At The Beginning, Flying Thunder God Slash Was Broadcast Live By The School Flower

Chapter 95: The Holy Woman is not strong, throw over a tailed beast jade Rasengan can always solve i

In the live broadcast room where Dragon Country and the United States merged.

The barrage exploded, and the argument raged into flames.

At the same time.

Inside the stadium, after the first round of fighting.

Due to the second round of the battle between Cerona and Su Chen, the relationship began only two hours later.

The people on both sides of the Bright Sect and the Reiki Bureau first rested in the preparation area.

At this time, the Dragon Country is in the war zone.

A group of extraordinary beings, numbering about forty or fifty people, all looked up at the large screen above the room.

At the moment after the referee declares victory.

Everyone in the room instantly stood up from their seats, looked at each other, looked excited, and burst into cheers from constant applause.

"Brother Su, cow!!"

"Is this Brother Su's strength!"

"Sleeping, this last move to drop the Immortal Law Spiral Shuriken of the five extraordinary people in the United States is really amazing, I have never seen Brother Su use this move before!"

"As the same extraordinary people of the Reiki Bureau, if only we could be like Brother Su and win glory for the country!

"This wave, the Bright Sect was really well educated by Brother Su once, it's really angry!"

In the midst of a burst of cheers, Zhang Tai'an, director of the Reiki Bureau, also stood, looking at the picture of Su Chen leaving the live broadcast room, showing a smile on his serious face.


"Although when I listened to Su Chen before, I felt that he was very confident, and he should be able to win the competition.

"But I never expected that he would win so easily. 99

Right at this moment.

With a squeak, Zhang Taian couldn't help but turn his head to look at the rotating doorknob and said with a smile.

"Everyone, be quiet, Little Brother Su is back."

This faint voice just sounded.

Just listening to the originally provocative chatter in the entire room immediately subsided at a very fast speed, and people's eyes turned to the figure who pushed open the door and walked in.

Exactly Su Chen.

At this time, Su Chen pushed the door and entered, with a calm expression.

In the next moment, as if feeling something, Su Chen turned his eyes and noticed everyone in the room "six seven seven" who were all looking at him.


For a while, Su Chen didn't know what to say.

Although he defeated that holy woman in the first round, it boosted the morale of the dragon country a lot.

But that is just a very sparse and ordinary thing for myself.

One move of the Immortal Law Dayu Spiral shuriken is only thirty percent of the strength.

There is no need to make such a grand appearance.

However, it was when Su Chen thought so.

Before he could speak, Zhang Taian had already walked in front of him with a smile on his face and spoke.

"Little brother Su, welcome back victoriously!"

"Your performance when you just fought really surprised everyone in our house. 35

"As the director of the Reiki Bureau, I am truly honored that a talent like you can appear in the Dragon Country!

When the words fell, Zhang Taian signaled Su Chen to look at everyone in the room.

Seeing this, Su Chen turned his head to look at everyone in the room.

I saw dozens of extraordinary people in the room, first of all, a group of young people looking at themselves with adoration and awe.

That look was as if he regarded himself as the "only true god of the Dragon Country".

Secondly, there are a group of girls with various smiles on their faces, looking at their own eyes.

This kind of look seems to see himself as an "idol".

It is also under this one look.

The whole crowd boiled at once, and the sounds of discussion, worship, and envy continued to sound.

The words were not the same as when Su Chen first declared victory.

The only different thing was that in the crowd, a beautiful figure led by a beautiful figure slowly walked forward.

It was Xiao Yanran.

Looking at Xiao Yanran coming, Su Chen didn't know at this time.

In the Reiki Bureau, Xiao Yanran has always had his own legends and names.

Just during the testing stage, the talent displayed surprised all the extraordinary people in the Reiki Bureau.

Later, Xiao Yanran also experienced several actual combat tests between extraordinary beings.

The results of the battle all ended with the girl knocking her opponent to the ground in less than three seconds, and the victory was complete.

At this point, Xiao Yanran has obtained the title of the only goddess of the Reiki Bureau under Su Chen.

It has gained a lot of crushes,

At the same time, walking in front of and behind Su Chen, Xiao Yanran raised his eyes and smiled slightly: "Congratulations Brother Su, win the first round."

This scene appears.

When everyone around saw it, they all showed expressions that they didn't know who to envy for a while.

"Well, thanks congratulations." "

Out of courtesy, Su Chen naturally answered and nodded.

Right at this moment.

"Awesome! Brother Su! 99

Only to hear another commotion, Su Chen raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help but look at the place where the voice sounded.

There was a row of people lying on stretchers, standing on crutches, or wearing bandages on their upper bodies.

After noticing this scene, Su Chen was slightly stunned.

Of course, he recognized these people, although he didn't know what their names were, but naturally they were all the other eight extraordinary beings who had just played against Serona in addition to Xiao Yanran.

But logically speaking, after being injured just now, shouldn't these people be sent to the medical department of the Reiki Bureau in time to heal their injuries?

