The assassins were not moved at all, as if they didn't hear anything, and they still behaved the same as before.

They drank when they should drink, and chatted when they should chat.

No one took the man's words seriously.

After being ignored, Terrywell's face turned red instantly.

Especially the mocking look of his colleagues made him even more angry, and he was so embarrassed that he wanted to find a rat hole to crawl into.

The sense of shame and humiliation kept surging out.

In a rage, he reached out and took out a pistol, pointed it at the ceiling, and pulled the trigger.


Then, he roared at the assassins

"Damn it, you bunch of idiots, are you deaf?"

"Say it one last time"

"I am Terry Wells, an IRS tax officer, doing tax inspections!"

When he finished speaking, his tone was full of pride and arrogance.

However, the next moment, he was in a state of confusion.

He saw all the assassins in front of him pulling out guns from their bodies, some with AK47s, and some with Desert Eagles.

The muzzles of the guns were all pointed at this place.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang……"

"Da da da da……"

Instantly, gunshots roared, bullets poured out, and after a round of shooting.

After doing all this, the dead soldiers seemed to be fine and returned to their previous state.

Of course, some of them got up, walked over, and began to deal with the follow-up finishing work.

Not far from the door, an empty car with the IRS tax bureau logo was parked there alone, no longer waiting for its driver.

At the same time.

New York, villa area, by the swimming pool.

Lin Yaozu was playing in the water with his girlfriend Karina.

At this moment, he didn't notice that an inconspicuous battle reminder was flashed on the system panel.


【The subordinates' death squad (66 people) triggered an encounter battle, which took 3 seconds and the battle was won. Click here to view the results.……】

Not long after, this battle prompt was replaced by a new one.

In fact, this is normal.

Among the 800,000 dead soldiers, 250,000 of them are producing arms in the territory, the remaining 100,000 are in northern Myanmar, 300,000 are in New York, and 150,000 are scattered in various states and cities in the United States.

Although under normal circumstances, the dead soldiers will not take the initiative to cause trouble, but because Lin Yaozu has set up a rule that they must fight back to the death.

And there will always be sand sculptures who seek death.

Therefore, the appearance of battle prompts is naturally a common occurrence.

At this moment, Lin Yaozu didn't know.

The death gang composed of 300,000 basic-level dead soldiers and the most violent organization in the United States, the IRS tax, are not far from a full-scale conflict.

Of course, it is estimated that they don't care if they know it, anyway, no one can find relevant evidence of the connection between the death gang and him.

From the beginning, the connection between the two was very separate, without a trace of contact.

Suspicion is suspicion, there is no evidence, no one can do anything to him.

About two hours later, after having fun, Kalena collapsed and her voice became hoarse.

Lin Yaozu picked her up and they returned to the sofa in the house to sit and rest.

In their spare time, they turned on the TV and watched a show.

"Professor Cross, what do you think about the annihilation of the four major families in northern Myanmar by a mysterious organization?"

"First of all... this is a very macro military issue... Secondly... the so-called mysterious organization is... and after the destruction of the four major families, it will soon make……"

On the show, the so-called experts and professors were talking nonsense.

They used one unclear term after another to form a sentence that was completely incomprehensible.

I listened to your words, and you listened to your words.

In short, it was useless.

Seeing this, Lin Yaozu showed some sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

I never expected that the so-called experts in the Eagle Sauce Country would be so awesome. Think about those idiots in China. They really have learned the true teachings here!

On the TV show

"OK! Professor Cross's answer is really great"

"Next question, what is your opinion on the incident in which India seized 4.7 billion yuan of funds from Chinese entrepreneurs?"

Hearing this news, Lin Yaozu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.


That country full of strange things?

At this moment, he picked up his mobile phone and prepared to search the Internet for information. As for the nonsense of the experts and professors in the program, it doesn't matter if he doesn't listen. After a while, one after another related articles appeared on the phone.

《Argentina seizes and freezes 4.8 billion yuan worth of Chinese rice assets》——New Media News Network

《Banning more than 400 Chinese apps, what is India trying to do?》——International Current Affairs

《The national-level"pig-killing scheme" reappeared, and Chinese companies lost both their wives and their troops》——Gossip News Network


Below the article, there are countless comments from netizens.

"Ah San's group of monkeys are so despicable, they are so shameless"

"I feel like this behavior has really set a new bottom line."

"Xiaomi invested ten years in the smartphone industry, but it was ruined overnight"

"Haha...what's the difference between this and robbery?"

