The sound of a teleporter was heard, and the sound was heard again.

"Bobo, bobo...bobo bobo!" A special Den Den Mushi sounded, and then a man with a mustache and a tall hat on a merchant ship on the sea took it and put it in his palm

"Tomato, this is codename Potato, please reply if you get it."

"Potato, this is Tomato, I got it." Den Den Mushi opened his mouth.

"Tren and his gang received an invitation from the Four Emperors BIGMOM Pirates, and are now on the route to Wan Guo

But at this time they stopped in the waters of Carlos Island... The purpose is unknown, and it is suspected that there is a conflict between the crew members."

"Crew conflict?!" The Den Den Mushi's expression instantly became exaggerated!

"No... That's right, they don't attack merchant ships, so I saw this scene with my own eyes..." The CP organization codenamed Potato frowned slightly at the scene in front of them.

On the deck of the Black Pearl, Tom and Jerry were tied up...

"Three days, do you know how I spent these three days?" Squidward spoke first, "My lunch break is gone, my sunbath is gone, my flute is gone..."

"And my collection of tea sets..." Li Jing squatted in front of a pile of debris, and his life was only black and white.

"And last night's dinner, they were all restless." White Bear crossed his arms and shook his head, especially thinking of the chaotic scene at the table yesterday.

"Fortunately my plants..." Before Sadako finished speaking, Tom smiled and carefully pushed a bunch of plants in front of Sadako, and piled up a pile of soil, and patted his hands

Sadako: "..."

"You two..." Tren was about to say something, but Tom and Jerry blinked their big eyes and flew out little stars.

"I think they just have no place to use their strength. When they run out of strength, they will probably be content." Gray Wolf said.

"That's right!" Steve nodded, "After all, a few days after the end of the war, Tom and Jerry were completely in the honeymoon period."

"Hearing what you two said..." Tren looked at Tom and Jerry without clothes, and seemed to understand something, so he walked to their room, which was actually a (nest)

and took out the red armor that the two had taken off...

"Bang!!" The originally calm sea suddenly had two pressures spreading, and the sea surface began to fluctuate.

"This... is this a fight? Tren's group actually had an internal conflict! This is big news!" The CP codenamed Potato looked at the scene in front of him, muttering excitedly, and at the same time frantically passing on the news.

"Swish! Bang!" Suddenly, a figure rushed out from the Black Pearl and flew towards Carlos Island.

Then, another figure rose from the Black Pearl. Although it was just a cat, its expression was full of contempt and arrogance.

It held a round fan in one hand and a sickle in the other, and shouted arrogantly: "Jerry!!!!"

On Kalos Island, Thousand Hands Jerry walked out of the big hand of the wooden cousin

"Tom! I really don't want to fight with you. This is not good at all!"

"Huh? Do you mean, I will lose?" Uchiha Tom shouted loudly, and then rushed into the island.

"Fire escape: Great Fire Extinguishment!!!"

"Senjutsu, Wood escape: Big cousin!" Jerry put his hands together, and then a big cousin wooden man raised his palm to block the flames.

For a while, they each performed their unique ninjutsu, and for a while, fire splashed and smoke filled the air.

"Senjutsu: Wood escape: Tree world descends!!" Jerry kept dodging Tom's attacks, and at the same time used Wood escape to create various fortifications.

Tom, with his eye-sight and powerful physical skills, broke through Jerry's defense again and again.

"Wood Dragon Technique!" Jerry shouted, and a wooden dragon rushed out.

"Bang!" Tom summoned the ribs of Susanoo to wrap his whole body, easily defending against the attack.

The corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a confident smile.

Then, Tom made seals with his hands again, spitting out four fire dragons towards the ground, attacking the target from the top, bottom, left and right at the same time

"Fire Style: Dragon Flame Song Technique!" At the same time, he also flashed and attacked Jerry like lightning! !

Jerry looked at the scene in front of him and was shocked.

But he did not panic, but reacted quickly, quickly made seals with his hands, and muttered: "Wood Style: Protect My Cousin!"

As his voice fell, a huge wooden hand rose from the ground

and stood between him and Tom.

However, this wooden hand did not completely block Tom's attack.

Seeing this, Jerry quickly used his body skills to avoid Tom's sickle attack.

The two figures shuttled in the air like ghosts, dazzling people.

And Tom chased closely, constantly releasing various ninjutsu, trying to hit Jerry.

The two of them fought back and forth, and it was difficult to tell who was the winner for a while.

The entire battlefield was filled with a tense atmosphere, as if a fierce battle could break out at any time.

"Jerry, this kind of small fight is boring!" Tom laughed, and then released his pupil power, directly using the true form of Susanoo.

Suddenly, a giant whose size exceeded the mountain appeared, showing the posture of a martial god, with wings transformed on the armor on his back and equipped with two swords.

"Is it still like this? Tom."

"Jerry, this is fate!!!"

"Forget it, I'll give you two hands this time." Jerry sighed, and then clapped his hands together eleven times

"Senjutsu·Wood Release·True Thousand Hands!!"


Tren looked at the battlefield in the distance, his eyes fixed on Suzai who was suppressed by his Thousand Hands cousin, and thought to himself: "They should have fought almost enough!"

At this time, Thor brought a glass of juice and gently placed it in front of Tren.

Tren took the glass, took a sip, and felt the coolness and sweetness of the juice

"Is it apple juice today? It tastes good!"

The platelets on the side excitedly waved their flags and shouted loudly: "Dry! Come on!" Their faces were filled with excitement, and they seemed to be more involved in this battle than anyone else.

Xiao Hei sat quietly on the table, watching everything in front of him with a smile, revealing a calm and confident look in his eyes, as if he had a clear grasp of the situation.

"It's a done deal! Tom is 3 to 1, Jerry is 4 to 1!"

Teemo, Gengar, Li Jing and Steve also gathered together to form a small circle, observing the battle and talking in low voices.

At the same time, on the other side, on the merchant ship that had withdrawn a distance, the CP member codenamed Potato was excited and shouted at Den Den Mushi: "You're lying! There's definitely an internal conflict, they're all fighting to the death!

I swear on my career!" His voice was full of excitement and determination, as if he had witnessed a fierce internal fight with his own eyes.

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