The enemy was in chaos, and the enemy was in chaos.

"Asshole! We can't let him go on like this!" Zhan Guo, who was fighting with Gray Wolf, looked at this scene, his face changed drastically, and he roared in his heart.

He knew that if he continued to let Tom and Jerry attack like this, the consequences would be disastrous.

Without any hesitation, Zhan Guo rushed out in an instant and ran straight over, leaving Gray Wolf to Garp alone.

He knew very well that someone had to stand up to stop it at this time, because the largest number of people present were the navy, and under this level of attack, the navy would die the most.

"Buddha's wrath!!" Zhan Guo shouted angrily, fully releasing his fruit ability.

An extremely powerful shock wave burst out from him, like a cannonball, blasting towards the left side of Susano, forcibly knocking it out of the main battlefield.

"I'll take on the next battle!" Zhan Guo shouted, his voice full of determination and determination.

He knew that the battle had reached a critical moment, and as a marshal, he had to do his best to protect everyone's safety.

"Oh?" Tom's mouth corners slightly raised, and a hint of admiration flashed in his eyes.

He looked at Zhan Guo and whispered, "You are qualified to dance!" This sentence was both a recognition of Zhan Guo's strength and a praise for his courage.

At this moment, Zhan Guo showed the demeanor of a true strong man.

"Why don't you let me say a few words." Jerry, who had been silent all the time, spoke.

"You don't know what it means to be cool! Jerry."


On various battlefields, wars were flying, and shouts of killing were heard one after another. On the Black Pearl, ninjas from the Shadow Legion continued to emerge. They jumped off the ship without hesitation and fought fiercely with the navy.

The platelets held Gatling guns and fired wildly, with fierce firepower, almost dyeing the ice red.

Fortunately, Gray Wolf's invention and Steve's forging technology have kept these weapons running efficiently without overheating or malfunctioning.

In the chaos, Xiao Hei stood at the bow, his eyes firm and focused.

In front of him was the control panel, which was Gray Wolf's latest scientific and technological achievement using the energy of the Thunder Fruit - the Energy Shield Generator.

This device can generate a powerful energy shield to protect the ship from enemy attacks.

"I also have a role!!" Xiao Hei pressed the button, and a blue light shot out from the generator, quickly spreading out, forming a solid shield that enveloped the Black Pearl, and thunder roared! !

"Is this what you expected?" Red Hair looked at Tren in front of him and held Griffin tightly.

"No, don't you think it's strange to say this from your pirate standpoint? Shanks." Tren's voice was low and powerful, but with a hint of sarcasm.

The conversation between the two was brief and full of tension, and the air around them seemed to solidify, as if time had stopped at this moment.

Teren and Shanks stood opposite each other, their eyes were firm and sharp, like two sharp swords, ready to pierce each other's chest at any time.

Teren gently pulled out the [Gambling Delusion] from his waist, the blade flashed cold light under the reflection of the sun and the ice surface, and Shanks slowly raised his Griffin.

"Come on!" Shanks shouted loudly, shaking the sky, and took the lead in attacking.

His body rushed towards Teren like a cannonball, and the Griffin drew a sharp trajectory in the air, as fast as lightning.

"God avoid!!!!"

"I won't avoid!" Teren also slashed out the [Gambling Delusion] horizontally, and the two weapons collided!

In an instant, the ice surface with the two people as the core was completely shattered, like a bomb that was detonated, and water splashed everywhere.

After a moment, the two retreated together, but Shanks would not hesitate. The moment he landed, he rushed out again, like an arrow from a string, as fast as lightning.

Tren did not dare to be careless. He relied on his self-healing ability and unconscious evasion to cleverly avoid every attack from Shanks.

As the battle progressed, the speed of the two became faster and faster, and the sword shadows were heavy and intertwined, making a crisp collision sound.

Tren used his ability to constantly test the edge of life and death, while Shanks showed the power of his domineering color domineering, and each attack was overwhelming, like a mountain pressing down on the top.