"Robbery? What do you mean by robbery? Doesn't this just give you an excuse and a piece of paper?"

"I guess no one will go back to invest in India anymore. It's a huge loss. It's a national-level pig-killing scheme. This method is really shameless."

"It really fits the saying, India makes money and spends it, and once they part, they want to take it home"


Looking at these comments, Lin Yaozu touched his chin and began to ponder.

India has been a little jumpy recently!

Moreover, it has come up with such a shameless operation. Should we go and make trouble?

However, it seems that there are only a bunch of poor people there. After sending the assassins over

, there is no benefit value to be gained except for doing evil.

Even if a branch is established and protection fees are collected, there is not much money to be collected.


Let's put this option aside for now!

Thinking of this, Lin Yaozu began to think about the next target of harm.

In the end���The target is set on the top ten chaebols in Goryeo.

They are rich and powerful, but they have no power to protect themselves. Isn't this the best target for harvesting?

Moreover, this time, we have to study the gameplay carefully before deciding how to start.

Since he has the talent [Reincarnation] and has solved the problem of life safety, Lin Yaozu's mentality and thinking have become more and more jumpy, and he has become closer to a fun-loving person.

Whatever comes to mind, do it, and find enough fun in it while obtaining value points.

This is his current behavioral logic.

In this era of information explosion, netizens are forgetful.

Since the outbreak of the Asan Kingdom incident, they have forgotten the destruction of the four major families in northern Myanmar a few days ago, and not many people have brought up the residual discussion again.

After learning about this result, for some reason, Lin Yaozu felt a little unhappy. After thinking for a long time, he figured out the reason.

It turned out that when he was pretending to be cool before, there were not many bystanders around, and there were no large numbers of people shouting 666 and awesome.

So, he felt uncomfortable because of this.

Of course, it is not very accurate to say that there were not many bystanders around when he was pretending to be cool.

To be precise, it should be that most of the people who have seen him show off and have not been killed on the spot are too few.

For example, the hundreds of armed forces in a certain park, the thousands of people left in the four major family villages in northern Myanmar...

These people witnessed him showing off in various ways at the time.

But in the end, none of them were left.

Lin Yaozu scratched his head, and the whole person was a little tangled.

Life is for showing off. If you can't show off in front of others, what's the point?

But it seems too early to show up on the stage in person.

Although there is a 99% chance that it will not fail, you still have to consider the remaining 1% possibility.


Is there a way to have the best of both worlds?

While he was distressed, he scanned a bunch of abilities on the panel.

Suddenly, when he saw one, Lin Yaozu suddenly realized and remembered something.

That's right! I almost forgot this.

Disguise proficiency!

Change your appearance, use a fake identity, and you can show off in person.

Although it is convenient to use [Death Man Control] to possess, it is not as cool as going on stage in person.

It seems like it would be nice to create a few fake accounts and go to various countries to have fun. This time I am going to Korea to stir up trouble and get some money from the top ten chaebols. I can go there and have some fun. I heard that the chaebols there are quite rampant and treat entertainment stars as playthings. It is a good opportunity to learn more about them.

I have eaten too much American food, so it would be nice to try some Korean food.

Moreover, according to the news, the daughters of several chaebol leaders seem to be very good. It is a good opportunity to give them a taste of their own medicine.

However, before going to Korea, I have to go to Texas in the United States. The headquarters of the arms group and the security group are planned to be set up there.

Texas is sparsely populated and has large areas of land that are allowed to be sold. It is a good place to enclose land and establish territories.

Unfortunately, the strength of the 18-point physique is not exaggerated. It was easily killed and made to lose all its armor.���Begging for mercy desperately.


Three hours later.

Lin Yaozu, who was not satisfied, sneaked into the villa next door and made a lot of trouble all night.

The next morning.

A luxury convoy set off from the villa, and Lin Yaozu was sitting in the car in the middle of the team.

The entire team, except for him, was full of elite killers. There were 100 people on the surface, responsible for protecting safety.

And secretly, Lin Yaozu could summon all the killers to his side at any time.

In fact, it was equivalent to a walking army of 800,000 killers.

A few hours later.

In the villa, Christina opened her eyes and woke up.

She got up to check, and it was still the same. She was the only one left in the room, and Lin Yaozu had disappeared long ago.

A moment later, after cleaning up the room, she was already cursing while taking a bath.

