During the battle, all the security forces in the park arrived one after another, surrounded them from all sides, and artificially created a circle, intending to wipe out the remaining thirty or so assassins.

Seeing this, Lin Yaozu sneered

"Encirclement and suppression? I want to see who encircles and suppresses whom?"

"You want to compete with me in terms of numbers? Today, I will show you, a bunch of bastards, what numbers mean."

The thought came to him.

He summoned all the basic-level assassins from the two production lines in the territory's firearms manufacturing factory.

Silently, except for the assassin just summoned for the test, the remaining 7,999 assassins appeared from various hidden corners of the park.

As soon as they appeared, they changed from their original state to a fully armed state.

AK47, bulletproof vests, Desert Eagles, high-explosive grenades, flash bombs... all kinds of equipment, everything you can think of.

At the same time, many deceived people who were peeking at the situation outside from the windows of various buildings were also frightened by these assassins who appeared out of nowhere.

Ten seconds later

"Da da da da……"



The sound of gunfire and grenade explosions resounded throughout the park.

In a blink of an eye, this place became a battlefield.

The security guards who were still alive in the park saw an endless stream of fully armed assassins pouring out behind them, and they all fell into hysterical despair.

"Ahhh... Oh my God! Why are there so many of them?"

"Run away! There is no way to defeat them. There are too many people."

"Surrender...I surrender...don't kill me……"

Although those people were exposed in all their ugly ways, and some even knelt down to surrender, it was useless.

The order received by the death soldiers was to kill them all, which meant that they would definitely die and no one could escape.

When the 8,000 death soldiers appeared, the battle was over.

In more than ten minutes, the hundreds of people who served as the security force in the park were all turned into broken limbs.

Although most of them were imprisoned victims, there were also many remnants of the fraud group hidden in them.

Since it was decided to kill them all, no one should think of running away.

As for how to distinguish them, it had already been thought out.

One hour later, in the large square in the middle of the park.

The remaining six or seven thousand people were all driven here.

And the 8,000 death soldiers, more than 1,000 of them formed an encirclement outside.

Behind each of the remaining people stood a death soldier, who provided one-on-one intimate service throughout the whole process.

Of course, except for the person in charge of the park, he was more impressive and was guarded by 10 death soldiers with AK47s.

Lin Yaozu walked to the platform in front of the square and spoke directly into the microphone in front of him.

"First of all, let me announce that you have all been kidnapped. Those of you who have money please raise your hands, go to the side and hand over all the money, and then you can leave."

These words were not spoken in Chinese or other languages, but in Burmese.

Sure enough, after they finished speaking, a small group of people immediately raised their hands excitedly.

Then, under the guard of the death squad, they went to the side and started to take out money.

After the first round of screening, those who have money and can understand what was just said must be members of the fraud group.

After all, it would be strange for those deceived people who are really suffering to have money here.


Lin Yaozu repeated what he had just said in Chinese.

Hearing this, the deceived people in the audience, who had originally had some hope in their eyes, suddenly fell into dead silence and despair.

They thought they were waiting for rescue, but the result was indeed another hell.

This sense of gap is simply devastating.

Among them, many women couldn't stand this result and cried on the spot.

This time, no one could stand up.

And those scammers who had been to the side before, when they heard this, felt something was wrong.

At this time, Lin Yaozu waved his hand

"Bang, bang, bang~"

Almost at the same time, the scammers who took out the money suddenly turned into corpses.

This scene shocked everyone, and the crying stopped abruptly.

The eyes of the thousands of scammed people in the audience showed a ray of hope.

Lin Yaozu raised the corner of his mouth and spoke in Chinese again.

"Congratulations, you now have a chance to be redeemed, but whether you can seize it depends on you."

"I know there are still people hiding in the fraud group among you. Now point fingers at each other and find all these people."

"Redemption will come."

As soon as the words fell, many victims who had been beaten many times, regardless of whether it was true or not, directly pointed out.

They had had enough of this kind of life, and as long as there was a glimmer of hope for redemption, they would definitely grab it.

Ten minutes later.

Dozens of fraud remnants were all pointed out, and none of them escaped.

Lin Yaozu didn't even look at them, waved his hand, and asked the death squad to get rid of those garbage.

With a burst of gunfire, the remnants turned into corpses again.

Many people saw this scene and lost control of their emotions and cried.

Those demons on earth, finally... finally all died.

At this time, Lin Yaozu began to speak again

"It seems that this time it should be clean"

"As I said before, salvation will come, and I choose to let you go directly."

"You can leave here now without paying any price."

Everyone present raised their heads in disbelief when they heard this.

Can we leave?

