Horns saw that the knife in Yanagawa's hand was one of the fifty good knives, and became greedy.

The previous flying feather was auctioned at a high price of 50 million, and I am afraid that this chaotic sky will not be lower than this price.

As one of the most powerful gang leaders on the island, Horns naturally will not let go of the money sent in vain.

He didn't know why the others didn't make a move, but it didn't matter.

The important thing is that there are only two people in front of him, a little ghost who has not yet grown up and a crippled arm missing.

In the face of this combination, Horns is difficult not to move.

Money talks.

If it is a problem that can be solved with a little money, of course, he is very happy to settle it.

"Judging by the way you look, do you want my sword?"

"If you want it, you can just say it and take it."

Yanagawa took the sword off and gestured directly to Horns' eyes.

The greed in Horns' pupils flashed away, and he quickly returned to his calm appearance.

If you behave too much, I am afraid that you will be detected that you are ready to deceive the big man.

But really if this silly boy is willing to give it to himself for nothing.

Who wouldn't want that?

On the surface, Yanagawa was actually looking at Horns.

Originally, I thought that it was a spy from the Hundred Beast Regiment, who came to check the situation.

But judging from the actual performance, it seems that he has overthought it.

Judging from Horns' greedy gaze, he may have really taken a fancy to his chaotic long sword.

It's just that simple question.

But this guy also has a big heart.

There are dangers everywhere in the vicinity.

This guy dared to step forward and stop people alone, and he didn't look afraid at all.

"This little brother, are you really going to give me this sword?"

"If you two need some money or goods to cross by, I can provide it!"

Horns said generously, showing his friendliness.

Actually, Yanagawa didn't care what Horns thought.

The other party delayed his own time, and if he didn't calculate the two sentences well, he would lose his identity.

"No, if you like it, just take it."

"The premise is ... Use your skills to take away. "

Yanagawa said calmly at the end, revealing a hint of an expectant smile.

Spending a lot of money to collect good fast swords, even if he is not a powerful swordsman, he must be quite confident in his strength.

The same swordsmen crushed their so-called self-confidence.

It's fun in itself.

Seeing Yanagawa's smile, Klockdar couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

Every time this kid laughs like this, nothing good will happen.

Looking at the somewhat thin roadblocker in front of him, Klockdar couldn't help but sympathize in his heart.

Even the recently famous Red Flame Sword Hao didn't know him.

What else is a famous knife collector?

Just hit it headlong and forget it!

"Little brother, it seems that you want to pass the trick?"

"It seems that he is also a pursuing swordsman, not bad, not bad, and fearful in his later life."

"Then don't say that I bully the small with the big to win people's love, see a good knife, I really can't bear to miss it!"

The roadblocker found a lame reason for himself to take off the flying feathers he had just obtained with him.

Originally, I was confident in my own technology, and now I have a famous knife body.

Is there any problem with dealing with a hairy boy who doesn't look like he's eighteen years old?

The reason why Yanagawa and Klockdar were chosen to talk to each other is because they are really not strong on the outside.

In the distant shadows of the backstreet, the pursuers stopped.

With a telescope in one hand and a phone bug in the other, he dialed the phone.

"How's it going? Is the person you were tracking still on the island? "

A thick voice came out of the phone.

Just from the thickness of the voice, you know how difficult it is to mess with the person on the other end of the phone worm.

The stalker said tremblingly: "That's right, Boss Jack, it is indeed still on the island, and I am following them." "

"It seems that they should not leave the island for a while, and they will live for ten and a half days at the latest."

The Jack that the tracker said was none other than Drought Jack, one of the three major disasters of the Hundred Beasts.

His name in the new world is very loud, and if he does not have a little strength, he does not dare to provoke such a character.

The three major disasters are more than one level higher than the Volley Goko.

Whether it is in terms of the status within the Hundred Beast Regiment or the comprehensive combat effectiveness, it is a lot higher than the position.

The current volley five is just a real fight team under Jack.

It was learned that the younger brother Sasaki had an arm cut off, but it was still in public.

The anger in Jack's heart naturally did not hit a place.

Even if they are separated by the South China Sea and the North of the World, they must come to personally deal with this endgame.

At this moment, on several giant elephant ships, he was sitting on the seat of Noda, and it was Yanagawa who was holding Yanagawa's bounty order in his hand.

740 million Bailey's new world newcomers!

It won't be long before such a name spreads quickly in the new world.


The pirates at the bottom may not know about Doflamingo, who failed miserably at the hands of Yanagawa.

High-level pirates like Jack have long received news and rumors.

I originally thought that it would not be long before there would be one more force in the New World.

Now that it has provoked Jack's head, no matter what way, Jack must make Yanagawa pay the price he deserves!

The people of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group are not such a small force that is easy to provoke and end so well.

"What did you kid just say? Didn't this bastard find a place to hide? "

Jack grasped the key content from the information reported.

Normal words.

Having provoked such a big force, he secretly hid himself and continued to do things on the island.

This is the way a smart person should choose.

However, from the reports of his trackers, it seems that Yanagawa did not do this at all.

"Yes... Yes, Boss Jack. "

"Red Flame Sword Hao and Sand Crocodile not only did not hide, but swaggered into the most high-end hotel."

"I just participated in the auction, and my performance was very dashing, which is really abominable!"

When the younger brother reported, he couldn't help but complain.

Liu Chuan's overly arrogant performance made the trackers look at it, and they all felt angry in their hearts.

"What a Red Flame Sword Hao, he dares to ignore the majesty of the Hundred Beast Regiment!"

"Give me a good look at him, and when I get to the island, I must tear him to pieces!"

Jack said as he shredded the bounty order in his hand.

Yanagawa is in Jack's eyes, but he is already a dying man.

The price he should pay will be recovered sooner or later.

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