"Asshole, you didn't wear it again this time. I'm so pissed off"

"The sneak attack also failed, when can we succeed the second time?"

"FUCK, I can't fool the director any more."

"We must find a way to get some intelligence and results."

"There is a famous Chinese saying: There are only cows that die of exhaustion, but no fields that are plowed to death."

"I'll go and make another appointment with him later. If I don't give him time to rest and recover, I don't believe the sneak attack will fail."

Half an hour later,

Christina took a deep breath and sent another message.

【Waiting for you next door! Black stockings thigh temptation photo.jpg]

Three seconds later.

The phone lights up.

The reply content is displayed on it

【No appointment, I'm going on a long trip, see you later】

"Ahhhhh………Bastard... Bastard... Damn bastard... You must have done it on purpose last night... Lin Yaozu... I'm not done with you."

The frantic voice echoed throughout the room.


In the United States, outside the Texas Hotel, luxury cars stopped one after another, and the neat and uniform formation made the passers-by around them amazed.

Some stopped and began to wait and see, very curious about who the big shot was.

Some younger men and women even took out their phones to shoot videos.

One of them, a spirited young man named Wales, even took the opportunity to open a live broadcast room and kept explaining.

"'Oh! Did you see that? This is so cool! At the Texas Hotel, more than 20 identical luxury cars suddenly appeared."

"I really don't know which capitalist family leader in our Eagle Sauce country has come here."

"What a grand ceremony, hey hey hey... everyone, look... they are coming down... they are coming down... those in the front should be bodyguards, they are all wearing windbreakers"

"This... this is different... it should be the real one!"

"Coming here... coming here... walking over here... actually... actually... actually is a yellow man?"

"What? Yellow people? Am I seeing things?"

Speaking of this, the Eagle Sauce live broadcast guy Wales was stunned on the spot.

Not far away, other people who stopped by also exclaimed after seeing Lin Yaozu's appearance and skin color.

"Oh my god! A yellow man!���The show was so grand, I couldn't believe my eyes"

"It's incredible! I thought it was someone from the capitalist family in the United States! But it turned out to be a yellow man."

"I can't figure it out. This is the first time I've seen this kind of situation."

"But, to be honest, that yellow guy is so handsome! Fulis, I seem to have fallen in love at first sight!"

"Humph! Come on! Melinda, as long as you have money, you think you are handsome!"

"No! This time he's handsome and rich. I fell in love with him at first sight."


The netizens in the live broadcast room were also very excited after seeing this scene, with countless comments flooding the screen.

"FUCK! I can’t stand it. How can a mere yellow man behave so arrogantly?"

"I always feel that face is a little familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere before"

"Stop it! Look familiar? You're so funny! Don't you think every (Qian, Li, Zhao) yellow-skinned person's face looks familiar?"

"Hahahaha... I feel like all yellow people look the same, it's impossible to tell them apart"

"Quick, quick, follow him secretly and find out where that yellow man came from and what he is doing here"

"Yes, that's right, follow up and check it out"


Obviously, the arrogant scene just now aroused the strong curiosity of many American netizens who were watching the live broadcast.

They urged the guy who was broadcasting the live broadcast to follow up and find out what was going on, and they also gave him a wave of gifts.

After seeing the increase in income, Wales' eyes suddenly lit up and he began to follow up as required.

At the same time, the news spread from one to ten, and from ten to a hundred, attracting many American netizens to flock to the live broadcast room to watch.

In just a few minutes.

The number of online people began to rise rapidly.



10000... In a short while, it exceeded 30,000 online people, and it was still rising.

During this period, Wales was so scared that he almost threw his phone away after discovering this.

At this moment, there was only one thought left in his mind.

Send it!

This time it's really going to be sent!

As long as some netizens can stay.

This wave, I will take off directly.

Thinking of this, Wales felt so happy that he seemed to have reached the climax of his life.

At this moment, he solemnly made a promise to the netizens in the live broadcast room.

"Don't worry, I will definitely follow him and find out where that yellow man came from. Otherwise, I will just stand upside down and eat shit."

In the live broadcast room

"666, this oath is so cruel!"

"Just for this sentence, I must give out some gifts!"

"Stop talking nonsense and follow him! He disappeared in a moment!"


On the other side, Lin Yaozu glanced back and saw the sneaky figure in the distance.

Beside him, Garys came over and asked quietly

"Master, do you want to get rid of this little tail behind you?"

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