Can we really leave?

At this moment, in their eyes, Lin Yaozu was like an angel.

"But before you go, I have one piece of advice."

"Even if I let you go now, can you really leave successfully?"

"This is Myanmar. Everyone should know how chaotic it is outside."

"If you don't have anything to rely on, how can you leave safely?"

These words made everyone's mentality collapse again.

Is this a lie?


These are all true!

But���Because of this, people are even more desperate.

Since ancient times, the truth hurts people's hearts.

At this moment, in the eyes of everyone, the angel seemed to have turned into a demon, bringing endless silence.

Seeing this, Lin Yaozu coughed lightly and spoke again

"But all of this is not a problem. Our main business can completely help you solve this problem."

As he said this, he waved his hand, and a group of soldiers carried box after box of ammunition to the platform.

Then, they poured out the contents, and in an instant, brand new AK47s piled up into a mountain of guns.

In addition, there were also small mountains of high-explosive grenades, bulletproof vests, Desert Eagles, etc.

"I have always believed that every Chinese should have his or her own AK47."

"Now, the opportunity is here. Although you don't have money now, I can organize a grand opening promotion and give you credit in advance."

"Just remember the card number and remember to transfer money when it is safe."

"Brand new AK47, 1000 Chinese Yuan, 100 rounds of ammunition, free instruction on how to use it"

"Bulletproof vest, 1000 Chinese Yuan each, free help to put it on"

"High-explosive grenade, 1,000 Chinese currency each, free instruction on how to use it"

"Desert Eagle, 1000 Chinese Yuan, comes with 100 rounds of ammunition, free instruction on how to use it"

"You can't buy at a loss, you can't buy to be cheated, now the whole store is on sale, only 4,000 yuan, fully armed, go home safely."

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded when they heard it.

Good man, after saying so much, he ended up selling arms?

Moreover, it was so cheap, and allowed to be bought on credit.

What's the difference between this and giving it away for free?

At this moment, everyone's thoughts were surprisingly consistent, buy, must buy.

In the following time, Lin Yaozu stepped aside and left the remaining trivial matters to those assassins.

The just-made thing was just to feel how to conduct arms business in advance.

Of course, the main reason was simply to have fun. (To read the exciting novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Now it's time to interrogate the person in charge of the park. Before the possession, Lin Yaozu had checked it on the Internet.

It is said that the turnover of each line of these fraud parks can easily reach hundreds of millions, and a park has dozens or hundreds of lines, which is comparable to a money-making machine.

"Tell me! Where is the bank account number and password for the money that was defrauded?"

At this time, the person in charge of the park had already suffered a wave of inhuman treatment, and his whole body was covered with scars.

The death soldiers directly used the punishment and abuse methods that these fraud gangs used to treat the deceived on him.

When they just used half of it, the other party was already crying and begging for mercy. After a set was used up, they really said whatever they wanted.

A few minutes later, according to what the other party said, an account book was taken back by a death soldier.

Lin Yaozu glanced at it, and his talent [Photographic Memory] was activated, and he easily memorized all the information.

Then, he raised his hand and shot, and solved the other party's sinful life cleanly.

Begging for mercy?

For Lin Yaozu, forgiving this kind of garbage is what God wants to do.

And what he has to do (ahdi) is to send these people to see God.

Two hours later, the six or seven thousand deceived people were fully armed and brand new.

Seeing this, Lin Yaozu finally went on stage, waved his hand, and said

"Now, you are free. Anyone who blocks your way home can be sent to see God."

Everyone nodded when they heard this, and walked out in unison, their eyes revealing determination and murderous intent.

It seemed as if a sentence was engraved on their faces.

Those who stand in the way will die!

Lin Yaozu watched those people leave, with a kind smile on his lips.

He was indeed a great man who brought peace to everyone.

He turned his head and looked at the flesh and blood park where countless wronged souls were buried. He waved his hand and asked the dead soldiers to take action.

Since everyone has been killed, how can we not set a fire?

Killing and arson, killing and arson, if this fire is not set, it always feels like something is missing.

A moment later.

All the buildings in the park were set on fire at the same time.

For a time, the flames soared into the sky and the smoke billowed, which could be seen clearly dozens of miles away.

At the same time, the people who had just left turned their heads and looked at the scene of thick smoke rising into the sky. They were filled with emotion and their eyes faintly revealed a little relief.

After stopping for a moment, he turned around again and took a firm step, and the murderous intent in his eyes became three points stronger.

At the same time.

At the headquarters of Henry Group, in the president's office

"What? Someone actually dared to attack the park? Don't let the pigs run away, the park has also been set on fire"

"Have you found out who did it?"

