Lin Yaozu thought and clicked on the detailed battle results on the battle prompt.

In a blink of an eye, a new page appeared.

【Participants: 5 basic-level warriors】

【Our casualties: 5 basic-level soldiers killed, 0 seriously injured, 0 slightly injured】

【Enemy casualties: 0 dead, 2 seriously injured, 3 slightly injured New York Police Department police officers】

【Harvest: None】

【Battle replay (5 minutes and 13 seconds)】

After seeing the name of the enemy target, he was stunned for a moment.

Then, he entered the battle replay to view the details.

After a while,

Lin Yaozu finally figured out the cause and effect.

It turned out that when collecting protection fees, the death soldiers' methods were too explosive, which attracted the Eagle Sauce police to raid and arrest.

Because the order he had issued was to counterattack without limit when attacked.

Therefore, the current situation has occurred.

Regarding the current situation, Lin Yaozu touched his chin and thought for a while.

Decided not to change the original counterattack order, so let it be for the time being!

What about the Eagle Sauce police?

Can they still compete with me in consumption?

Anyway, there are 300,000 death soldiers in New York City, which is a lot.

At worst, call them all over. What's more

, the death soldier training camp is now as high as level 6, and 360 death soldiers are automatically recruited every day.

I am afraid that the death soldiers consumed in daily battles are not as fast as the automatic recruitment.

Thinking of this, Lin Yaozu relaxed his mind and was too lazy to deal with this little thing.

Lin Yaozu felt relieved.

On the other hand, some people were so worried that they went crazy.

At the same time, in the New York City police station meeting room

, the chief was giving an impassioned speech on the stage.

"This operation has achieved great results, successfully killing 47 core members of the Death Soldiers Gang, which has greatly dealt a blow to the arrogance of the Death Soldiers Gang.……"

"Although many of my colleagues were very brave and injured during this period, it was all worth it.……"

At this moment, many subordinates wrapped in medical white gauze sat in their seats, expressionless throughout the whole process.

A few minutes later, the director happily announced the end of the meeting, and then prepared to return to the office to report the results.

The group of hawkish police officers in the meeting room began to chat with each other.

"FUCK, what's going on with this gang of death warriors? Don't they fear death? This is the first time I've seen such crazy gang members."

"Yes, I sincerely hope that I will never encounter such a crazy gang again. They directly opened fire after resisting arrest. It is really crazy."

"I am lucky too. I only suffered minor injuries today. But the unlucky guy Garut was shot twice and is still in the emergency room!"

"I have been doing this for so many years, and this is the first time I have seen a gang with this style."

"In one operation, more than 30 police officers were injured, and this was still a great victory. Reality is bullshit."

"We shot and killed 47 members of the Death Soldier Gang, and in the end only some were slightly or seriously injured. No one died. In a sense, it was indeed a great victory."

"That's why I say it! Reality is bullshit."


Half an hour later, on all social media platforms, the official accounts of the New York Police Department all released the results of this operation.

【After relevant investigations, we finally locked on to the target and launched Operation Thunder. As the suspects resisted arrest, 47 key members of the Death Soldier Gang were shot dead.……】

In addition, various news media, as if they had agreed to do so, simultaneously published related articles, all of which were also highly praiseworthy of this action.

《New York police shot and killed 47 members of the Death Squad》——New York Times

《Operation Thunder! Justice will eventually triumph over darkness, and the newly emerged death squad has been successfully dispersed and eliminated》——Gossip Weekly

《Evil is gone, and New York City's safety is always protected》——BBC News


In a short period of time, the popularity took off, and more and more people saw it and liked it.

"Oh! The New York police are so awesome! Something happened yesterday, and today they wiped out the Death Squad."

"Oh my god! What the hell? It's gone! Damn, I paid the protection fee for nothing"

"The backbone of the Death Squad has been wiped out. That's great. New York is finally safe."

"Thumbs up to the NYPD's Thunder Operation. Our taxpayers' money was not wasted."

"Hahahaha... I said that those bastards in the Death Soldier Gang were so rampant that they would definitely not have a good ending."


In the dark corners of New York City, the remnants of small gangs that were once wiped out by the Death Soldiers have also become active.

According to the Internet, the death of the backbone of the Death Soldiers Gang is a great opportunity to rise.

If you can take this opportunity to show your dominance and absorb a large number of Death Soldiers Gang members, you may be able to directly become the boss of the New York underground gang.

At this time, countless ambitious people also began to stir.

That night, a Death Soldiers Gang gathered in a bar.

Three or four Eagle Sauce people in suits and cigars appeared, and kicked the door and walked in.

