The next day, everyone who had a short and happy night on Scarob Island was doing their own things on this deserted island. After all, no one could stay on the Black Pearl for a long time. Even though the Black Pearl provided great comfort, people always wanted to see something new, especially after seeing the sea for a few weeks... At this time, Teren was sitting next to a rock, sweating coldly. He first glanced at the pile of cards on the ground, and then looked at the 16 cards in his hand. "Captain, come on!" The soft and cute platelets No. 2 and No. 4 squatted beside Teren, shaking their small flags wildly, with their eyes full of trust in Teren. Li Jing, who was opposite Teren, held two cards in one hand. On his left and right were SpongeBob and Patrick with red scarves saying "Come on" on their foreheads. At this moment, he stroked his beard with a relaxed look.

As the third party, White Bear, at this moment, looked at the succubus tattoo on his chest and fell into a hopeless state of life

"White Bear always feels insulted, but White Bear doesn't say it... and White Bear is very curious, why the leader would draw such things..."

"Captain Teren, give up! You have already lost!" Li Jing laughed, "Today, the handsome cape on your body and the Peppa Pig on your back, Li has decided to draw it! Even Jesus can't stop it."

"Damn..." Teren looked at the arrogant Li Jing and gritted his teeth, but the cards in his hand were really too bad, but as soon as he jumped over, Li Jing's cards were all out.

"Oh my!" Seeing Terun's expression, Li Jing's old face pulled, and the whole person instantly leaned forward like a frog, his eyes slightly raised, staring at Terun

"I've always wanted to see the captain's expression, the expression of wanting to win but not being able to win! Hahaha!" Li Jing's expression gradually became abstract

"Wait! Captain, you don't really want to win me, do you? You win with 16 cards?" Li Jing covered his mouth, and then whispered

"If you can beat me in one second with 16 cards, I, Li Jing, will eat this island!!"

"Li Jing is really good at putting on a show!" Gray Wolf, who was fiddling with weapons for platelets, looked at the four words "Loyalty to the country" on Li Jing's back and smacked his lips.

"Haha, Captain Terun can't keep winning!" Timo on the side smiled.

Just when Teren was helpless, a shell suddenly came from a high altitude.

"Bang!" The strong air wave generated by the explosion directly rolled up the octopus brother lying on the gondola into a mummy.

"Who is it?" Teren also reacted in time and dodged!

At the same time, two shadow army ninjas appeared from nowhere, and each of them held the second and fifth platelets in their arms.

The platelets turned into bead eyes and blinked, completely unaware of what happened.

"Cards... Cards..." Li Jing stood there blankly, his upper clothes had been blown away, and the four words "loyalty to the country" painted by Teren on his back were particularly obvious.

He lowered his eyes and watched his perfect card game turned into charcoal, trembling all over.

"Ah! What a pity." Looking at this scene, Teren suppressed his mouth and pretended to be pitying: "Originally, I really wanted to kill you with 16 cards, but I didn't expect it, alas~"

At this time, a group of pirates came from behind the island, one of them was carrying a cannon launcher, and it was obvious that the cannonball just now was fired by him

"You are so easy to find!"

Hearing this voice, Teren turned his head first and saw the leader of this group of pirates, Svenno, walking out arrogantly

He was wearing a wolf skin, with a lone wolf tattoo on his left arm, and a pair of weapons similar to wolf claws on his hands

"Is that so? You've worked hard." Teren stared at Svenno with a hint of gratitude in his eyes

"Huh?" Seeing Teren's smiling face, Vinsno didn't react for a while, and said harshly: "Do you know what you have done? You dare to rob Captain Wang Zhi's territory, where is that guy Lun Yat?"

"Wang Zhi..." Hearing Vinsno mention Wang Zhi, Teren was stunned

"Are you scared? Captain Wang Zhi is not a big pirate you can fight against!" Seeing Teren stunned, Vinsno laughed arrogantly, and his men also laughed.

At the same time, the moment Vinsno appeared, Timo seemed to notice that someone stepped on his police line

The so-called police line is the thin line that Timo arranged at high altitudes around

If there is a sniper on the opposite side, he will definitely choose the location of the police line, because only snipers understand snipers

This is also one of Timo's many scout methods!

Of course, the police

This kind of thing with a sensor device and as thin as a hair must have been made by Gray Wolf, after all, it was invented...

"Gray Wolf, I'll go deal with that guy, here..." Timo said as the Omega team put on their hats and prepared to enter stealth mode.

"Go! I don't think I need to do anything here." Gray Wolf smiled at Li Jing, who was shaking with anger.

"Okay." After Timo responded, no one knew his location...

On the other side, Patch, known as the One-Handed Man, was in the bushes of the mountain island. He had a wine jug on his left and held a sniper rifle in one hand, aiming at Tren on the coast, muttering to himself: "Someone is going to lose his life today. Why is life always so fragile~"

His tone was a little depressed, as if he was full of disappointment and helplessness in this world.

However, his expression was slightly morbid, as if he was enjoying the pleasure brought by this killing.

"Yes! Why is human life so fragile?" At this moment, an abrupt voice suddenly sounded in Patch's ears.

The sudden sound frightened Patch instantly. He widened his eyes and looked around, trying to find the source of the sound.

But within the range of his observation Haki, he did not feel any killing intent or the presence of other creatures.

"Who is it?" Patch asked in a low voice, holding the sniper rifle tightly in his hand, ready to deal with possible dangers at any time.

Timo was standing beside him at this time but did not say a word, just watching Patch quietly

And Patch looked at Timo who was slow to show up, and his heartbeat accelerated, and a layer of fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Countless thoughts began to emerge in his heart

For example, where did the sound come from? Could there be someone who could break through the perception range of his observation Haki?

These thoughts made Patch feel a strong sense of uneasiness in his heart.

"Something is wrong!" Patch was startled, his body tensed up involuntarily, and his eyes looked around vigilantly

He began to slowly retreat to the back, while staying alert and observing the movements around him

Timo, who had been hiding and waiting for him, smiled under his mask.

In this way, Patch kept retreating, and before he knew it, he stepped on a seemingly ordinary place.

Suddenly, there was a light "drip" sound, and a pungent poisonous gas burst out from the trap under his feet.

"What..." Patch just reacted, but the trachea in his neck had been cut off by Timo with a dagger. Because he tried to speak, the cut wound kept bleeding.

"Uh... uh..." At the moment Patch fell, he saw clearly, but he only saw Timo's feet.

"It's over in a moment. Just as you said, life is really fragile."

After speaking, Timo inserted a dagger directly into his brain stem. Patch instantly lost consciousness and fell into endless darkness...

"Alas, stab the heart next time! At least it will resist." Timo watched Patch pull the dagger out of his forehead.

Then he habitually prepared to cut his ears, but after thinking about it, he put the dagger away again.

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