How come it will be in the preparation room now.

At the same time, in a brief silence, he seemed to notice Su Chen's doubts.

Beside him, Zhang Taian explained with a smile: "Ding Shuai, although they were injured just now, they don't agree to go to the medical room, not to say that they don't feel like watching the live broadcast in the medical room, but they have to watch it with everyone here!"

"That's the case, that's really hard work for you, rest well."

Looking at these people, Su Chen also nodded, and did not have the slightest polite advice to Ding Shuai and the other eight people.

However, what he didn't expect was that immediately after, Ding Shuai waved his hand repeatedly, and the happy voice spoke.

"Not hard! Not hard!35

"It's okay, as long as you can see Brother Su win the championship, then let us be injured a little more!"

"Yes, yes, when I saw Brother Su finally give us a good breath, I was really happy, this injury, I don't complain!"

"Indeed, what a Bright Saint, Brother Su, the next one will beat her up!"

A sound sounded, and Su Chen couldn't help but smile when he heard it.

Without saying anything, Zhang Tai'an next to him smiled gently.

"Little brother Su, just fought, you go back to rest first, and when we leave next, we will call you!"


Nodding, Su Chen didn't say anything, so he walked straight to his original corner and sat on the sofa.

After this scene, the environment in the preparation area is also lively.

Not paying attention to the voices of the people around her, Su Chen remembered her own degree of integration.

Having just defeated ten transcendent second-order transcendents, the degree of fusion should have improved a lot.

Thinking of this, Su Chen moved his mind and opened the character panel directly.

[You defeated an extraordinary second-order opponent and increased your fusion by 0.3%!]

[You defeated an extraordinary second-order opponent and increased your fusion by 0.3%!]

[You defeated an extraordinary second-order opponent and increased your fusion by 0.1%!]

【Current four-generation integration: 74.6%】

Watch as a cascade of hints of rising fusion rises.

"Defeating the ten transcendents of the United States has increased my fusion level by 2.6%. 99

Su Chen muttered in a voice that only he could hear.

This harvest is not bad.

2.6% increase in integration.

It also made him feel that his strength had solidified a few points.

Today's rank should already be at the peak of the third-order transcendence!

However, although it felt that the gains were considerable, Su Chen was not too happy about it.

Looking at the specific values of a series of fusion increases, Su Chen also understood that at this time, with the improvement of his strength, he could only increase by 0.1% in the end by killing second-order extraordinary opponents.

"It seems that it is unlikely that I will get a significant increase in integration from this level of existence in the future.

As soon as he spoke, Su Chen couldn't help but sigh a little.

However, the sigh did not last long, after all, as his strength rose, if he wanted to become stronger in strength, he naturally had to challenge a stronger existence.

This is completely normal.

Moreover, although the second-order transcendent is no longer good, the saint girl he will fight against next is the main thing!

If you can defeat the holy woman, you can definitely get a large wave of fusion increase!

Directly unlock the six-way mode!

At the same time, for the strength of the saint woman, after watching the video, he also had a certain understanding.

It can only be said that for the transcendents of this world, it is very strong, and it can even be said to be a crushing level.

But.... It's still too tender for yourself.

Just with the golden flash ability that he has mastered now.

In the form of a fairy fox model, it can be defeated with a super-large jade spiral shuriken.

It's really not possible, after turning into a golden nine-tailed, throwing over a fairy law super large jade spiral shuriken or tailed beast jade Rasengan can definitely solve the problem.

However, the power of the nuclear explosion that comes with it is somewhat exaggerated and needs to be paid attention to.

Thinking of this, Su Chen, who was calm in his heart, was already looking forward to the degree of integration that Serona could provide.


It was when the Dragon Country Preparation Zone was very lively here.

On the other side, the US war zone.

The atmosphere in the room was diametrically opposed to the Dragon Country Preparation Zone.

After the battle, the defeated ten American transcendents were sent to the infirmary on the spot to heal their wounds.

In the whole room, there were only two people, Serona and Malter.

But even in such a situation.

The atmosphere in the room still gives people a feeling of being extremely cold, like falling into an ice cave.

Sitting on the chair, Mette felt the figure beside him, lowered his head, and was the archbishop of the Holy See of Light.

Now I was stunned by the chill emanating from Serona, and I was too frightened to say a word.

Only Serona kept looking at the phone.

On the phone, a recorded footage of Su Chen's last battle was played.

Between the eyes, slightly fluctuated.

At this time, she finally knew that she had previously activated her foreknowledge ability against Su Chen, and saw a back full of golden light.

At the same time, after the first battle, she already knew the gap between her strength and Su Chen.

After all, there is not much need to fight between masters, even if it is only from the details of a battle, the winner can be divided.

Losing in the first round basically means that his current strength is ninety percent less likely than Su Chen!

Thinking of this, a solemn look appeared in Serona's eyes, and in her mouth, she said slowly: "This golden flash is worthy of my full strength."

This one sounded.

Next to him, Myrt, who heard this, turned his head and said with a somewhat surprised expression.