"I am Gerth Lockett, and now I'm giving you scum a chance to join the Lockett Gang, become my family, and live together forever.……"

Just when he said this.

Bang, bang, bang~ a series of gunshots rang out instantly, and the three or four people were shot to death on the spot.

Ten seconds later, several death soldiers stepped forward and shot them again, ensuring that these people were 100% dead.

Then, they dragged their bodies to deal with them.

Then, several more death soldiers took tools and began to clean up the scene.

At the same time.

It was also a piece of land occupied by the death soldiers.

Seven or eight Eagle Sauce thugs walked in arrogantly with guns.

"Hahahaha... We are the Lake Gang, we want this territory"

"That's right, you guys in the Death Warriors Gang, either surrender and join us, or you die."

"Make your choice quickly! We in the Lake Gang may not accept so many."

More than ten seconds later.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang~

With a burst of gunfire, the seven or eight people never appeared again.

Similar scenes happened in various places in New York.

Countless guys jumped out, with various purposes in mind, and found some of the death squad members of the Death Squad.

Or persuade, coerce, induce, or show ambition...

In short, use all kinds of methods to achieve their goals.

But the final result was exactly the same, they were shot to death.

No matter how eloquent they were, it was useless.

Those death squads didn't listen at all, and didn't pay attention to any big words, let alone who the comer was, what background he had, or how awesome he was.

Da da da, it was over.

Among them, there were a few individual sand sculptures, I don't know if they had watched too many movies, they had some fake bombs tied to their bodies, and they ran over to pretend to be awesome.

Want To subdue these death warriors.


He was shot to death by the death warriors on the spot.

In fact, those idiots didn't know at all, let alone a fake bomb, even if it was real, those death warriors would still shoot.

At worst, they would die together!

Death warriors, death warriors, can they still be death warriors if they are afraid of death?

At the same time.

Because of the gunshots, the phone of the New York Police Department was blown up again.

Countless New Yorkers watched the news during the day, and the whole family celebrated happily that they would be safe in the future.

But after going to bed at night, they heard the gunshots coming from the downstairs near their homes, and they were furious on the spot.

This is no different from the previous two days!

Before the New York Police Department wiped out the Death Warrior Gang, there were gunshots every day.

After the New York Police Department wiped out the Death Warrior Gang, there were still gunshots.

Wasn't this Death Warrior Gang wiped out in vain?

It's useless!

At this moment, in the lobby on the first floor of the New York Police Department

"Ring ring ring"

"" Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring~"

The alarm call rang frantically, but no one answered it.

Not far away, a group of police officers pretended not to hear anything. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

At this time, the chief was annoyed by the ringing and came down to check the situation. After seeing this scene, his face darkened and he directly scolded loudly.

"FUCK, are you all deaf? Don't you hear the alarm bells ringing?"

""Where's Carlis? She was in charge of answering calls. Where did she go?"

Upon hearing this, a subordinate coughed and explained.

"Kellys has been depressed because of the calls she received recently. She asked for leave to see a psychiatrist."

Hearing this, the director was stunned into silence.

After a few seconds,

"She's on leave, what about you? Can't you answer the phone?"

"………What about you? Can't you just answer……"

At this point, the director suddenly realized that the subordinate who had been answering the phone had both hands wrapped in bandages.

Ah, this... he really couldn't answer the phone.

"Ring Ring Ring……"

The incoming alarm rings continued to ring, and the sound was particularly disturbing.

Two minutes later, the director, who was very busy, walked down and answered the phone himself. As soon as he put the microphone to his ear, before he could speak , a series of smooth curses came from the other side.

"FUCK! Are you all eating shit? It's so hard to answer a phone call! A bunch of rubbish, it's a waste of taxpayers' money! There are gun battles every day in New York City, non-stop, what the hell are you doing, a little thing………"


In an instant, the director hung up the phone without saying a word, and unplugged the phone line.

Then, he turned his head and spoke to his subordinates

"Um... There's something wrong with the police station's phone line. Make a note and remember to report it."

After saying that, he turned and left.


In the middle of the night, on the Internet, the New York Police Department was criticized by countless New Yorkers and became a hot topic. There were countless insulting messages under the official website and official accounts on various social platforms.

In particular, the notice on the elimination of the Death Squad posted during the day was a disaster area.

"Damn it, it didn't work at all, there were still so many gunfights at night"

"Instead of doing all this nonsense, could you please patrol at night so we can sleep well?"

"FUCK, a bunch of rubbish, it doesn't work at all"

"Damn it, I can’t even get through to the police, what else can you do?"

