At the Beginning, I Scolded the Fairy Gate, I Really Want to Die

Chapter 44 : There will be long winds and waves

"This... isn't it the champion?"

Ye Ning was stunned.

The visitor was Cai Xianggao, an old acquaintance.

"Don't mention the name of the champion. No matter how great his fame is, he can't be more talented. And Master Ye's talent is what makes the five bodies that I admire to cast the ground."

Cai Xianggao gave a wry smile.

In the past, he was indeed honored as the champion, and he felt arrogant in his heart.

But that day, Wen Dou in Chunfeng Tower was abused by Ye Ning.

Since then, arrogance has disappeared, and the whole person has become much more humble.

For him, it is also a good thing.

"Then I will call you Brother Cai."

Ye Ning arched his cupped hands and asked.

"Why Brother Cai came to the Supervisory Yuan?"

Hearing this, Cai Xianggao smiled miserably and said.

"Your Majesty has a decree to seal me up as the Supervisory Yuan to pass the sentence. I am here to take office."

When he said this, the word despair was written on his face.

Yes, as the new champion, it was the most proud time in his life, but he was actually assigned to the Supervisory Office.

How can he accept this?

The Supervisory Yuan has long been a semi-destroyed yamen. It is said that the people in the Supervisory Yuan are all drinking wine and rice bags waiting to die.

From the No. 1 in the new division to the Supervisory Institute, the gap between them can almost make a person collapse.

Cai Xianggao can speak well, he is already in a good state of mind.

"Why have you been assigned here? Could it be that you have offended your Majesty?"

Ye Ning's eyes are full of pity.

Brother Cai is indeed too miserable.

Now Ye Ning has figured out what the Supervisory Institute is. It can be said that normal people who are a little bit pursued are absolutely impossible to come to this kind of bird place.

"So far, I have only seen Your Majesty twice, one is the palace examination, and the other is the Qionglin Banquet. Why offend?"

Cai Xianggao lost his eyes and covered his face in pain.

"Brother Ye, let's tell you that, at this moment, I am so sad that I can't wait to resign and return to my hometown to become a teacher."

This is extremely disappointed in the officialdom.

Ye Ning estimated that Cai Xianggao was not so desperate at first, but after visiting the Supervision Hospital in person, he was directly depressed.

"The officialdom is too dark."

Cai Xianggao is numb.

I thought I was going to the pinnacle of my life, but I was sent to the monitoring house for the elderly.

"Fun, you can't use it when you see a good minister, a dignified champion, even if you don't go to the sixth department, you must at least be a bachelor of attendant. How can you waste talents like this?"

Ye Ning scolded.

This dog is faint, he really deserves to be scolded, he doesn't do anything that people do.

He didn't know that the fundamental reason why Cai Xianggao was assigned here was because of him.

Ji Mingyue was worried that Ye Ning was really consumed by the Supervisory Yuan and was abolished, so he brought Cai Xianggao over.

Two equally talented people, put together, can be regarded as a bit of a common language.

Cai Xianggao doesn't know the inside story. If he knew it, he would not be moved like he is now, but would fight Ye Ning desperately.

"Brother Ye don't arbitrarily argue with your Majesty behind my back because of me. Thunder, rain and dew, it's all kind of gentleman. We are courtiers, and there is nothing we can do about it..."

Cai Xianggao let out a long sigh, and said quietly.

"It's just a pity that you and I both have Ling Yun ambitions, but there is no way to serve the country."

Ye Ning totally disagrees with this.

Said with a sneer.

"Who said that the Supervisory Yuan cannot report to the country?"

Cai Xianggao pointed to the locked door and said in despair.

"Brother Ye can't even enter the door, how can I serve the country? The people here have been completely abolished. I only worry that we will be abolished like them in a few years..."

Death is not the most terrible.

The most terrifying thing is to live like a walking dead.

Cai Xianggao has similar sentiments.

However, Ye Ning sneered.

"Why is Brother Cai desperate? There are always more solutions than difficulties. Even the Supervision Institute can do great things. The temporary suffering will only trouble us for a few days at most. As the saying goes, there will be long winds and waves.

"Let's watch."

"If you have the ability, the Supervision Institute will never open the door for a lifetime. As long as you let me in, I will definitely have to toss and move out!"

Ye Ning is firm on this point.

He has to make trouble.

Must be messing up!

How can you die if you don't mess up?

No matter how ruined the Supervisory Court is, it also has the name of justice, judgment, and supervision.

With these names, you can surely make trouble!

"There will be times when the wind and waves break, and the sails will go straight to the sea..."

Cai Xianggao's literary spirit rolled over.

A breath of anger, boldness and dry cloud, permeated from the poems, making him feel the same.

The spirit of the whole person is also refreshed.

This is the power of poetry.

"Good poem!"

Cai Xianggao was shocked by this poem.

Just a single sentence can make him surging and rejuvenate his spirit. If the whole poem is completed, I am afraid it will be another national poem!

Brother Ye's talent, has it reached the point where it can be exported?

Cai Xianggao was shocked and admired.

In the end, he took a half step back and bowed in salute.

"Brother Ye's ambition is convincing. Now that he is taught, the Supervision Institute will open the door tomorrow, and watch Brother Ye perform at that time!"

In Cai Xianggao's heart, Ye Ning's status is infinitely elevated.

How strong and optimistic a person who can write such free and easy verses as "the long wind and the waves will have time, hang the clouds and sail to benefit the sea", his inner world is so strong and optimistic.

Brother Ye's talent is not afraid of being buried.

What am I afraid of?

I didn't say anything, just follow Brother Ye!

Ye Ning didn't know that he casually spoke a poem, so he accepted a hardcore boy, his mind was elsewhere.

"You just said that the Supervisory Council will definitely open tomorrow?"

Cai Xianggao said affirmatively.

"Of course, tomorrow is the day of the arbitration of the Supervisory Yuan. If ordinary people are wronged, they can go to the Supervisory Yuan on this day to sound the drum."

"This regulation has been written into the Da Zhou law, and the people in the Supervision Yuan dare not violate it. If they don't open the door, it will be illegal."

"So, the door will open tomorrow."

Umpire day?


Ye Ning pondered a little and said.

"Brother Cai, help me do one thing, spread the news to the people, tell them that if there is a grievance, you can come to the Supervision Institute to find me tomorrow!"

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Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes!

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