In the middle of the manor, the bodyguards relied on various shelters and shot from time to time.

The assassins relied on their strong anger and shot crazily.

Among them, Lin Yaozu was also like this. He held an AK47 and pulled the trigger to kill

"Da da da da………"

This time was much more exciting than before. In the hospital, before he could even shoot, the dozen bodyguards were shot dead instantly by other killers. It was also exciting when he used the Desert Eagle to kill two second-generation capitalists.

Now, he can finally shoot to his heart's content.

In one word.

It's exciting!

A real-life shooting game.

It's so exciting that it's like taking off.

"Dadada... Dadada……"

"Da da da da da………"

A moment later.

The bodyguards were all killed. Looking around, there were no bodies of the killers left.

The whole battle was smooth and without any suspense.

The biggest damage here was that a few killers were hit by stray bullets and ricochets, and they were just blocked by bulletproof vests.

At most, they left some bruises.

In fact, the battle damage was 0.

A few minutes later.

The killers appeared with two men.

One of them was a middle-aged American white man with a big belly and was trembling.

The other was an old man in his fifties, wearing a black and white butler suit, full of gentlemanly style, but his eyes showed his inner panic.

Lin Yaozu threw the AK aside and walked up with a swagger.

He compared the appearance of the two people with the relevant information about the Colton family collected by Garys in his mind.

In an instant, the identity of the middle-aged American white man was confirmed.

The head of the Colton family: Lausanne Colton.

At the same time, he was also the biological father of the two second-generation capitalists who were killed in the hospital before. He was also one of the real targets.

At the same time, in this scene, the middle-aged white man suddenly raised his hands and made a gesture of surrender.

Then, a series of familiar words came out of his mouth.

"I surrender, please don't shoot. I am Lausanne Colton, the head of the Colton family. I am very rich. If you have any requests, just ask. I will definitely meet them."

Hearing this familiar line, Lin Yaozu was stunned for a moment.

"Hahahaha…interesting…so interesting!"

"Have you and your son received the same training?"

"How come the lines are exactly the same?"

"There is no sense of innovation at all."

Hearing this, Lausanne Colton's face changed slightly, and he had a vague feeling of badness in his heart.

He widened his eyes and shouted in a questioning tone.

"William? You damn bastards, what did you do to William?"

In response, Lin Yaozu casually pulled out the Desert Eagle from his waist and aimed it at the old butler next to him.


A shot directly blew it up.

Then, he blew at the muzzle of the Desert Eagle and sneered and said

"Humph! Have you not figured out the situation yet?"

"You are just a prisoner, how dare you question me?"

The old butler who was shot innocently nearby said:"……FUCK……"

I have something to say, MMP, but I don't know whether I should say it or not.

On the other side, Lausanne Colton instantly wilted, and his arrogance was gone in an instant.

Now, he is at the mercy of others.

Life and death are in the hands of others.

Still arrogant... then he is simply courting death.

As a qualified capitalist, Lausanne Colton knows the times.

After all, even if his son is gone, he can still have another one.

But if he himself is gone, then everything is over.

Having enjoyed the wealth of the world, he will cherish his life because he can't let it go.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yaozu smiled happily.

It's good to be afraid of death!

You can also make another fortune by the way

"Our needs are simple. We are a little poor recently. We heard that the Colton family is very rich, so we just want to borrow some money to spend."

Hearing this, Losang Colton did not believe it at all.

He had seen and heard of kidnappers.

But such a wild form of kidnapping was really unheard of.

It can be said to be extremely violent.

More than 500 people with AKs and high-explosive grenades, head-on raided the manor, and killed nearly 100 bodyguards, just for kidnapping?

Such a ridiculous reason, who would believe it?


Losang Colton secretly glanced at the equipment on these people.

In the hands of all the killers: AK47!

On the waists of all the killers: high-explosive grenades!

In Lin Yaozu's hand: Desert Eagle!

Bullet holes on the clothes of some killers: bulletproof vests!

AK、High explosive, desert, bulletproof vests...

This familiar equipment configuration... Isn't it exactly the same as the group of people who surrounded the police station a few days ago?

The case is solved... The truth is revealed!

These people and those people are all in the same group, the mysterious organization behind the Chinese man.

In an instant.

Lausanne Colton's mentality collapsed.

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