The two of them were in a mess, and the two of them were in a mess.

"Don't worry!" Hody Jones knelt there panting in a cold sweat, while Green Bull walked towards Jilong Court Square lightly, and talked to Den Den Mushi in a muttered voice.

"I'm not with Yixiao. We separated from each other since we landed on Fishman Island.

Admiral Akainu, you know that my personality is completely different from his!"

"Aramaki, I'm already at the G3 base in the New World, and the Whitebeard Pirates are still here. You can do it on your side." After saying that, Akainu's Den Den Mushi closed his eyes, indicating that he had hung up the phone.

"Ahhh!" Looking at the Den Den Mushi in his palm, Green Bull stood alone in the dark alley, and in front of him was a carnival celebration.

"This celebration song is quite happy! The navy is not in the mood at all now! Bastards." Green Bull put the Den Den Mushi into his pocket, and then walked towards the center of the square, his feet blooming with every step!

He is a good hand at greening.

At the same time, in the center of the square, Mrs. Shirley pushed through the crowd with a pale face and ran towards the viewing stand where King Neptune was.

She had only one thought in her mind: find Tren and tell him about it!

"Bang!" Suddenly, a man in a samurai costume and a purple scarf walked out of the crowd and collided head-on with Mrs. Shirley who was running with all her heart.

Mrs. Shirley was caught off guard and was knocked to the ground hard.

"Hiss~" The sudden collision made Mrs. Shirley gasp.

However, time was tight at the moment, and she had to get up immediately, because the crowd in the square was too dense. If she didn't stand up quickly, the consequences would be disastrous.

At this moment, Fujitora used his observation Haki to sense the position of Lady Shirley and reacted quickly.

He used the cane sword in his hand as a crutch and took the initiative to block Lady Shirley in front of her to block the surging crowd for her.

"Are you okay?!" Fujitora asked with concern.

Lady Shirley stood up with difficulty and replied gratefully, "No, thank you."

However, when she looked up and saw Fujitora's face clearly, the horror in her eyes suddenly broke out, and her pupils trembled violently.

The picture in the crystal ball appeared in her mind again, and the man in the prophecy actually appeared in front of her.

"It's you!!" Lady Shirley widened her eyes and shouted in a trembling voice.

Fujitora frowned slightly when he heard this, and asked in confusion, "Do you know me?"

On the other side, Green Bull had already walked to the center of the square, looking at Neptune who was chatting with Trent on the high platform with a smile on his face, and said, "Tsk".

"What a cheering banquet. The navy is busy now, but you are cheering for the pirates." As he spoke, seeds quietly sprouted and grew in the center of the square!

"Hey, hey, hey, isn't this killing intention a bit too obvious?" Li Jing, dressed in a fishman's clothes, put his hand slightly on the hilt of the sword.

"There are too many people, and I don't know what the captain said." Gray Wolf looked at Teren in the stands.

"Mr. Huang Mian, I want a delicious crab..." A fishman child looked at SpongeBob and was suddenly stunned, because SpongeBob's expression was a bit gloomy, and he obviously felt something.

"Hateful guy, everyone is so happy at the banquet." Patrick also stopped his hand movements, and Squidward's face was not much better.

On the other side, Tuanzi, Teemo, Sadako, Teemo and Gengar sat together. Tuanzi was the first to notice something wrong. As a mountain god, she found that there was a forest energy on the ground in the center of the square.

"Wait for the captain's order." Sadako, wearing a beautiful kimono, glanced at the square with a cold tone, and also held down Teemo and Gengar who were about to take action.

"White Bear is a little unhappy." White Bear sighed slightly, feeling a little heavy, and the originally joyful atmosphere seemed to be destroyed by something.

"Captain..." In the stands, Thor saw Green Bull instantly, and was about to say something when Teren interrupted her.

"I know." Teren looked directly in the direction of Gengar.

"Genger." And Gengar also understood, and escaped into the space that only he could enter, and then half of his head emerged from Teren's shadow.

