If you think about it, the amount of extortion this time is indeed a little excessive.

Coupled with the fact that things were resolved so smoothly, it would be not interesting to ask for money again.

Anyway, this matter has nothing to lose to him, so he will deal with it at will.

Two days later, King Liku had already prepared the honorarium and sent it to Liuchuan.

At the same time, the matter of the ship and Yanagawa's official position on the island were also determined.

Because of Yanagawa's transcendent status, King Riku was embarrassed to engage in some false things, copied the rules of the country of Wa, and gave Yanagawa the title of "King Ming of the Protector".

Later, he publicized how Yanagawa defeated Doflamingo, and this thing basically happened.

The people will not learn much of the truth, and only regard Yanagawa as the hero who protects Dressrosa.

To this, Crocklodar said only one word.

"Shitty hero!"

What personality does Yanagawa he still don't know?

Just his temper is still heroic, bah!

However, it must be admitted that Yanagawa did save Dressrosa from Doflamingo.

Even Klockdar couldn't deny this.

In addition to this, that's the ship thing.

In the New World, it's not so easy to travel to other islands.

Either take the tailwind "ship" of those pirates, or drive the boat yourself.

In addition, if you want to reach your destination, you have to rely on the merchant ship of the Great Chamber of Commerce.

However, because of the peculiarities of Wano Country, no businessman wants to go to Wano Country.

To this end, the plan given by Riku is to first go to the neutral country of Kurek, and from Kurek transfer to the pirate ship to the country of Wa.

Yanagawa agreed after a little thought, moved his things out of Klockdar's ship, and set off from Dressrosa with the two cash boxes of the latest harvest.

After he left from Dressrosa, Klockdar took Yanagawa's place and helped guard Doflamingo.

At the same time, Klockdar is also secretly searching for clues through the intelligence left by Yanagawa.

Just as the palace needs to be rebuilt, a large number of agents join the engineering team, looking for clues while dealing with the ruins on the King's Heights.

When it's okay, Klockdar goes to Doflamingo to see what's going on.

Occasionally I had a chat with Doflamingo.

As the same Qiwu Sea, they actually have quite a lot of topics in common.

But Doflamingo seemed uninterested, and most of the time he was at war between Klockdahl and Yanagawa.

It's a pity that Klockdar didn't believe a word, which made Doflamingo feel both funny and angry.

"Hey, did you hear it, that little ghost is lying to you at all, you fooled you know?"

"There is no such thing as Hades, he just tricked you into coming to work, don't be obsessed." "

"You release me, and I'll accompany you to find him to settle the score!"

Without the last sentence, Klockdahl might have believed that.

But Doflamingo's intentions were so obvious, as if to get out, that Klockdar couldn't believe it.

"Instead of talking nonsense, you might as well tell me where Hades is, and if I know the whereabouts of Hades, maybe I will release you as soon as I am happy, or you will think about it again?"

Klockdar didn't really want to get definitive news from Doflamingo.

Just like Yanagawa said, if Doflamingo knew where Hades was, he would stay here to plot the Kingdom of Dressrosa.

Isn't it good to directly target other richer countries?

Why do you have to target this poor place?

His purpose in asking Doflamingo was just to inquire about more information, and even if Doflamingo said where Hades was, Klockdar would not believe it.

In this regard, Doflamingo was directly speechless.

"I've told you the truth, you still don't believe it, there are big fools like you in the world." "

It was obviously a kind reminder, reminding him that he was deceived by that little ghost, but Klockdar didn't believe it at all, which made Doflamingo what to do.

Can't you follow his words and say that the clue of Hades is hidden in Dressrosa?

What's the difference between this and indirectly adding credibility to that imp?

Doflamingo couldn't understand why Klockdar believed in that imp so much, and couldn't figure it out at all.

He never imagined that Yanagawa was trading true information for Klockdar's trust.

If he knew this, I am afraid that he would admire Liu Chuan and be willing to pay such a big price.

In any case, it seems that Klockdar will not believe it.

In line with the principle that nothing to look for, Doflamingo began to carry nonsense.

"Well, I admit that I came to find Hades, but I didn't find too many clues, only a little information related to Hades, as for the truth of the information, I don't know." "

Hearing this, Klockdar, who had wanted to leave as usual, stopped.

"What clues, let's listen. "

Doflamingo stared at Klockdar and smiled sadly: "The clues all point to the same place, that is, the country of Wano, I think the credibility of these clues is not high, anyway, that's all." "

At this time, Doflamingo did not know that Yanagawa had left Dressrosa for the Land of Wano.

He said this in order to trick Klockdar into taking Yanagawa to Wano Country to see if Kaido would avenge him.

Originally, it was just an unintentional move, and I buried a pit casually.

But this word sounded like thunder in Klockdal's ears!

"Yanagawa went to Wano Country. "

"Doflamingo got a clue to the country of Wano. "

"Is this just a coincidence?"

Klockdar was shocked, and for a moment it was difficult to distinguish the truth of this news.

Doflamingo was keenly aware of the anomaly and quietly observed Klockdahl's reaction.

He did not make himself smart and say more, but just said a word so quietly, just quietly observed.

At this time, any extra words will only have side effects.

The seeds of doubt had been planted in Klockdahl's heart, and the best way was to let him think for himself and imagine for himself.

There is nothing more terrifying than human suspicion, and Doflamingo knew the horrors of human nature.

He didn't know which part of the sentence had stimulated Klockdar, and that didn't matter.

The important thing is that the pit he dug seems to work, and that's enough.

Doflamingo watched quietly, observing Klockdar's gloomy complexion.

Seeing him hesitate and hesitate to walk out of the cell, he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Boom... Interesting, so funny!"

It was a surprise that the seeds of suspicion showed signs of flowering.

With a sinister laugh, Doflamingo's eyes radiated a vicious light.

"Damn little fellow, sooner or later, I want you to crush the corpse into ten thousand pieces!"

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