"A bunch of good-for-nothings who can't even guarantee the safety of the city."

In short, the more praise you give during the day, the more vicious the scolding you will receive at night.

The next day, early in the morning.

Various shops in various blocks of New York City opened one after another.

No matter how vicious the scolding was last night, today these citizens still opened their businesses as usual, went to work as usual, and did what they had to do.

After all, life is not easy, and it can only be like this.

Besides, after these few days of experience, these citizens have gradually begun to get used to it.

At the intersection of Kent Street.

An elderly Chinese couple staggered to open the iron curtain, and a small supermarket officially opened.

This small supermarket is everything they rely on for survival.

A few minutes later, regular customers appeared one after another. They bought things and greeted each other warmly when paying.

This store never sells inferior goods as good ones, nor does it sell expired food. The old couple who own the store are also kind, so they are deeply loved by nearby residents. people's trust.

But soon, uninvited guests appeared.

Three dark-skinned guys with dreadlocks walked in with arrogance.

They picked up a bag, walked to the shelf, and stuffed things into it without even looking.

In the middle of the process, they picked up a bottle, opened it on the spot, and drank two sips directly.

Satisfied, they took two more bottles and stuffed them into the bag. A few minutes later, the three of them swept the small supermarket.

Without even looking at the old couple at the cashier, they walked out arrogantly.

During this period, they had no intention of paying.

Seeing this scene, the old couple looked ugly, but they dared not step forward to stop it.

After all, in this country, such things are very common.

And these black guys who like to buy for free also like to go to small shops opened by yellow people the most.

Especially the Chinese, their friendliness and kindness are very popular with those American people.���In the eyes of the guys, they are weak and can be bullied.

At this moment, several assassins appeared outside the door. They saw what happened just now.

Seeing this, the assassins took out their Desert Eagles without saying a word.

Bang bang bang~ directly sent the three black guys with dreadlocks to see God.

Seeing this scene, everyone nearby was dumbfounded.

Some pedestrians were so scared that they collapsed to the ground, and some pedestrians just ran away.

Inside the store, two elderly couples heard the gunshots and were so scared that they immediately squatted down and hid in the cash register.

On the other side, except for one assassin who stayed behind, the other assassins dragged the body away as if no one was around.

Then, the assassin walked into the small supermarket.

"The death squad is doing the work. The guy who just came to cause trouble has been dealt with."

After saying that, he turned and left.

A few minutes later, the old couple secretly got up and leaned on the glass to look outside.

There was a pool of blood not far from the door, and there were several bullet holes next to it.

For some reason, they suddenly felt a sense of security.

Even the Eagle Sauce police in the past had never given them this feeling.

In every block of New York City, similar things are happening again and again.

The Eagle Sauce gangsters who came out from nowhere and wanted to collect protection fees repeatedly were shot to death by the death squads as soon as they took the money.

Several black guys who went to a store to cause trouble were also shot to death by the death squads.

Anyone who makes trouble in a store that has paid protection fees will be killed on the spot as long as they are encountered by the death squads.

Even if they are not encountered on the spot, they will be shot to death by the death squads who appear out of nowhere in a short time after they are known. It took less than half a day. , the total number of black men in New York City began to drop madly.

Of course, it was not just the black men during this period, the white men who made trouble also received the same treatment.

The death soldiers don’t give any preferential treatment to white people.

If you dare to make trouble, you will die.

They don’t even give you a chance to quibble.

These death soldiers are not police officers, and they don’t need any evidence or anything like that.

As long as they determine that you are making trouble, you are dead.

There are a full 300,000 basic-level death soldiers spread across the streets of New York City, and you can meet them no matter where you go.

Where to run?

You can’t run away at all.


Can you withstand high-explosive grenades and RPG rocket launchers?

Today’s New York City is full of gunfire even during the day.

That afternoon, countless people who had experienced this went online to tell their experiences.

As more and more details were revealed, the popularity exploded again, and the hot search list was full of related discussion topics.

Countless Eagle Sauce netizens are vying to discuss these things

"Oh my god! The Death Squad? Wasn’t the Death Squad wiped out? Didn’t the New York Police Department issue a notice?"

"The above person is out of idea. What the hell is this? There were still frequent shootings in New York last night. It's useless. I guess those guys are just talking nonsense to deceive us."

"This is a simplistic and crude way of dealing with this incident. Anyone who causes trouble will be killed."

"I originally thought that the Mafia was the most powerful gang in the world, but I didn't expect that each gang is even more powerful than the last. I declare that the Death Squad is the most powerful."

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