At The Beginning, Flying Thunder God Slash Was Broadcast Live By The School Flower

Chapter 30: Killing Chen Qiang in seconds, Namikaze Minato's peak strength!

Immortal mode is on.

The world in Su Chen's eyes has changed again.

At this time, in the entire room, he could clearly see the extremely intense ice element.

At the same time, there is a steady stream of ice elements in the air, which are pouring towards your body.

For this reason, it does not feel too difficult to block, or even control these ice elements.

"Sleeping... Sleeping, what's the situation? ”

Inside the house, Chen Qiang looked at Su Chen's changing appearance and was stunned on the spot.

Frog-like pupils, orange-red eyeshadow.

This picture is as if humans have mutated!

Wrong! It's into a certain state!

Because at this moment in his sight, Su Chen is not like in the movies and television dramas he watched, mutated into a monster, extremely ugly.

The temperament of the whole person is still otherworldly.

It's like you've entered some kind of amplification!

"You... You give me a roll! ”

Chen Qiang trembled and sounded, and one hand kept opening to Su Chen.

In his eyes, the momentum exuded by Su Chen was more than five times stronger than the original.

His own frozen realm is completely unable to affect it at all!

Damn, what the hell is this ability!

I've never seen it at all!

But even if Chen Qiang's heart completely collapsed at this time, like a madness, it still did not affect any emotions of Su Chen.

Immortal mode.

Su Chen's figure disappeared in an instant, appearing behind Chen Qiang.

The latter's expression widened in an instant, his mouth was open, and his face was full of surprise.

This teleportation is not the effect of his launching Flying Thunder God.

It's the speed generated by the random explosion of flesh in immortal mode!

It's hard to see even the afterimage with the human eye!

It was also at this moment.

The aura in his hand continued to gather, and Su Chen struck Rasengan directly on Chen Qiang's back.

"Xianfa· Rasengan! ”

There was no wave in his eyes, and Su Chen sounded faintly.


Rasengan exploded.

Spiral air waves are raging wildly in the room!

The raging air waves shattered wooden tables, chairs, bookshelves, and ice crystals in the room.

It also shattered Chen Qiang's flesh in an instant.

Turn into a cloud of blood and sprinkle it on the ground!

"The first time you kill someone, there will really be some psychological burden."

"But the thought of being a wicked person who deserves to die is much relieved!"

Looking at Chen Qiang's mutilated corpse on the ground, Su Chen muttered.

He turned his eyes and saw the body of a middle-aged man on the ground.

As far as he knows, the middle-aged man, the father of the little girl, died to protect him.

Chen Qiang, as the initiator, even if he kills a hundred times, it is not enough to vent his anger.

"Report Fire Phoenix, the target has been solved, let the law enforcement team come up and clean up!"

After notifying the communicator, Su Chen's figure disappeared directly in place.

Reappearing on the ground, Su Chen walked towards Liu Yuehong when he noticed that beside the latter, the chief enforcer was loudly organizing people to go upstairs.

Footsteps sounded.

Everyone noticed his appearance.

At the same time, a grateful glance was thrown at him.

"Mission accomplished, let's go back too."

Liu Yuehong walked in front of Su Chen and smiled slightly.


Su Chen didn't say much, got into the car with Liu Yuehong and Qin Ying, and returned to the extraordinary bureau.


Fast forward to evening.

Inside the villa.

In a quiet environment, Su Chen is sitting alone on the sofa.

After returning to the Transcendent Bureau, as for receiving task remuneration, power stones and other things, he handed over all to Liu Yuehong to deal with.

In the process, there were also some surprises for him.

In his cognition, Liu Yuehong has always been a slightly high-profile woman.

For example, the last time Wang Kuan wanted to invite Liu Yuehong to dinner, he was threatened to break his leg.

And this time I just mentioned that I wanted to ask her to help, but I didn't expect this woman to agree directly.

"If Liu Yuehong handles the trivial matters in the extraordinary bureau for me in the future, it will indeed save me a lot of trouble!"

"I can also focus more on improving my strength and increasing my integration!"

Thinking of this, Su Chen's heart moved, and he immediately opened the character panel.

【Current four-generation integration: 32%】

"Thirty-two percent?"

Look at the degree of fusion.

Su Chen looked a little surprised.

Since he fought Chen Qiang, he clearly remembered only 22.1%!

Unexpectedly, after solving Chen Qiang, the degree of integration directly came to 32%!

This speed can not be said to be skyrocketing!

While raising a trace of joy on his face, Su Chen couldn't help but affirm Chen Qiang's strength in his heart.

After all, it is a fourth-order transcendent, and it has such a powerful ability as freezing.

After the fight, the degree of integration should be improved so high!

"However, the so-called strength of the freezing ability is only for ordinary transcendents."

"For me, it can only be described as vulnerable."

Sigh slowly. Su Chen recalled the scene of himself fighting Chen Qiang.

After turning on the immortal mode, Chen Qiang's freezing ability was indeed shattered when touched!

And even if you don't turn it on, you can solve it in three minutes!

Shaking his head, Su Chen no longer cared, and then looked back at his current reward.

[30% unlocked by fusion: the peak strength of the fourth generation of ontology]

That's when Su Chen looked at the information panel.

His expression was suddenly startled.

Suddenly, I only felt a huge stream of heat rushing into my mind.

When the fourth generation faced the enemy army and fought with various powerful people in the world, the pictures of the battle all came to his mind! *

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