Kosaburo's afterglow scanned Yanagawa, and his satisfaction could be seen in his smile.

Originally, in his consciousness, he knew when Yanagawa was ready to challenge Jack.

I felt that Yanagawa must have acted recklessly and never seriously considered the feasibility.

As a result, it turned out that the strength of Yanagawa and Klockdar to cooperate turned out to be really able to directly challenge Drought Jack.

At the same time, Yanagawa was the first to foresee the crisis approaching from the port.

This has a lot to do with his powerful domineering attitude.

Not only the time of the approaching crisis, but also the direction of the port.

This can avoid damage to the team to the limit.

This time, he decisively chose to escape, completely out of rational choice.

If a reckless person encounters a challenge, he should directly stay in place and wait for the opponent no matter what the situation is.

Kozaburo felt relieved, and calmly smiled at Yanagawa's ability to make quick judgments.

Only after a real strong person has such qualities can he have the strength to reach the top.

Obviously, Yanagawa now has such speed.

"Master, why is your expression so perverted?"

"We're running for our lives, why are we still laughing?"

Yanagawa looked at Kozaburō's smile, only felt a chill in his spine, and did not find out where the problem and loophole appeared at all.

"Shut up, stinky boy!"

"I'm glad you're able to retreat with your whole body, you can try if I die, I won't laugh!"

"What a cheap and well-behaved guy, he knew that he should leave you to fend for himself alone!"

Kozaburo couldn't help but count out loud.

Liu Chuan still looked unconcerned, and said with a bicker:

"Even if you throw me down, I'm not alone, and Lao Sha assists me."

"This time, at the very least, it is a person at the level of a admiral, otherwise there would not be such a strong hostility and momentum."

"One of the three major cadres of the Hundred Beasts Regiment has already taken down, and it is not a problem to take down a general, right, Lao Sha?"

Yanagawa looked at Klockdar teasingly.

He knew that after such a struggle and battle, Klockdar's consumption was similar to that of Yanagigawa.

Yanagawa's body has undergone thousands of tempered system transformations, and his tolerance is much stronger.

Klockdar completely relied on his own ability to resist step by step.

Such a strong person is truly capable.

Before, Liu Chuan always felt that Klockdar's comprehensive strength belonged to the bottom one among the seven martial seas of His Majesty.

Even such a strong devil fruit did not allow him to exert his characteristics.

After this cooperative battle, Yanagawa completely changed his thoughts and hearts.

Klockdar is powerful, he has been tested by himself and can fully prove it.

I think the loss in the original book is just because Luffy's protagonist aura is too powerful.

That's why Klockdar's talent will be completely covered.

Speaking of which, Klockdar is also a tragic figure.

In the team with yourself, you find a way to redeem yourself.

"You guy... Few...... Less cool words! "

"I have obviously reached the limit of my physical strength... And the air conditioner to make me a fool? "

Klockdar replied angrily, and he could naturally hear the ridicule in Yanagawa's words.

It's just that now he really doesn't have the physical strength to continue entanglement with Yanagawa.

If Yanagawa is willing to say anything, give him a little time and let him complain casually.

Now Klockdar is completely impressed by Yanagawa.

Whether it is combat ability or its own physical strength, it is simply like an old monster who has accumulated a hundred years of combat experience.

It doesn't seem like something young people should do at all!

"This battle is not the credit of Boss Yanagawa alone, the boss is super handsome throughout the whole process!"

"Without the assistance of the boss, Boss Yanagawa would not have won smoothly in the end."

"The boss is so touching and powerful!"

Feng Kelei said loudly, and even tears appeared in the corners of his eyes.

Every time he encountered this kind of thing, he was always able to use his own exaggerated way to make Klockdar feel extremely embarrassed.

"Shut up, Mr.2!"

"Will powerful people choose to run for their lives?"

"It's a shame now, what a thing!"

Klockdar felt very big.

Looking at Yanagawa's continuous progress and efforts, the idea of contrast has risen in his heart.

After all, a genius figure appears in front of him, and if it is anyone, the idea of contrast will appear.

Otherwise, in their current state.

Klockdar has been standing still, and soon he will not even be able to help Yanagawa.

That's when it's really sad, and it's uncomfortable to think about.

"BOSS, this time Feng Kelei is right."

"Just now, your performance is really great, and for the first time it feels insurmountable."

Dazzi, who said very little, followed suit.

It is enough to see that this incident has indeed touched everyone.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to conquer so many people in a row with just a little performance.


"Did you guy even follow suit?"

"Concentrate on the road, don't waste my tongue."

Klockdar looked away, and he still didn't want to accept such an evaluation in his heart.


In the continuous rush, a hidden natural small port appeared in the rubble.

Having lived on this island for many years, Kozaburo naturally has some of his geographical advantages.

Due to his identity, maybe Kozaburo will need to run away at any time.

So before there is no action, you should plan ahead and plan everything ahead.

In this way, when a crisis arises, it can be quickly evacuated and will not be affected by the itinerary.

What Kozaburo never expected was.

Escape routes and ships prepared for yourself.

It wasn't you who used it first!

"Master, everything is ready here!"

"That's right, little brother Yanagawa, come on, you can go at any time!"

"All your things stored in the casting venue, we have all moved on the ship, the same is not bad!"

Several apprentices who followed Kozaburo had already prepared in advance at the scene.

Seeing the people return safely, they all showed surprised eyes.

Yanagawa's decision alone, these people all knew.

They have little combat power and cannot help on the spot.

He can only rely on his own little familiarity with the terrain to open a good way for Yanagawa .

In other aspects, only those who believe in Yanagawa can break through this battle.

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