"I don't need you to teach me how to do it, I know it." Klockdar didn't want to deal with him, leaving the boy with a side face.

Yanagawa didn't quite know what was wrong with Klockdar, but he didn't care too much.

The battle is about to begin, and there is no room for overthinking.

A few minutes later, in the eager eyes of everyone, the battle finally began.

Yanagawa and Klockdar were the first to jump up from the ship before they were fully close to each other and went straight to the battleship of the Eight Treasure Water Army.

Both men were too strong, and if they fought too closely, the aftermath of the battle could damage the sailboat.

This is a situation that neither of them wants to see.

As for the others, they honestly waited for the other party's ship to approach.

When the opponent was less than ten meters away, without waiting for the opponent to make a move, Galtino used the fruit ability to build a ladder to connect the decks of both sides.

The agents, who had long been prepared, rushed out of the ship in an instant, and the battle was in full swing.

Green Pepper and the others were still waiting for the ship to approach, when suddenly a figure appeared in the sky and quickly fell towards the deck.

Without waiting for them to reflect, a violent movement came out.


After a loud bang, the figure of the young man appeared in the dust.

Yanagawa boarded the ship too roughly, stepping on the planks on the deck.

Countless cracks spread from the position under his feet, and it seemed that the place where he stood would collapse at any moment.

When he came to the enemy's place, Yanagawa was not polite.

"So... You are the boss of the Eight Treasures Water Army, right? Yanagawa put the knife against the sight, raised his neck and asked nonchalantly.

The young man's arrogant expression made Lao Cai very unhappy, glaring at the young man with red eyes, and said angrily: "Little ghost without eyes, are you looking for death?" "

Yanagawa ignored him and set his eyes on the old man.

"Heh, they're all so old, what are you doing in this muddy water, isn't it good to honestly retire and recuperate?"

Green pepper's face is full of wrinkles, and his beard and eyebrows are like white frost, and anyone can tell that this is an old man who is about to die.

If it weren't for his burly body and still strong muscles, I'm afraid no one would have thought that this was a former legendary pirate.

Yanagawa sensed his weakness from the breath of green pepper, and he was not very satisfied with this opponent.

Green pepper is still too old after all, and his strength is far less powerful than rumored.

Hearing the boy's slightly disappointed voice, Green Pepper stroked the beard on his chin and opened his narrowed eyes.

"Boy, didn't anyone teach you what politeness is? Such a braze at sea will sooner or later be met with retribution. "

A pair of bright eyes looked at the young man with a bright look, and the green pepper at this time still had the slightest kind eyebrow.

Liu Chuan sneered: "Since I went to sea, I have always relied on strength to speak, and I haven't heard of such a thing as retribution, I don't know what you mean by retribution?" "

From the tone of the young man, he could not hear the slightest sense of respect, but with a faint mockery.

In the face of the once legendary pirate, Yanagawa did not look at it at all.

Old Cai, who had been holding back for a long time, instantly became angry when he heard this.

It's just a matter of ignoring yourself, even when facing grandfather, he dares to be so contemptuous, he wants to teach this guy a lesson.

"Arrogant little ghost, today I will hack you to death!"

Saying that, the old Cai Ti knife cut over.

The distance between the two was less than two meters, and the weapon that Lao Cai was holding in his hand could reach Liu Chuan.

In the face of the slashed knife, Liu Chuan ignored it, pulled out his ear holes and lightly spit out two words: "Noisy." "

This made Lao Cai even more angry, his eyes began to red, and he couldn't wait to cut the teenager in front of him on the spot.

However, while his knife was still in the air, a yellow-brown awl suddenly attacked from the air.

In the afterlight, noticing the dark weapon that attacked, Lao Cai's movements suddenly changed, and he slashed towards the attacking thing.

Upon contact with the blade, the yellow sand instantly disintegrated, turning into particles of dust and falling from the air.

Lao Cai reached out and took a handful, rubbed it in the palm of his hand, and immediately recognized what it was.


He patronized the boy in front of him, almost forgetting who his opponent was.

Seeing the grain of sand, Lao Cai suddenly came to his senses and gritted his teeth: "Klockdar! "

Klockdar's lower body turned into sand, floating in the air, saw Lao Cai's gaze pay attention, took a puff of cigarette and said coldly: "You have to thank me for not sneaking attack, otherwise you would be a corpse by now." "

"No, he should thank me, if I make a move now he will already be a mashed meat." Without waiting for Lao Cai to speak, Liu Chuan took the words lightly.

I don't know when, the Yan Feng in Liu Chuan's hand was already halfway through.

Only thirty centimeters away from Lao Cai's neck, he stopped and did not continue to cut over.

Lao Cai noticed the situation here and couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

He seemed to be distracted by emotions and forgot that he was on the battlefield.

Just like the two men said, if they hadn't left their hands, they would have died.

Liu Chuan looked at Old Cai's scared look, and his heart was amused.

He was just talking about that sentence, didn't he see that Green Pepper and Abu were staring at him, how could the sneak attack succeed in this situation?

However, what Klockdar said was indeed true, if he hadn't kept his hand, the three people who were all attracted to him probably wouldn't be able to react.

If he hadn't kept his hand, it is estimated that Lao Cai would really have died at this time.

Seeing that this middle-aged man was still in a daze, Liu Chuan moved his wrist and slashed at his neck with a sword blade, "What a daze on the battlefield, if you want to die, I can fulfill you." "

You must know that the blade of the sword was less than thirty centimeters away from Lao Cai's neck before, and this distance was only an instant for Liu Chuan.

Old Cai didn't have time to react at all, and when his gaze returned, the blade was already attached to his neck.

But...... That's all.

It is already impossible to go further.

Because, the green pepper shot.

The three fingers dyed black and inky pinched the end of Yan Feng, and the long sword could not move any further.

At the same time, the angry voice of Green Pepper came out.

"Still stunned to do something! Waiting to die? "

At this time, Old Cai reacted, took a step back, and left the range of Liu Chuan's attack.

He wiped the cold sweat oozing from his forehead with a look of fear, and said in shock: "I'm sorry, I was careless." "

"Don't talk nonsense, fight well." Green Pepper said in an indifferent tone.

When Lao Cai retreated, the green pepper had already released his hand and let Yan Feng wave it over.

It's not that he doesn't want to take the opportunity to control the opponent's weapon, but the blazing flame emitted from the blade is really unbearable, and if he doesn't let go, his fingers will be scorched.

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