Inside the cafeteria.

All the transcendents carrying bowls, eating, and passing by were all watching Su Chen.

Look at Su Chen so calmly.

He...... Is it to pick it up or not to pick it up?

Chatter rang out one after another.

As the strongest newcomer, Su Chen is actually imagined by many extraordinary people as a challenge.

To put it simply, after learning about Su Chen's lightning power and second-order strength, they were not convinced.

And their attitude towards this challenge also determines their attitude towards Su Chen in the future.

"Is this little brother instigating?"

"Nonsense, being challenged by Wang Kuan, don't you instigate it?"

"Don't look at it, the name of the so-called strongest newcomer, everyone doesn't need to pay attention!"

All kinds of whispered chatter around.

Su Chen naturally heard it too.

To be honest, he came to the Reiki Bureau just in name.

It was the Reiki Bureau who took the initiative to invite him at a large cost.

Simply put, what other transcendent beings think of him, is it important?

It doesn't matter at all, and he won't care.



Su Chen indifferently looked at Wang Kuan in front of him and accepted the challenge.

Since the other party came to the door and was beaten, he would definitely not refuse!

As soon as these words sounded, the surrounding waves immediately became restless.

"Crouch! What's the situation, this little brother really dares to fight Wang Kuan? ”

"If you want face, don't die!"

"Hey, hey, hey... Or let's go up and persuade, if the newcomer is singled out and beaten by Wang Kuan, those of us who see the old people will be responsible! ”

"Fart! Wang Kuanming just wants to take the kid out of anger, do you dare to touch the seventh on the combat power list, the name of Black King Kong? ”

The people of the extraordinary group looked at Su Chen one by one.

The surprise in the eyes, the incomprehension completely rose to the extreme!

They couldn't believe that Su Chen had actually accepted the challenge of this impossible victory!

Could it be that in order to support the face of his strongest newcomer, he would rather be beaten up and make the people of the extraordinary group look up to him?

"Su Chen, don't!"

When she first accepted the challenge, Liu Yuehong immediately looked shocked.

Turning his eyes whispered.

One hand on Su Chen's hand.

But then her hand was gently waved away.

Su Chen immediately shook his head, as if he was disapproving of Wang Kuan.

Then he finally raised his eyes and looked at Wang Kuan.

"The gap between you and me is too obvious."

"So... The rules are yours! ”


What a big breath!

The onlookers all gasped.

Su Chen took on the challenge is outrageous enough, and now he actually forced the challenge rules to Wang Kuan!

Beat yourself to the disadvantage!

Is he crazy???

Listen to the chatter around you.

Wang Kuan also couldn't help but laugh and looked straight at Su Chen.

He is an older generation a month before Su Chen.

But that doesn't mean he'll let Su Chen go.

Since Su Chen has caught the drawbacks of his ability, he should take advantage of it.

This is not bullying, but an education for Su Chen.

The lightning power mastered by the other party is not omnipotent!

With a smile on his face, Wang Kuan said to Su Chen, "So be it." ”

"The Reiki Bureau has a special dueling room."

"Limited to five minutes."

"Whoever of the two of us falls first, even if whoever wins!"

"And the duel has to come up with some gimmick, and the bet will come to twenty power stones, how?"

"As you wish." Su Chen raised his eyes and said slowly.

Then he stood up.

This indifferent, even contemptuous action, made Wang Kuan completely shocked.

Wang Kuan's gaze followed Su Chen: "You guy..."

He can't understand!

Su Chen, this ordinary yellow-haired young man, where does the confidence come from!

But immediately, it was as if he had been hit hard by Su Chen's indifferent look.

He gritted his teeth: "Okay!" I lead the way! ”

The voice fell.

This challenge duel was completely intensified.

Su Chen and Wang Kuan, after various turns, came to a transparent and clean room.

The room is 2,000 square meters, which is the size of half a football field.

A duel of only two people is naturally enough.

Su Chen and Wang Kuan walked straight into the room through two doors.

Stand 50 meters apart.

Because the dueling room is transparent.

Everyone around who followed closely all the way, looking at the situation, inevitably changed their expressions a little.

Because the two thousand square meters of the duel room are enough, but that is only for ordinary transcendents.

For Su Chen's lightning power, it's still too small!

"The space in the dueling room is too restrictive for Su Chen!"

"That's right, the biggest advantage of lightning power is flexibility, and it is only a little distance to jump around in the duel room!"

"Limited time of five minutes, what does Su Chen take to defeat Wang Kuan???"

"After Su Chen's lightning power is exhausted, it will surely usher in Wang Kuan's rapid counterattack, and he can't afford to fall to the ground!"

Obviously, everyone also thought of the situation of the dueling room in advance.

The talk is getting louder.

There are concerns about Su Chen's safety.

There are direct openings.

All of them are not optimistic about Su Chen's voice.

The medical staff who arrived in advance, looking at Su Chen in the transparent room, even tightened their grip on the medical equipment in their hands, ready to rescue Su Chen!


Liu Yuehong pressed one hand against the glass wall and looked at Su Chen in the transparent room.

The tension on the face is becoming more and more obvious!

Super healing coupled with copper walls and iron bones, she really doesn't know how Su Chen has to deal with it to win! *

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