Now the whole men's high-end counter. Only Chen Yang and Su Hailan.

Seeing that everyone had left, Su Hailan also became bolder and began to release her own nature.

She will first

She pulled up her ultra-short hip-packed skirt, revealing her slender thighs. Then he pulled down the tight-fitting suspender I-shirt. The proud C circumference is about to come out

Chen Yang looked at Su Hailan's small movements, and sneered inwardly, "It's really submissive_. No matter if I look from the bottom to the top or from the top to the bottom, I can see the fishy smell._"

"Chen Yang, what are you still doing? Come and try." Su Hailan leaned on the counter and raised her arm to hook Chen Yang.

Hmph, do you think you are my godmother? I will eat your set?

Chen Yang

He snorted coldly in his heart, ignoring Su Hailan at all, turned and sat on the chair in the rest area.

"I'm tired and I'm too lazy to move. If you're willing to help me try it, bring it yourself." Chen Yang said coldly.

Su Hailan was taken aback. Then I felt unhappy in my heart, and I even played with my mother. The old lady found so many men. It wasn't when I hooked my hand that I knelt down under my pomegranate skirt.

I paid you 28 million for this. You still put on the shelf

Okay, let me make you proud for a while. I'm torturing you when I take you down, when you're madly infatuated with me.

"Ha ha

, I'm tired, okay, I'll send it to you. "Su Hailan chuckled _ She took the watch case and walked to (ciac) Chen Yang with three twists and sat down next to Chen Yang.

"Come on, give me your hand, and I'll put it on for you." Su Hailan looked at Chen Yang with a bewitching expression.

"Okay." Chen Yang raised his eyebrows and passed his hand.

The corner of Su Hailan's mouth twitched, and she said in her heart: _Isn't it pretending? I can't take you down, you little boy, I've been in vain for so many years. "

Smiling, Su Hailan leaned forward and approached Chen Yang, ready to touch Chen Yang's body.

And just when Su Hailan was about to touch

Shi. ​​Chen Yang suddenly shook his hand, the back of his hand went straight to Su Hailan's face.

There was a crisp sound. The back of Chen Yang's hand just hit Su Hailan in the face.

Su Hailan tilted her head. The whole person is covered. She couldn't believe it. He was actually slapped by Chen Yang.


"Oh, why are my hands numb?"

Just as Su Hailan was about to get angry, L Chen Yang threw her hand up. Pain on the face

"Su Quren, I'm so sorry, my hands are numb, I didn't hit you just now."

"Even if I hit you. You won't be mad at me. I'm too late.

Brother, if I didn't believe that I met my mother, my godmother would not have the heart to blame me. "

Chen Yang said... Su Hailan was speechless.

Of course, Su Hailan didn't want to talk, or she didn't find the opportunity to speak, waiting for Chen Yang to finish speaking. She couldn't refute it.

On the one hand, Su Hailan didn't want Lin Yuyan to compete, and on the other hand, Lin Yuyan was right beside her, so how dare she really get angry with Chen Yang.

If she gets really angry, she won't have any good results. Those two bodyguards like door gods are just twenty meters away.

"Hehe, how can I be angry." Su Hailan forcibly suppressed her anger.

Forcefully squeezed out a smile, "But... your hands are strong enough. My face really hurts."

Strong? I think it's still light! It's not too much for a woman like you to slap your face.

Chen Yang sneered in his heart, no_I don't want to be too stiff with you yet.

Otherwise, you won't have to play later.

"Maybe I'm young. I have a lot of energy_ But when Su Hailan heard Chen Yang say that she had a lot of energy, L subconsciously looked at Chen Yang's leg. And she swallowed.

Just hit it. And it's all right." Su Hailan comforted herself in her heart.


Ha ha. it's ok. i don't have pain anymore

.bring it on. "Su Hailan chuckled lightly and reached out to touch Chen Yang again.

This time, Chen Yang didn't dodge, although he was very reluctant to respond to Su Hailan, but for the sake of future plans, he could only endure it.

Even if you fish, you must have a bait horse 2

Su Hailan grabbed Chen Yang's hand as she wished, and her face suddenly became rosy.

She grabbed Chen Yang's hand, approached it little by little, and finally placed it directly on her C ring.

"Yo, your hands are so beautiful. How can you take care of them so well? Teach me?" Su Hai

Lan said enchantingly.

"I'm young. My skin will naturally heal." Chen Yang glanced at Su Hailan, "Su Quren is no longer young, but he really needs to take good care of it, otherwise he will shrink."

"You said I'm deflated?" Su Hailan glared at her beautiful eyes. Pulling on his shirt again. "Would you like to try it on the front?"

Chen Yang sneered. He raised his nose and said, "Su Quren. Do you smell anything?


"Can't you smell such a strong smell? It's the stench of old salted fish."

When Su Hailan heard this, her face suddenly sank. silver teeth

Screaming to himself.

This time, she is really on fire


Chapter 88: Please pinch me once! (Please subscribe!)

Chen Yang's successive humiliation and provocation towards Su Hailan finally angered Su Hailan.

Su Hailan's eyes widened, anger flashed in her eyes. Teeth rattled. man. Which man didn't get it with a hook, but now he has repeatedly bumped into the wall in front of a hairy boy, which made her really unacceptable.