"Haven't found out yet? You idiot! Why don't you check it out now?"

"Also, send someone to catch all those pigs. If you let one go, I'll take your place."

A seemingly beautiful woman hung up the phone angrily.

This person was Wei Rong, the big boss of the Henry Group. To describe her as a vicious person was the greatest compliment to her. Relying on her strong background, she had committed countless evil deeds over the years, and her hands were stained with the blood of countless innocent people. She had no such thing as humanity.


On the other side, outside Henry Park, Lin Yaozu gave an order to 8,000 death warriors to start a comprehensive cleanup.

All fraud groups encountered on the road will be killed without mercy.

Since this place is already not clean, let's just clean it up.

Then, cancel the use of the talent [Death Warrior Control] and collect the consciousness.

Eagle Sauce Country, New York City, villa.

Lin Yaozu stood up from the sofa and moved his slightly stiff body.

This time, the consciousness was possessed for too long, and the main body felt a little stiff after sitting on the sofa for a long time.

In the short term, Lin Yaozu did not plan to continue to participate in it. The matter in Myanmar will be left to the 180,000 death warriors sent there to slowly deal with it!

Anyway, there is no rush, let's see how much money is in these bank cards that have been brought back this time.

Thinking of this, he activated [Death Warrior Control] again and temporarily possessed a basic-level death warrior near hacker Kevin.

Then, all the bank card numbers that were previously memorized were said.

Hearing this, hacker Kevin quickly typed on the keyboard with both hands, so fast that it even danced out afterimages.

More than ten minutes later.

A total amount appeared.

A total of 1.3 billion Chinese yuan.

If converted, it is about 200 million US dollars, or 20,000 value points.

It doesn't seem much, but according to the person in charge of the park, the bulk of it has long been handed over to the Henry Group headquarters.

Only a small part of the money is left in these cards. Thinking of this, Lin Yaozu was relieved.

At the same time, he also wanted to destroy those fraud groups. This is also a group of big fat sheep!

And destroying them can be said to be acting on behalf of heaven.

It can be said that the light of righteousness shines on the earth.

After learning the amount, Lin Yaozu asked Kevin to transfer the money in batches several times to ensure that it would leave no trace on the Internet.

Then, he canceled the use of the talent [Death Man Control] again and returned his consciousness to the body.

New York, in the villa.

Lin Yaozu yawned, stretched, walked into the bathroom, and took a bath to relieve fatigue.

In another country, chaos has gradually unfolded, and many death warriors have begun to gather as a team and start killing.

Those fraudsters never expected that this time they would be deceived by a group of death gods.

With AK47 in hand, the death warriors were all very excited.

Even if some death warriors were outnumbered, they did not forget to pull out the high-explosive grenade and take away a group of people before they died.

For a time, various fraud gangs suffered heavy casualties, and some smaller ones were directly slaughtered by the death warriors.

Similarly, countless victims were fortunately rescued. The death warriors also promoted a wave of AK47 safe home kits on the spot according to the instructions that Lin Yaozu had given.

Sales increased dramatically, and all the victims bought a set to ensure safety.

That night, a team of several hundred people sent by the Henry Group intercepted the mighty team of six or seven thousand people who escaped from the park not far from the border.

The leader fired a few shots into the sky and was about to speak arrogantly.

Oncoming were countless people holding AKs and shooting wildly.

""Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang~"

The swarming bullets plowed a direction on the spot.

Countless high-explosive grenades fell from the sky, and the explosion roar lasted for more than ten minutes.

The leader and the team of hundreds of people merged directly with the soil.

Broken limbs?

There were no such things.

The high-explosive grenades exploded for more than ten minutes, and they were directly reduced to ashes, leaving nothing behind.

From the sky, the area turned into deep space after the explosion.

And those deceived teams who threw countless high-explosive grenades due to stress reaction also stayed in place for a long time before they recovered. Come on.

This earth-shattering commotion also alarmed the Chinese border guards.

When a small team of border guards arrived nearby, they were shocked by the huge team of thousands of people.

Without saying a word, they reported the situation to their superiors.

What to report?

Myanmar sent thousands of troops to invade Chinese territory.

Seeing that the huge team was advancing towards the border, the Chinese border guards gathered their courage, risked their lives for the country, and with their eyes ready to die, they stopped at the border with guns in hand and shouted in unison:

""The Chinese border is ahead, stop coming."

Hearing this, countless people burst into tears, their hands loosened, their AK47s fell to the ground, their bodies collapsed, and they cried loudly.

For a while, the crying was deafening, with both bitterness and sweetness.

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