videos of building wreckage circulated on the Internet.

In addition, the online discussion today was 5 times more heated than last night.

Countless American police officers have launched heated speeches on this matter.

On Twitter, forums, and various social media searches.

One article after another has been published, and has attracted more heated discussions.

《The police department was incompetent, gun battles broke out across New York City, and fires burned all night.》——New York Times

《If people’s safety cannot be guaranteed, where does the taxpayers’ money go?》——Times News

《Gangs are rampant, and gunfights have set the entire city on fire……》——Gossip Media Network

《With gun battles happening frequently, where should the United States go?》——Liberty Weekly


In short, the Internet is a mixed bag of people, with gods and demons dancing in disorder.

Articles, pictures, and various videos about this matter have also spread rapidly to the Internet in other countries. Moreover

, it has also aroused countless discussions.

"I'm dying of laughter. Another round of gunfight broke out in the United States. The whole city was set on fire. No one else can compare to this."

"666! Where are those Western-admiring dogs? Why aren't they jumping around?"

"Yes! Aren't you always advocating for the Eagle Sauce Country? Hurry up and go! What are you doing in China? You are not welcome here."

"Oh, me too. I just discovered that many big V experts have stopped praising the Eagle Sauce recently."

"I have to say, China is still the best!"

"I will never regret coming to China in this life, and I will be a flower grower in the next life"

"No problem, eagle sauce, dogs won't go"


But it didn't take long for the heated discussion to start. The president of the United States and his staff took action.

First, the online articles were deleted and the videos were removed from the shelves.

Secondly, the media were warned in various ways.

Finally, a speech was held to boost public support and give them confidence.

A few hours later, the most widely circulated video on the United States Internet was the speech of the president of Twitter.

"This was just an accident. I promise to arrest all the criminals in the shortest possible time."

"For New York residents, we will give each person a certain amount of relief money as compensation."

"I would like to warn those who have ulterior motives that this little difficulty will not defeat the Eagle Sauce people at all, but will only bring our anger and revenge."

"Ah! God bless the United States, God bless the United States."

Although it is still the same old speech lines, the effect is surprisingly good.

After repeated video brainwashing and the offensive of handing out money, the people have regained their pride and confidence and are no longer afraid.

I have to say, in terms of the degree of magic, it is better to look at the United States.

Of course, the country has banned videos and articles, but those that have been circulated cannot be banned.

In this regard, the official United States said that it doesn't matter, as long as it is not circulated on the domestic network.

The Internet has memory, but it is also forgetful.

After a while, this matter will naturally pass.

Anyway, this kind of operation has been done countless times before, and this is just a small matter, and there will be no big problem at all.

The United States, the White House, the Presidential Palace.

The Twitter president and his staff looked at the final result and all smiled with joy.

"Hahahaha... This time, there shouldn't be any problem with votes and support rates."

"Yes, Mr. President, there is no problem. Next, it is time to track down the real culprit behind the scenes."

"That's right, damn it, I don't know which bastard is behind this, I'll kill him after I find out."

"Mr. President, let's leave this matter to the FBI! Perhaps this matter is also related to the mysterious organization behind the Chinese Lin Yaozu. After all, the time is too close, and they have enough manpower."

"Well! Then find out. This cancer has already threatened national security and must be eradicated as soon as possible."

"Yes! I will send a message to the FBI director to convey your meaning."

Have fun reading on May Day! Top up 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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