Since it's useless to be confused, Then straight to the point!

Su Hailan narrowed her eyes and said in a deep voice, "Chen Yang, don't put on a cold air. I'm not pretending anymore. Let's get straight to the point and I'll see you. I want to be nice to you. You can make a price. "

Hearing this, Chen Yang raised his eyebrows. immediately mocked

road. L "Su Hailan. You are so brazen. Do you think everyone is as bad as you?"

"Hehe, I'm the next one. But I'm on the bright side, unlike some people. On the surface, I'm pure and clean, but in fact, I'm full of male thieves and female prostitutes!" Su Hailan sneered.

"What are you talking about, who are you talking about?" Chen Yang's eyes narrowed. bursts of cold light

"You don't know who I am talking about?" Su Hailan sneered, "Chen Yang, you can just open the conditions. How much Lin Yuyan will give you. I will double it."

"I also tell you that Lin Yuyan is far worse than me in terms of pleasing men.

If you want to spend a night with me, I promise you will never forget me in your life. "

"How about it, do you consider-...?"

slap L

Su Hailan hasn't finished speaking yet. It was interrupted by a loud slap.

This: - This time is even more ruthless than the last time. Su Hailan was really befuddled. I haven't recovered for a long time.

Chen Yang looked at Su Hailan indifferently, oh my. Hand cramps again. You say I see how your hands always cramp. Is it because of the stench on your body? "

"You!" Su Hailan's eyes widened. They were about to burst into flames. Chen Yang hits continuously

He slapped him twice. The humiliation drove her crazy.

However, Chen Yang didn't give Su Hailan a chance to get angry at all, he shook his shoulders. The left hand grabbed Su Hailan's neck like lightning

The five fingers exerted a little force one by one, and Su Hailan could no longer breathe. After a few seconds, her face turned red. Full of pain.

"Let go.:. Let go:..." Su Hailan grabbed Chen Yang's wrist with both hands. , abruptly squeezed out two words, but Chen Yang ignored it at all

"It's very uncomfortable, do you feel that death is very close to you?" Chen Yang said coldly, "Remember this feeling, if you let me hear you next time

There are words that allude to my mother. I will let you live rather than die. Is it clear?"

Su Hailan can't answer now. Her face gradually turned from red to purple. Her eyes rolled up and her saliva flowed from the corners of her mouth.

Chen Yang saw that Su Hailan's saliva was about to drip on the back of his hand. Disgust flashed in his eyes. He quickly pulled his hand back.

Huhu.: Hu_.

Su Hailan, who had escaped death, was lying on the tea table, panting heavily, her whole body trembling uncontrollably.

Su Hailan gasped for a while before raising her eyes.

Zi looked at Chen Yang. At this time, her eyes were full of complex rays of light.

There is fear, fear, and anger. But more really - an inexplicable excitement.

Yes, just excited.

Su Hailan actually had a kind of exciting excitement in this near-death escape. This is really ridiculous to the extreme.

With this feeling, Su Hailan herself felt ridiculous, but she just couldn't hold back this feeling.

Chen Yang looked at Su Hailan coldly.

The occasion is not right. I'll give you a little punishment so that I won't meet you again. I won't be so soft-hearted. "

After he finished speaking, Chen Yang gave Su Hailan a blank look and turned to leave.

- "Wait a minute." Su Hailan stood up with difficulty and stopped Chen Yang.

Chen Yang stopped, but didn't look back, "What? Are you trying to say something harsh to me? Say it. I'm listening, but I hope you can bear the consequences after speaking."


Eh? Chen Yang was taken aback. He turned around suddenly and looked at Su Hailan. "What did you say?"

"Can you - do it again-" After saying that, Su Hailan's face flushed red. She didn't know how she could make such a cheap request.

But she just couldn't hold back

"What are you doing again?" Chen Yang didn't react.

Su Hailan lowered her head and bit her red lips vertically. Her face was full of tangle, as if she was fighting with her heart.

A few seconds passed. She raised her head suddenly, her eyes flashing with determination. ""Pinch me once, please..."

"Are you sick?" Chen Yang scolded Su Hailan-Xun, turned around and left.

This bitch, is he really sick? He is addicted to pinching⊥

After Chen Yang left, Su Hailan stood on the spot with a sluggish expression, her whole body showing a stupid state.

She is now full of images of being strangled by Chen Yang's neck and about to breathe.

Why? Why do I feel this way?

God. what's wrong with me

Su Hailan thought in a daze. She couldn't believe that she would have such a hobby. Su Hailan has been doing it for more than 20 years. Among them, she has broken through the bottom line. I can't count.

But she didn't expect it. There is still a bottom line that she has not broken through, which makes her feel incredible. It also gave her a kind of excitement that she had never had before.


It is Su Hailan's next work over the years. They are all acting like a queen.. She treats those men as slaves.

In Cong Lai, she tortured people, but no one tortured her. And today. She was completely tortured by Chen Yang and almost suffocated to death.

This is equivalent to opening a new door for her. _A new world she had never stepped into.

Hu:.:: Hu....Su Hailan took a few deep breaths. The luster in her eyes slowly recovered and her consciousness gradually became clearer.

Su Hailan made a decision the first time she was conscious.

No matter how much you pay

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