At the Beginning, I Scolded the Fairy Gate, I Really Want to Die

Chapter 66 : Please, the most ruthless assassin, bring the fastest knife!

Ye Ning certainly doesn't know what the people in the Supervision Institute are doing.

Because at the moment he is suspicious.

I drove a few times on the street, looking back from time to time.

"Is he afraid of being followed?"

Of course the little mute noticed~ Ye Ning's weirdness.

But she behaved normally.

Because it is certain that no one-tracked.

She is more vigilant than Ye Ning and is always paying attention all the way.

Because it is not ruled out that the mighty time may be done in the middle of the road.

"There is really no one, so I can rest assured.

Ye Ning's worries are obviously different from those of a little mute.

He was afraid of the people who were afraid of the Supervisory Council, and followed him secretly.

This may not be impossible.

Ye Ning, who suffered backstabs continuously, is very sensitive now, and he must rule out all possibilities.

He was very disappointed that he failed to die at the hands of the mighty waiter this time.

So we must cherish the next opportunity.

He is refreshed.

There is still a chance.

And it's not small!

Because the mighty man is very likely to send an assassin to kill him!

The assassin organization Yanyu Tower was not a simple force. They even dared to assassinate real people and even higher-level practitioners.

Everyone knows that the Yanyu Tower is not a secular force, and there must be a group of powerful practitioners standing behind it.

Such a strong organization, killing me as a literati is not a big problem, right?

"It's a pity, no one who surpasses the real Realm can kill me, otherwise I will definitely die!"

Ye Ning sighed.

He mentioned before that there are not many real people in the entire capital.

Not that real people are scarce.

It means that most practitioners cannot come to Beijing to stay.

the reason is simple.

Since it is a practitioner, it must be the first place to practice at any time.

They naturally choose places where Spiritual Qi is rich to practice.

Capital is not an option.

Actually it is not said that there is no Spiritual Qi in Beijing, on the contrary, the Spiritual Qi in Beijing is also very rich.

The crux of the problem is that the more powerful practitioners come to the capital, the more they will be suppressed!

Undoubtedly, this is another credit for the great ancestor of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

At the beginning, Taizu suppressed the contemporary, the immortal gate was cleaned up by him.

He knows deeply that these unconstrained fairy gates are the root of the chaos in the world.

Therefore, he arranged a large formation around the capital.

In other words, the entire capital is actually a formation.

The content of formation is very simple, no matter how powerful a practitioner, as long as he enters the capital, the Cultivation Base will be directly compressed to the real Realm!

of course there are exceptions.

If the practitioner is more powerful than Taizu, then of course it will not be suppressed.

But this is obviously unlikely.

Imagine that a powerful practitioner, who is used to using all the means to reach the sky, ended up in the capital, and suddenly became a "real person".

How insecure?

Therefore, the powerful practitioners will basically not come to the capital.

This is also the reason why He Yuan, who was sent by the Yuhua sect to intimidate Ji Mingyue as the king, was a real person in the beginning, not a higher Realm.

For a powerful cultivator, the capital is a forbidden place.

It has happened more than once in the past. There was a story of the strong chasing the weak, but after being introduced into the capital, they were counter-killed by the weak.

The gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall.

This is especially true for cultivator.

They have a long life, and they can't make it to the capital.

This is why Ji Mingyue is under great pressure, but still feels that he might be able to cover Ye Ning.

As long as Ye Ning does not leave the city, the danger is barely controllable.

Closer to home.

Ye Ning is just wandering outside, so naturally there is a reason for him.

After confirming that he was not being followed, Ye Ning let himself go.

He specializes in crowded places.

Restaurants, tea houses, even Chunfeng Lou

He is not an unknown person in the capital now. Any scholar who does not know him.

Almost one out of every ten scholars has seen him.

So wherever he goes, he can cause a sensation.

"Master Ye!"

"It's Master Ye who is here!"

"Master Ye can sign for me!"

The scholars flocked to each other.

It's like a fan in a previous life met a star.

Of course, although the scholar is crazy, but he respects etiquette, the scene can still be controlled.

Ye Ning signed for others with a smile.

Asking a scholar to sign is not only an elegant matter, but also represents own respect.

Often in such matters, the teacher signs the students, and then writes one or two signed words.

They asked Ye Ning to sign. They were actually Ye Ning's Junior, and the students considered themselves.

But Ye Ning obviously does not have this kind of consciousness.

He handily signed for others, and also accompanied by a word of encouragement.