"Let SpongeBob and the others deal with it! Gray Wolf uses elemental power to clear the field. Although he may suffer a little scratch, it is better than losing his life."

"Genger!" Gengar used the skill sound wave replication to transmit Teren's words to everyone's ears through special sound waves.

It would have been more convenient to use the Shadow Legion, but they can't speak.

"Teren Adventure Group..." In the square, Green Bull

Niu took a deep breath of smoke, and then threw the wanted poster of Tren in his hand on the ground. Suddenly, a wood whisker emerged from the ground and twisted it up.

"Just suck it all up!"

After he finished speaking, the ground began to tremble in the Jilong Court Square of Fishman Island, followed by a loud bang. Everyone panicked and saw the ground cracked, and countless huge whiskers sprang out of the cracks and waved everywhere.

In an instant, screams came one after another, and people fled in all directions, trying to avoid these sudden attacks.

Green Bull looked around, and his eyes fell on the panicked fishmen and humans.

"What do you want to do, bastard?!" Neptune shouted!

His voice was low and powerful, and it spread throughout the square: "I remember that Fishman Island is also a member of the world, right? Forget it! The Celestial Dragons are gods! Anyway, you are not human."

"You..." As soon as these words came out, Neptune thought of human discrimination and clenched his hands.

"So I won't break the law if I kill you all!"

Just when the chaos reached its peak, a figure flashed to the center of the square. His arrival was accompanied by a sense of oppression, which made Green Bull feel an indescribable pressure.

"Although I can't fight you, you are not much better!"

Gray Wolf's face turned cold, holding the weather cube with both hands, and switching the element control form at the same time. The weather cube in his hand turned, and suddenly an extremely strong airflow spread around with Green Bull as the center!

"Bang!" In an instant, the entire Jilong Court Square was emptied, and all the pirates were blown away, leaving only Green Bull.

"Do you want to save the lives of these guys?" Seeing this, Green Bull showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and then his eyes flashed in his sunglasses, and then his body began to change slowly: "But this is okay, just count as you started it first!"

Before he finished speaking, Green Bull's figure had instantly appeared behind Gray Wolf, his left hand turned into wood, and like a claw, he lashed at Gray Wolf's head fiercely.

"I said, I'm not your opponent." Gray Wolf was not worried at all, but smiled with ease.

"Swoosh!" In an instant, the figures of the three generals of Bikini Bottom flashed. They stood at three different angles and surrounded Green Bull in a triangle.

"Fake general!" Green Bull's face changed slightly when he saw this. He just wanted to use the power of the devil fruit to quickly withdraw himself to the ground, but SpongeBob was one step faster and kicked him back to the ground at the speed of light!

"Bang!" With a loud bang, Green Bull fell heavily to the ground, raising a cloud of dust.

At this moment, all the fishmen or mermaids who were blown over stood up and looked at the center of the venue. They saw three figures standing on the left side of the opposite side where Green Bull was kicked!

SpongeBob stood in the middle with his hands in his pants, Patrick tilted his neck and stood on the left with a fierce look, and Squidward stood on the right with his eyes lowered. The navy-style cloaks of the three people fluttered in the wind.

Seeing this scene, all the residents of Fishman Island, including Neptune and others, subconsciously had a kind of expectation. Perhaps it was because the three were fishmen in their eyes.

Or perhaps it was because of the oppression or discrimination they had been experiencing all along, but at this moment, they had a common voice in their hearts: they were not fake generals, but...

"The three generals of Bikini Bottom!!!" I don't know who shouted it first, and then the whole Fishman Island was filled with neat and shocking shouts.

It's like you have been oppressed for a long time, and suddenly a great emperor appears in your clan! Even if he is not from here, he is from your clan! The important thing is that they are standing in front of you now, standing up for you! !

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on SpongeBob, Patrick and Squidward, and they felt unprecedented enthusiasm and expectations.

These three partners who were considered fishmen from Bikini Bottom seemed to have become the light of hope for the entire Fishman Island.

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