Ye Ning accepted Nangong beloved.

This is just a small matter.

But the impact is great.

The members of the Supervision Institute and the soldiers who came from the capital, their backs were straight subconsciously.

Cai Xianggao has the greatest influence.

He was already on the verge of a realm, what he saw and heard today had already brought him a great shock. Ye Ning's detoxification of life just now gave him an initiation.

At that moment, the seeds of Haoran Righteous Qi were spinning in his boldness, and strands of Haoran Righteous Qi were born-coming out.

This shows that he is one step closer to becoming a great scholar.

As for all the people present, looking at Ye Ning's eyes, they have turned into fanaticism.

The people's concept has always been simple.

In their opinion, no one in the world pays extra attention to Nangong beloved as a broom star, a plague god.

But Ye Ning is different.

Not only did he pay attention, he even wanted to redeem Nangong beloved.

There is no doubt that it has the effect of buying horse bones.

It is said that Master Ye loves the people like his children, and what he sees now is really well-deserved.

He was unwilling to give up the life of a person like Nangong Liangren.

It can be seen that he is a good official who really considers the people.

Many people shed tears.

At this moment, they truly recognized Ye Ning.

Ye Ning is very happy.

His happiness is not the recognition of the people, and Cai Xianggao is one step closer to breakthrough.

It was Nangong beloved that really made him happy.

This is a big baby.

Just like that, he was caught.

However, this big baby obviously hasn't come out yet.

Although Ye Ning awakened the hope of living, his heart was still sealed in dust.

Seldom communicate with people.

Basically you can only speak when you ask him.

I don't want to take a bath or change clothes.

Just curled up in the corner alone, dumbfounded and didn't know what was thinking.

"I really don't know what this person has gone through.

Chen Shaozheng said pityingly.

At first, he hated Nangong beloved like everyone else, but when he was awakened by Ye Ning, he felt guilty and wanted to help him.

But as a result, this guy is too autistic.

It makes him unable to start at all.

"From his experience, it can be seen that his life is definitely not easy. The malice in the world has drowned him countless times. It is not a matter of a short while that he wants to come out."

Ye Ning thought it was normal.

He felt that whoever he was and had similar experiences would definitely be autistic.

80% will have psychological problems.

He temporarily left the "big baby" matter aside, and instead took the initiative to sit among the refugees and continued to ask questions that he hadn't finished asking before.

"Lao Zhang, you just said that there was food in the county, but it was evacuated later. Is this true or false?"

Ye Ning had asked this question before, but He Laosan was afraid that someone would retaliate, so he didn't dare to say it.

But now he definitely has no such worries, and immediately recounts the whole thing like a bean.

"Master Ye, I dare not lie to you, old man, this matter is absolutely true!

"Old man, I used to transport grain to the granary. I can see clearly that the grain in the warehouse is piled high, at least enough for our entire county for two to three months."

"But just after the drought broke out, the grain was removed, and no grain of rice was left.

Speaking of this, He Lao San's old face wrinkled into a ball.

Obviously extremely angry.

This kind of behavior is simply killing people!

A disaster broke out. The officials didn't want to provide relief. The first thing was to move food. How can there be such a reason in the world?

But Ye Ning is not at all excited.

Because this is something that has long been expected.

If Yuhuamen and Li's family could make him such a relief effort, then they wouldn't have made such a big move.

He continued to ask.

"Do you know where the food was moved?"

He Laosan shook his head.

"do not know."

Ye Ning asked again.

"After the disaster broke out, didn't you go to the county to ask for an explanation?"

There was a look of fear in He Lao San's eyes.

"Who dares, the county magistrate is very majestic. If someone reports a crime on weekdays, regardless of reason or reason, they will first kill 30 kills. Now that there is a disaster, if anyone dares to come to the door, I am afraid that it will not be Beat it to death!"

Hearing this, Cai Xianggao couldn't hold back.

"What a rampant magistrate, why is he so bold?"

What is the magistrate?

It sounds like a parent official.

But in the eyes of the officials in the capital, isn't it just a small official like a sesame mung bean?

I would never put them in my daily life. To put in one’s eyes.

Who would have thought that the magistrate of Cangsong County could be so domineering.

"Hey, the whole Bingzhou is like this, and it's not just us in Cangsong County."

He Laosan shook his head painfully and said.

"Like the Baiyun County next door, it not only kills the mighty sticks, but also collects taxes when the county magistrates birthdays, marry daughters, and take concubines. In contrast, our Lord Liang from Cangsong County is pretty good. "

All of the people in the Supervision Institute were no longer able to hear these words.


"It's a slap in the world!"

"District or county magistrate, the little official Zhima, who dares to increase taxes without authorization, who gives him the power?"

What does the Supervisory Council do?

There are many responsibilities, but the most important one is to supervise the officials of the world!

Therefore, they are the most jealous.

Now that the capital is peaceful and the people live and work in peace and contentment, many of them still feel that the world has changed for the better.