When I meet young people, I write:

Young idler, an old beggar.

The black hair doesn't know how to study early, and the white head regrets being late in studying.

When you meet a middle-aged person, write:

Reading the book a hundred times, it's self-explanatory.

Profession is good at diligence, waste is at play; action is at thinking, and ruin is at follow.

When encountering an angry person, write:

If you are not indifferent, there is no ambition, and if you are not quiet, there is no far.

read more, walk more.

After the three-under-five-by-two signing, the readers were almost crazy.

Since Ye Ning's signature, the literary spirit has gathered from all sides.

The famous aphorisms he wrote contain reason, straightforward but not thin, simple and memorable.

"The talent of Master Ye is really rare in the ages!"

"After reading these words, I just want to go back and study hard!"

"Master Ye is here, the student is mighty!"

The violent literary spirit not only shocked Ye Ning's guts.

The scholars present also seemed to have been baptized by a cultural atmosphere.

The ink marks are flowing, and the books are fragrant.

Many people are consciously inspired, and they are all familiar with Ye Ning.

Literati have always said "the teacher of the word", let alone the enlightenment.

"Don't be so polite."

Ye Ning laughed stiffly.

Because he found that Gouri's awe-inspiring righteousness has grown a lot.

Is this stuff poisonous?

Why can he grow whatever I do?

However, this time the increase is even stronger, which makes Ye Ning's style continue to vibrate, and the whole person appears more refined and temperamental.

Ye Ning is numb.

Forget it, it's up to you.

Love what is happening.

Anyway, Confucianism and Taoism are cut off, and it will not affect whether you will rise or not.

………For flowers…

After comforting himself, he talked with people cordially.

He is waiting for a question.

Finally, someone asked about the mighty waiting.

After all, this is the number one news today.

"Is the matter of your lord and mighty waiting ended?"

The question was a young scholar.

Ye Ning has been waiting for this question for a long time.

Suddenly refreshed, he said with a sneer.

"The treacherous nephew is still sitting in the middle of the mansion, how can this end easily?"


When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help taking a breath.

As expected of Master Ye.

The poor cannot be moved, the mighty cannot be succumbed!

In this capital, who dares to challenge the mighty waiter? Ye Ning is the only one!

"Do you want to fight the mighty waiter to the end?"

Ye Ning said proudly.

"It's not that I want to fight him to the end.

"It's that the Supervisory Council will fight the evil forces to the end!"

"This officer has interrogated the manager of the Hou Mansion, and has mastered a large number of evidence of the mighty Hou. The crimes committed by this person are too numerous to document!"

"The official and sin are not at the same time!"

Shocked all over the room.

Everyone was infected by Ye Ning's awakening.

"As expected of Master Ye!

"I am a model scholar of my generation. If I win the imperial examination and become an official in the future, Master Ye will definitely be my role model!"

"Justice may be late, but it will definitely not be absent. I believe Master Ye will definitely fight the evil forces to the end!

Everyone had tears in their eyes.

Ye Ning saw that the fire was almost there, and left quietly.

But the news here was spread.

On the one hand, everyone is doing their best to propagate, and everybody talks about it.

The second is that the literary spirit is surging here, so how can such a big movement be covered?

Originally, there are various forces here to inquire.

What's more, Ye Ning also made several transitions.

I ran a few places deliberately.

Almost all such rhetoric.

To summarize it.

I, Ye Ning, are waiting on the bar with you!

In the capital, there was a lot of uproar in the spread.

Even ordinary people already know about this. After many people meet, the first sentence is.

"Have you heard? Master Ye wants to wait with the mighty forever!!

"It's not Master Ye and the mighty Hou, but the Supervisory Yuan and the evil forces!"

"Doesn't it all mean the same thing?"

"This is different. The Supervisory Council faces all the dark sides."

"Hey, Master Ye is really a good official, and all the warriors in the Supervision Yard.

"Can they really do it? Mighty Hou represents the surrender faction. Now in the capital, everyone is proud of surrendering to the immortal gate.

"I don't know if Master Ye can do it, but I know I support him."

"There is justice in the world!"

"Master Ye is mighty and domineering!"

The message was delivered quickly.

In just a few hours, almost everyone knows it.

Ye Ning saw this situation.

My mood suddenly became very beautiful.

"Now I don't believe you can stand your mighty!"

I can't bear it personally!

Mighty waiter, come and assassinate me!

Please, the most ruthless assassin, bring the fastest knife!

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