New York City, inside a villa.

After checking the time, Lin Yaozu also used his innate ability [Death Soldier Control] at the right time, preparing to get the 2.2 billion ransom for free.

One second later.

The ability was used successfully.

Consciousness descended, and he chose to possess a death soldier in Washington.

Lin Yaozu felt this new body.

Obviously, compared with the killing death soldier, the physical fitness is still a bit worse.

However, the recruitment price between the two is 10 times different.

And one is basic level, while the other is elite level. It is normal to have a gap.

Then, he started to check another one.

The result is very good. Combat proficiency, shooting proficiency, infiltration proficiency, disguise proficiency, and lock picking proficiency, these five new skills can all be used flexibly.

Consistent with the results of previous speculation, this is the best news.

He looked at the watch bought for zero yuan on the death soldier's hand.

At this moment, there is still half an hour left before the agreed time, which is enough.

Then, Lin Yaozu controlled the body of this death soldier and went to the destination.

Ten minutes later.

In the United States, Washington, D.C., McCann Street.

Outside Villa No. 4, on the street corner, two plainclothes policemen were hiding here, casually scanning the surroundings while chatting.

"Deren, don't be so nervous. This is not the main battlefield. The kidnappers can't take the money away even if it's sent here. Wait for a new call and they make follow-up demands. That's when the real fight will begin."

" guy, please don't treat me as a newcomer, okay? I know this, of course. If it weren't for the Colton family's strong request, who would stand here and do useless work?"

"There is no way, they are a capitalist family, you know this country"

"This damn world is so disgusting."

At the same time.

In another corner, a pair of eyes were observing everything.

"Haha, that’s interesting. They even hired someone to ambush us?"

"What a pity, this is totally useless."

As he said this, the assassin possessed by Lin Yaozu used his infiltration skill.

He easily found a breakthrough, secretly climbed over the blind spot of the wall, and sneaked into the villa garden.

On the way, he also easily avoided the surveillance and plainclothes sentries.

The whole process was unnoticed by anyone.

Then, he used his unlocking skill to pry open the window and sneak into the living room of the villa.

At this moment, there was no one here, only a mountain of cash. He walked forward quickly, stretched out his hand, and thought.


In an instant, the mountain of cash disappeared.

At the same time, a prompt appeared.


【Obtain 100,000 value points. 】

With a stretch of his hand, 100,000 value points were obtained.

Sure enough, every capitalist is a fat sheep.

In comparison, those gang members are just a group of miserable old black slaves.

After destroying hundreds of gangs, they only got tens of billions of dollars. They are so poor and shameful.

No, no, it should be said that the gang members have bad brains, are not unified, and cannot use resources reasonably. Otherwise

, they would never be so poor. For a moment, Lin Yaozu was full of inspiration, and suddenly came up with countless money-making operations.

At this moment, not far from the door, there was a sudden sound of talking, and the sound of footsteps approaching.

Lin Yaozu woke up when he heard the sound. Now is not the time to be dazed, and it is time to evacuate as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly returned from the original route and quickly fled the villa.

On the other side.

Outside the gate of the villa

"It's almost two hours, why hasn't there been a call yet? I can't get through to the owner either, damn it... damn it... damn it……"

"Colin, calm down. The kidnappers will definitely call you. The money is still here. They will not give up this billion dollars."

"Whirring whirring………Am I too impatient, or are you right? The 1 billion ransom is still here, they will definitely call."

Just when they said this, the two pushed open the door.

In an instant, they all froze in place, dumbfounded, too lazy to look at the empty hall.

At this moment, the scene was exceptionally quiet.

One second... two seconds... three seconds... more than ten seconds later.

The two screamed and shouted like crazy at the same time.

"Someone come here………Someone come quickly!……"

"Ahhhh………Gone... all gone……"

Dozens of plainclothes officers around the villa heard the noise and rushed to the scene.

When they saw the living room, they were also dumbfounded.

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