Fortunately, Green Pepper had a unique vision, and instantly reacted when swinging the sword to make an accurate response, making Jian Hao scruple to take half a step back.

Let the teenager voluntarily give up the advantage, and only then can he be freed.

The old-timers are really old-timers, and this vision is really vicious enough.

The confrontation between the two could not be described as exciting, making Klockdar forget that he was still in the battlefield.

He carefully savored the process of the two seeing the moves, and faintly felt that he had comprehended something, but it was not so clear, and he suddenly fell into deep thought.

After separating, the corners of Yanagawa's mouth curved and asked with a smile: "Does it hurt?" How does it feel to be cut by the supreme speed? "

Although it was only a brief touch, it didn't even cut into the flesh, but the sharp energy naturally emanating from the blade alone was enough to cut through the skin.

The old man was still too underestimated the power of this sword, and was struck by a hand.

Green Pepper raised his arm to check, and a cut was made at the lower end of his left arm.

Looking inside from the wound, there are traces of burnt, no wonder there is a tingling sensation, it turns out that there is follow-up damage.

"What kind of weapon are you, why can you..."

Green Pepper asked in surprise, but halfway through the words, he was a little poor and didn't know how to express it.

Yanagawa understood what he meant, and said, "I want to ask how you can easily break through the defense of the armed color, and why can you emit such strong heat?" "

Seeing the green pepper nodding solemnly, Liu Chuan said with a smile: "Don't think about it, it's impossible to tell you the answer!" "

The sharp energy on the sword blade is the effect stimulated by the sword intent, and as for the heat, it is of course the special effect of blazing fire.

In fact, it is not a big deal to say it, and it is not a key message.

Even if you clearly tell others how it works, you can't find a way to deal with it, and it makes no difference whether you say it or not.

But why should he satisfy the curiosity of others?

Isn't it nice to be confused?

The boy thought wickedly.

Green Pepper shook his head slightly, he also knew that wanting his opponent to tell his secret was just a luxury.

He asked this just to release the surprise accumulated in his heart, and he didn't think about getting any answer.

Hearing the teenager say this, he didn't take it seriously.

"Come on, boy, let's come again!"

The confrontation just now made Green Pepper feel like he was back to his youth, when he was constantly fighting others.

The fighting intent in his heart was stimulated, and Green Pepper stretched out his right hand and hooked at Yanagawa, with a trace of fire in his eyes, staring straight at his opponent.

Liu Chuan did not rush to move, saw that the surrounding movement was very calm, tilted his head and glanced.

Seeing that Klockdar was still in a daze, the boy was angry.

"Hey! Are you here to help or are you here to be in a daze? Forgot that we are still in a hurry? "

Hearing the movement, Klockdar sobered up and saw Yanagawa staring at himself with a scowl on his face, pulling the corners of his mouth.

"Sorry, I suddenly had a little understanding, thought a little, and this is the beginning."

After saying that, Klockdar suddenly had some doubts, why did he apologize?

But seeing that the boy's gaze had shifted, Klockdar did not dwell on this issue, but looked at his opponent.

"Okay, this kid is not satisfied, let's start too."

Saying that, with a flick of his arm, a sand blade rushed straight into Old Cai's face.

"Arc-moon-shaped dunes!"

Say hit and fight, it really suits his character.

Yanagawa noticed Klockdar's movements from the afterlight, and did not put his mind there, but concentrated on the battle in front of him.

In the fight just now, he was actually slightly injured.

This old man's fist is not so easy to catch.

Although his armed color is slightly higher than the old man's armed color domineering level, he can't resist people having unique martial arts.

That kind of drill-like attack method, Yanagawa is still quite jealous.

And he cares about another thing.

He had obviously grabbed the old man's fist, but he failed to use this opportunity to cause him damage.

This shows that Green Pepper's combat experience is far above his own, and those little fighting skills don't seem to be of much use in front of this old man.

This is more troublesome, and this battle is not as easy to fight as expected.

Yanagawa thought for a moment and decided to try a few more tricks.

If it really doesn't work, then there will be no battlefield.

Even if you destroy the ship, you must do your best to kill the opponent.

Naval battles were much more troublesome than he had imagined, and his strength was greatly limited in order to ensure that the battlefield was not destroyed.

Don't say it's a killing move, even use sword qi carefully, otherwise the ship will sink directly, and this battle will end without a problem.

The old man's combat experience Liu Chuan was still quite interested, and did not want to let go of this opportunity to experience himself.

Thinking so, the corner of the boy's mouth smiled slightly, and he moved.


With a gentle step on the deck, the figure instantly disappeared in place.

Green Pepper's eyes widened suddenly, and his pupils kept turning around.

It seems that he is looking for it without purpose, but in fact, he has locked the figure of the teenager.

Suddenly, Green Pepper's eyes narrowed slightly, and he let out a soft sigh in his mouth.

"Here it is."

Before the words fell, the pink sword light attacked.

Green Pepper's pupils shrank slightly, and his figure quickly retreated.

The part of Yan Feng's tip followed closely with the old man's retreating steps, always remaining ten centimeters away from the old man without the slightest change.

Yanagawa's stab was so easily defused.

"It's not over yet."

The distance of more than ten meters is fleeting, and the temporary departure of Green Pepper does not mean that he can retreat without limit.

Space on deck was limited, and after a few more steps he could not retreat.

Yanagawa's eyes emitted a strange light, and he wanted to see how the old man would deal with the long-distance spike.

"But I also have to be careful, the spurt is a double-edged sword, if you are not careful, you will show a huge flaw, if you let people catch the flaw, then it will be my turn to be unlucky."

The young man clearly knew that he was in danger, and while observing the old man, he did not forget to treat it cautiously, and did not dare to be careless.

Once the other party flashed the sword blade and broke through, when the time came, he would be in a hurry.

Green Pepper was also aware of the weakness of this trick, and his eyes kept staring at the boy's eyes, secretly looking for an opportunity.

However, he could not retreat, and he could not wait for the time to fight back.

The old man's eyes narrowed slightly, and after thinking a little, he finally decided to give up this opportunity.

Just as he was about to reach the edge of the deck, Green Pepper suddenly raised his palms and closed them in front of his eyes, his purpose seemed to be to grab the sword body.

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