The battle of the top ended, and the huge fortress of the Navy Headquarters, Marinford, sank to the bottom of the sea, and the waves swallowed up this once righteous land.

The dust of history slowly settled among the broken bricks and tiles, and the new era called for reform and revival.

Holy Land Marijoa

While the afterglow of the iron blood had not yet subsided, the World Government urgently convened a meeting of extraordinary significance, and the World Government's General Commander-in-Chief, Steel Bone Sora, took on the heavy responsibility of presiding over the meeting...

Marijoa, temporary naval base, meeting room.

At this time, the atmosphere in the meeting room was solemn. The participants were all the backbone of the navy. A sturdy man with a white mohawk, wearing a commander's cape and a red short-sleeved shirt, was sitting quietly in the main seat of the meeting room.

He was the commander-in-chief of the World Government Army - Steel Bone Sora.

To the left of Steel Bone Sora, Navy Marshal Sengoku was looking ahead with a frown.

To the right sat Navy Admirals Akainu, Aokiji, Kizaru, Green Bull, and Fujitora. The five admirals were seated in order of their names, and almost all of them were covered with white bandages.

The headquarters vice admirals and the hero Garp and Izuru staff were also present, but if there was no other reason such as standing in line or voting, the headquarters vice admirals would not speak easily...

"Bang!" Kong suddenly slapped the table with his palm, looked at the navy with a sharp gaze, and said in a sonorous and powerful voice: "Look at yourselves, do you still look like a righteous navy now? You are simply old, weak, sick and disabled!"

Hearing this, Green Bull snorted coldly and retorted: "The World Government did not send other combat forces to support at that time!"

"Aramaku!" Sengoku shouted.

"The World Government did not expect things to develop like this." Kong looked at the wounded Marshal Sengoku, who he had trained, and softened his heart. After all, he was also a navy.

"But what's important now is what the Navy should do next? This is also the main purpose of this meeting."

As Kong Ganggu finished his speech, Marshal Zhan Guo expressed his opinion first. His voice was low and serious: "In the war on the top, our Navy won a miserable victory, which can even be said to be horrible.

The entire Marinford was almost reduced to ruins, countless soldiers and civilians died, and even the specific casualties of the Navy have not been counted yet..."

Hearing this, everyone was silent, bowed their heads and sighed, revealing a trace of sadness and helplessness in their eyes.

After all, on the battlefield, the lives of ordinary people are as small as ants and fleeting.

"But!" Marshal Sengoku's tone suddenly became firm, "We also won! The two emperor-level pirate groups of the Four Emperors Whitebeard and Shanks were annihilated!

Especially the Red Hair Pirates, which is a very difficult guy!

Although it paid a heavy price, but because of this, the pirates in the New World are now in a vacuum period because of the defeat of the two Four Emperors!

As for Tren's group, there is no news that they have taken over the territories of these two Four Emperors."

Speaking of this, Sengoku stood up and endured the pain of pulling the wound and shouted: "We should take this opportunity to take over the New World, which is currently the least controlled by the Navy. World, insert justice! ! "

After Sengoku finished speaking, Akainu spoke up, his eyes flashing with determination: "Chaotic order needs to be ruled by an iron fist.

We will baptize those lawless pirates with justice, so that they will understand that justice is inevitable and there is no paradise for pirates!"

Kizaru gently adjusted his glasses, and his relaxed tone was in sharp contrast to the tense atmosphere of the meeting: "Oh my, isn't this going to be another fight? I..."

"Borsalino, as the only person in the audience with only a bandaged finger, are you sure you want to finish your words?" Steel Bone Sora smiled slightly.

Seeing Sora's smile, Kizaru's expression suddenly darkened, and he said seriously: "That's right, damn pirates, justice will not let them go! As the admiral of the navy, I will take the lead!"

At this time, Aokiji's cold voice came out: "But what if we run into Tren and his gang?

Although they didn't take over these territories, they didn't listen to us saying no."

Green Bull and Fujitora participated in such a high-level meeting for the first time. Green Bull sighed: "This is not easy! I was almost killed by that cube man."

Fujitora still had that closed-eye expression: "I don't want to lie. If I want to defeat those guys, I need a war against them.


Garp tapped the table lightly, his eyes were dull, he had not yet come out of his sorrow...

"We will not meet them. I have investigated the situation of the Terun Adventure Group from its fame to the present. They seem to only like to stay on their own ship and have no so-called "territory desire." "He slowly spoke, his voice was steady and firm. As a chief of staff, she needed to make appropriate suggestions.

"This is a perfect opportunity!" She swept her eyes over everyone present, and then said: "In the past, we had a strong dominance in the first half of the Grand Line, but the second half of the 'New World' had no restraint at all, making the New World a paradise for pirates.

Now, taking this opportunity, we should move forward and change this situation.

Times have changed, and we can no longer stick to the rules!" At this point, He's eyes became sharp, as if they could penetrate all obstacles.

She continued: "So, I propose to set up the new naval headquarters in the New World!

In this way, we can better control the situation and form a more powerful deterrent to the pirates.

At the same time, we can also show the world the determination and strength of our navy, and let those who dare to challenge justice know that we are not easy to mess with! "

He's words moved people.

At this moment, everyone seemed to see a brand new future, a new era led by the navy.

"Set up in the New World..." Steel Bone Kong was a little moved. This is a message for the world to believe in the navy, especially now that the war on the top is over and the pressure of public opinion is too great.

"Then where should we set it up? "Zhan Guo said calmly.

His voice was like a stone on a calm lake, stirring up a thousand waves.

Everyone expressed their opinions, and the conference room was filled with heated discussions.

Some people suggested choosing to build a new headquarters near the entrance of the Grand Line, so that they can better control the pirates entering and leaving the Grand Line!

Others suggested choosing to set up a base near the Four Emperors' territories so that they can attack them at any time!

In short, it was a debate between hawks and doves, and various plans were proposed, but all of them had certain risks and difficulties.

Just then, Steel Bone Kong slapped the table and said loudly: "With the largest G2 base in the New World as the center! "

After the meeting, the senior officers of the Navy returned to their posts, preparing for relocation and new strategic layout.

Gang Gu Kong even issued a series of important documents, such as "The Navy will respond to the challenges of the new world with a more flexible and tough attitude", "On the protracted war of pirates", "Small island siege forces", etc. These documents elaborated on the Navy's future strategic direction and action guidelines.

Under the new order, the navy soldiers carried supplies and redeployed forces in an orderly manner.

Their busy figures shone in the sun, as if foreshadowing that the navy was about to usher in a new glory.

The original Marinford looked particularly desolate under the setting sun. This island that had witnessed countless battles has now become a ruin.

But it also symbolizes the end of an old era of the Navy and the beginning of a new era.

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