Peach Rabbit woke up from her coma, and half-dreaming she remembered what happened before she lost consciousness, and suddenly opened her eyes.

However, it is not the sky that appears in front of you, but the white and flawless ceiling.

Looking at her state at this time, she was lying on a bed, covered with a thin quilt.

"Where is this? Where are the people of the Beast Pirates? What about Jack? What happened to Jack in the drought?"

Peach Rabbit struggled to sit up from the bed, looking anxious and asking.

She clearly remembers that time when she was suddenly knocked out of her weapon by her opponent and fell into danger.

However, what happened next, she was not impressed.

The officer beside her noticed that the commander had woken up and quickly helped her up.

"Sir, slow down, the doctor said that you are seriously injured and must rest for a while. "

Hearing the familiar voice of his subordinates, Peach Rabbit calmed down a little.

"I'm injured? So this is the hospital?"

Peach Rabbit looked around and immediately understood the current situation.

"Tell me, Jack, how is he, and what about the Flame Disaster?

Peach Rabbit grabbed his subordinate's wrist with great excitement, staring at the other party with dead eyes, wanting to hear the result of the battle from the other party's mouth.

When the officer heard the question, his face turned ashen and he swallowed two mouthfuls of spit, and said with difficulty: "They... They have fled. "

Is this really the answer?

Peach Rabbit felt black in front of his eyes, and his head swirled.

When she realized that this was a hospital, she had a premonition of this outcome.

But confirming it with her own ears still made it difficult for her to accept.

Peach Rabbit subconsciously covered his head to eliminate the dizziness.

As soon as the hand touched the temple, a sharp pain came from the head.


Peach Rabbit's face tangled into a mess, and couldn't help but moan out.

Seeing this, the officer on the side quickly told her the situation: "Sir, don't move, the doctor said that you have a moderate concussion, and now you need to rest for a while." "

Hearing the officer's words, combined with the bandage wrapped around his head, Peach Rabbit understood.

This time in the battle, she was crushed by her opponent.

The efforts she had made all this time seemed to be a joke in front of that man, and she was so vulnerable.

She didn't even have time to react when she was knocked unconscious.

I can't even remember how I was defeated.

Peach Rabbit felt confused for a while, and began to wonder what the point of his cultivation so hard was.

In the face of a powerful existence, does she really have the strength to defeat her opponent?

Peach Rabbit thought a lot, thinking of the days when he used to be pampered by his sister Tsuru's side every day.

Thinking of the days of running alone in recent years, in order to get the approval of the marshal.

Thinking about it now, how can she accept the result of working hard for so long in exchange for being defeated by someone.

Peach Rabbit said self-deprecatingly: "If only I stayed by Sister Tsuru's side like before, now I am like a joke." "

"If I hadn't done my best to chase that imp, I wouldn't have run into Jack. "

"Jack will not be robbed if it falls into my hands. "

"I'm really too weak, just like Sakaski said, I'm not fit to be an admiral at all..."

Peach Rabbit, caught in self-doubt, is extremely fragile, and exudes an air of frustration.

The officer accompanying him on the side stared blankly at the strong woman who was fierce and became like this, and his heart was not a taste.

Listening to the officer's self-denying words, the officer's eyes hesitated and interrupted loudly.

"No, it's not like that. "

Hearing the voice, Peach Rabbit turned his head with a dull look and looked at his subordinates.

The officer saw the officer's gaze coming towards him, and his eyes met her with great determination.

"The subordinates followed the commander from the beginning, and the changes in the chief over the years were seen by the subordinates. "

"The current chief is not known how many times stronger than at the beginning, and this is all the result of the chief's efforts. "

"Sir, you should not deny your efforts, that would be so unfair to you. "

He witnessed Peach Rabbit grow from a little girl who didn't know anything about the world to a vice admiral who could stand alone.

Now hearing her say this about herself, the officer was not happy.

Why don't I feel how strong I am?" peach rabbit subconsciously retorted, regretting it as soon as she said it.

In any case, as a commander, you should not speak to your subordinates in this tone, let alone expose your vulnerability in front of your subordinates.

However, her adjutant took it seriously and seriously told her about her changes in the past two years.

The more Peach Rabbit listened, the more frightened he became, and said in his heart: "Is it true that my changes are so big?"

Just when she suspected that the officer was talking nonsense, she listened to him continue: "Especially after hunting down the Red Flame Sword Hao, you may not feel much change, but we all see it. "

"Every day you practice from morning to night, even at mealtime, thinking about how to become stronger. "

"In just two months, we can clearly feel that your aura has become more and more powerful, and now it is almost comparable to the previous green pheasant general. "

"You really are not as weak as you think, don't be presumptuous. "

Hearing this, Peach Rabbit woke up like a dream.

yes, how did she forget that?

Especially the rotating sword qi she had just developed, even Sakaski, who had always been against herself, was full of praise.

The red dog is not polite, and even he praises him to show that he has really become stronger.

This time, I just picked the wrong opponent, and my strength was not strong enough.

But that doesn't mean her efforts are meaningless.

You must know that the Red Flame Sword Hao was just able to tie with the ghost spider at the beginning.

Only now can I compete with Drought Jack.

Even this recognized genius has grown to this point by hard work, why must she ascend to the sky in one step.

Do you have to defeat the Flame Disaster?

Peach Rabbit realized that she had fallen into a misunderstanding of thinking, and it was the mystery deliberately shown by Yan Calamity that led her thinking into self-denial.

After figuring this out, Peach Rabbit's gaze sharpened again.

"Flame Embers... It seems that this guy is not a general, it turns out that there is still this layer of conspiracy in it. "

"Do you want to hit me mentally and make me slump?"

"I won't let you get away with it!"

"I remember today's shame, and next time I will definitely take revenge with my own hands!"

Seeing Peach Rabbit regain his spirits, a look of relief appeared on the officer's face.

He had seen this scene many times.

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