After a fierce confrontation, the two took a few steps back at the same time and adjusted their breathing.

Tren felt the pain in his arm, but his self-healing ability quickly took effect, and the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Your strength is wrong!" Seeing this, Shanks flashed a trace of surprise in his eyes, like a calm lake suddenly thrown into

He threw a stone, and ripples appeared.

You know, three years ago, he was scared away by Tren who didn't draw his sword, but now when they fought, he found that Tren's strength was... just a bug in dodging, but it might be that his observation color was strong.

"Don't scream, it's just bad luck!" Tren responded, holding [Gambling] tightly and sheathing his sword.

"Then... you don't have a chance!" Shanks' voice was cold and firm, as if it was the whisper of a demon from hell.

His eyes were full of murderous intent, as if he wanted to devour Tren. Since the opportunity was in front of him, Shanks would not hesitate, he didn't care whether Tren was pretending or not.


The battle had entered a white-hot stage, and Tren's body was covered with scars, but his self-healing ability prevented him from falling down, and his body continued to repair itself during the battle.

"You are really weak!" Shanks' eyes condensed slightly, and a powerful aura burst out from his body. The domineering aura was wrapped around Griffin like a substance, making Griffin flash with black light.

"In that case! Fall down!" Shanks roared, swung his arm violently, and Griffin slashed out with terrifying power at a very fast speed.

"God avoid!!!" The power of this attack was extremely terrifying, even the space was torn apart, and a long black crack appeared.

However, at this moment, suddenly a white and tender hand easily grabbed Griffin, as if it was not an extremely sharp sword, but a piece of soft marshmallow.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Griffin's attack was stopped instantly, and Shanks's face became very ugly.

"Well... Although the captain said it, I'm still a little unhappy." Thor frowned. She held Griffin in her hand, felt the wind blowing her hair constantly, and felt a little irritated.

"This woman..." Shanks hadn't finished speaking when Thor kicked out. Shanks instantly flew out like a cannonball, shooting through the Marinford Fortress all the way, and finally hit the city wall heavily, making a loud noise.

"You won't be killed by a kick, will you? Thor." Tren looked at the direction where Shanks flew out and swallowed his saliva.

"Probably, probably, maybe!" Thor touched his chin.

"Bang!" Shanks rushed out of the ruins, covering his chest, half-knelt and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Isn't this woman dealt with by Beckman and the guys from the Blackbeard Pirates? They..." Thinking of this, Shanks turned his head and saw that Beckman was almost embedded in the ice, and the drunkards of the Blackbeard Pirates were the same!

"I'm going to help Sadako!" Thor looked at Shanks, clapped his hands, and turned away.

"See! How good I am to you, Shanks." Tren looked at Shanks and smiled slightly.

"Would you be so kind?" Shanks took a breath, because if it was that woman just now, she could really kill him.

"Of course not." Tren's eyes sank slightly, and the [Gambling] on his waist was ready to move, as if waiting for the moment to be unsheathed.

"No, your breath..." In just a moment, Shanks keenly noticed that something was wrong.

"Didn't you feel good when you cut me just now?" Tren's mouth corners slightly raised, with a hint of mocking smile.

He slowly walked towards Shanks and gently drew out the knife from his waist.

At the same time, the ice around Tren began to melt, and an extremely strong high temperature quickly spread, as if a ferocious fire beast was roaring on the ice.

"The fire that burns everything is burning and annihilation, unsheath it!" Tren's voice was low and powerful, as if it was a whisper from the abyss, containing endless power.

As Tren drew out the knife, a raging fire suddenly burst out behind him, like a volcanic eruption!

His figure gradually changed, becoming slightly taller, and his pupils turned bright red, like a burning flame.

And the sword that was originally hidden in the sheath was finally completely pulled out and displayed before his eyes - [Gambling: Zanka no Tachi]!

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