"Holy Daughter, are you going to...

"Well, in the next battle against Golden Flash, I will activate the ultimate power that the Lord of God has given me!"

With a sound, Serona's eyes were calm 0....

After hearing these words, the shock in Malter's eyes was even greater, and he slowly spoke.

"Holy Daughter, have you thought about it? Once the power is activated, you will fall into a period of up to two months of divine weakness.

"During this period, you can't use your powers again!

"I know this, although the price is indeed great, but now my battle with the golden flash has become the focus of the two countries, the arrow is on the string, I have to send it! And after defeating the golden flash, it can completely consolidate and deepen the people's faith in the Lord of God, and in this way, the consequences are also extremely objective!99

These words sounded, as if Serona felt that she could not lose to Su Chen.

At the same time, Mette's expression was also quite serious: "Well, just listen to you, in order to defeat the Dragon Country, you can only do this." "

"Lord Bishop, in that case, then you should go and prepare a live broadcast facing the whole country now.

"Next, I want everyone to see the gesture that truly belongs to the Holy Daughter of Light!

Speaking of this, Serona's head was raised slightly, and her eyes were full of pride.

Leave with Malter.

On the sofa, Serona lifted the back of her hand and looked at it seriously.

I saw that on the back of the white hand, a white sword-like mark was engraved.

The sword-like imprint is symmetrical in center and bears a variety of complex and esoteric textures.

Fang Cai, the power she said to be activated is naturally related to this sword-like mark.

This sword-like mark also appeared on the back of her hand when she awakened her magical powers.

She looked at the mark and sensed that it was also part of her own power.

To briefly explain, the transcendent who awakens three extraordinary abilities at the same time is highly talented and powerful.

This white sword-like mark was like a switch for the power in her body.

After opening, she can completely liberate the power in her body, and temporarily have several more awakening powers, and under this awakening, her strength can be increased at least ten times!

But at the same time, this excessive consumption will also cause her to enter a period of weakness of up to two months, unable to use the slightest abnormal energy.

It was also in this effect that she regarded the mark as part of the power given to her by the Lord of God and named it "Holy Seal".


Thinking of this, Serona did not hesitate, moved her mind, and directly liberated the Holy Seal.


I saw that the holy seal on the back of her hand suddenly shone from the white texture at the bottom of the sword hilt, and along with the shining, a little light rose and dissipated like light dust.

It was also at the moment of liberation of the Holy Seal.


In the whole room, the coercion increased sharply for a while.

At this time, if ordinary transcendents were here, they would definitely be directly shocked to their knees by this coercion.

Immediately after, Serona released a rich aura of light elementals.

The rank is still the third-order transcendent without any change.

But the strength emitted by the extraordinary energy of the whole body suddenly increased by dozens of times!

At the same time, with the liberation of the Holy Seal, Serona's appearance also changed.

I saw that on her forehead, a white mark in the shape of a "star" slowly appeared.

A crown of light must have risen above her head.

Four streamer ribbons blessed with her under her arms and in front of her waist.

For a while, this appearance really had a feeling that Serona was blessed by the light element.

It corresponds exactly to her title of the Holy Daughter of Light.

Seeing this scene, Serona looked at her palm and couldn't help but say 3.5 words.

"Having said that, although I already knew the ability after liberating the Holy Seal, it seems that this is the first time I have used it!

While speaking, Serona also felt the three new awakening abilities she had after liberating the Holy Seal.

These abilities have long been named by her.

[Recovery]: The body is blessed with the power of light, can be resurrected from the dead, and can only be used once in a lifetime, after use, the ability is permanently dissipated!

[Divine Concealment]: The body understands a certain law of light, and has an ability to be invisible under the light, which is impossible to capture with the human eye!

[Divine Presence]: As long as the crown of light is formed on the head during the liberation of the power of light, it is only the initial appearance, and as the liberation time becomes longer, the body will gradually enter the state of "Divine Presence".

In the state of divine presence, the body can condense the power of light with dozens of times the previous strength, and the attack that erupts in such a situation is extremely powerful!

Thinking of this, Serona couldn't help but sigh slowly.

"It's a pity that because the strength of the condensed light power is too high, it has a great load on the user's physique."

"As a result, I can only launch one attack in my Divine Presence.

Talking to herself, Serona's eyes rose with a frenzy again.

Even just one attack is enough.

Because as far as she knew, at this stage of the world, there was no transcendent person who could withstand her own blow.

Immediately, Serona couldn't help but recall Su Chen's previous actions.

She really couldn't see through the power that the other party mastered, what it was.

But she extremely did not understand, why did Su Chen dare to disdain her faith!

Thinking of this, Serona raised her eyes and said with confidence: "However, these are no longer important now. 35

"Next, under the suppression of my divine presence, Su Chen's hidden power will inevitably be exposed!"

And he will tremble under the power of faith in the Lord of God!

"Next, facing Su Chen will surely see the power of the belief in the Lord of God!"

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