But now when I came to Bingzhou, I discovered that the people had already suffered to such an extent.

These things sound simply appalling.

Even Cai Xianggao, who has always been good-tempered, gentleman gentleman, has a tough face, and can't wait to carry a sword to kill people.

But Ye Ning is still very calm.

It's a troubled time, isn't that the way it is?

During the war in the previous life, a certain county collected taxes after decades.

In contrast, the situation in Binzhou is actually pretty good.

"Could it be that no one can cure these corrupt officials? What about the state governor? What about the Li family?"

Cai Xianggao didn't understand.

Is it in the interests of the Li family that the Binzhou chaos has become like this?

You know, the Li family wants to establish a system in Bingzhou to become the king!

Doesn't he care for this place?

Ye Ning sneered and said.

"You don't understand careerists too much. For careerists, achieving their goals is always the first criterion, so they can do whatever they want."

"The more chaotic the state, the better, and the more it is in their interests. They may even secretly support these corrupt officials, let them continue to domineering, and continue to show their arrogance.

"In this way, the people will not make a living for the people, and after a long time, they will have a heart of deviation. After he becomes the king, he will directly take action and get rid of all these stolen officials.

"Wealth, land, fame, people's hearts, these things are all here!"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Cai Xianggao turned pale.

"It can still be like this.

He was a little frightened.

Ye Ning sneered.

There is always no bottom line for the human heart. Don't overestimate the morality of those careerists.

They have no morals.

It's like this kind of operation, in fact, it's not clever at all, the ancients have played it.

Create chaos secretly, and finally appear in the image of the savior.

At the end of the Sui Dynasty, those aristocratic families who raised troops were all experts in this game.


The one who gets the benefit is oneself, and the one who holds the pot is the emperor.

"My lord, what are we going to do next?"

Chen Shao is just a martial artist, and he doesn't know much about governance.

So after learning about the complexity of Binzhou's situation, he was completely dizzy.

It feels that Binzhou has been rotten to the root.

There is a feeling of hopelessness.

"Brother Cai, what do you think?"

Ye Ning deliberately tested Cai Xianggao.

"Use the fastest speed, go straight to the state capital, first control Jinyang and say!'

Cai Xianggao's answer was very decisive.

This is currently the most reasonable way.

Jinyang is the state capital, the most prosperous place in Binzhou.

There is no food in other places, the state capital must have it!

Previously, Cai Xianggao was not sure, but now he feels that 80% of the grain and grass in the counties are shipped to the state capital.

Capture the thief first capture the king, take the state capital, control the governor's mansion, and fight with the Li family to solve the two malignant tumors, and then deal with the chaos in the state.

But Ye Ning shook his head and rejected the proposal.

"No, we can't go to the state capital!"

Cai Xianggao didn't understand and asked.

"Why is this?"

Ye Ning sneered and said.

"Because I'm sure that the Li family and Yuhuamen must have set up a posture in the state capital, just waiting for me to go.

"Once I go, I must step into the long vortex of fighting with them."

"In this way, just follow their wishes, Brother Cai, don't forget, what are we doing this time!"

For what?

Ye Ning has many missions.

Ji Mingyue gave him the greatest power.

There must be an idea for him to completely subdue the merged state, stabilize the people's hearts, and control the state of the merged state.

But these are not the most important.

The most important of course is

"Disaster relief!"

Cai Xianggao understood, but was confused again.

"But if we want to provide relief, we don't have enough food on hand?"

The drought has reached this point.

Don't talk about imaginary ones.

The only way to solve it is to give the people food.

As long as everyone has food to eat, the problem will be solved 70% to 80%.

"We don't have food on hand, there is no food in the county, and probably there is no food in the county, but this does not mean that there is no food in places other than the state capital.

A cold light flashed in Ye Ning's eyes.

"What did Brother Ye say?"

Cai Xianggao's spiritual light flashed, as if thinking of a certain possibility.

"Corrupt officials, aristocratic merchants, gentry and landlords!"

"Trust me, others may not have food, but they must have food.

"And it's not in the minority!"

Ye Ning thought of a lot of things.

This is all the experience and inspiration brought to him by the great people who existed in history in the last life.

"But Brother Ye, since ancient times, no one has dared to attack these classes, you

Cai Xianggao took a breath.

He was a bit shocked by Ye Ning's boldness.

These people are the foundation of Da Zhou's rule.

In the ancients’ perception, a country is composed of countless aristocratic merchants, gentry and landlords.

Just take the landlord as an example. Under each landlord, there may be hundreds of tenants alone, including householders, slaves, and workers who depend on them for food.

Isn't it the foundation of this world that is composed of thousands of landlords?

Ye Ning wants to take them for surgery, can this work?

"why not?"

But Ye Ning was firm and confident. He took an unprecedented path.

"Do as I say.

"Notify the whole army, and bring the people together to open Cangsong County. We will not go to the state capital. Let's start our activities in other counties and counties in Bingzhou."

"This step is called the countryside encircling the city!" Again,

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