The old man was very angry.

"It's okay, it's just a cane, cough cough!" Perospero smiled, and didn't seem to care about the lost cane.

He is the eldest son of the Charlotte family and one of the highest cadres of the Big Mom Pirates. He is not stupid.

With a cough, Perospero activated his ability again and created a new cane.

He held the new cane in his hand and said with a smile: "Now I will lead you, Captain Tren, to Perorin Town!

My sister's wedding banquet will not start so soon."

"Lord Perospero!" Just as Perospero was about to take Tren and others to Perorin Town, two minions hurried over.

They panted, ran and shouted Perospero's name.

Perospero stopped and looked at the two minions in front of him, frowning slightly.

"Minister Dou, Lord Dafu..." The two men looked very panicked, as if they had something important to tell him.

However, before they could finish their words, suddenly, a thick layer of syrup condensed on their bodies.

The syrup spread quickly, tightly wrapped around their bodies, as if they were wearing a hard armor.

Then, more candies came from all directions, invading their bodies continuously.

These candies not only deprived them of their breathing, but also affected all other physiological functions.

After a while, their bodies became extremely stiff and unable to move. The two minions completely turned into candy people and eventually suffocated to death.

Perospero watched the scene quietly, his eyes were cold, he raised the candy cane in his hand, and said: "Candy man."

"Perfect hospitality, there should be no other factors." Perospero's voice revealed a hint of displeasure. As a person who pursues perfection, he hates any factors that may destroy his plan or interfere with his actions.

"There are so many children of BIGMOM who have superhuman fruit abilities!" Tren looked at this scene and smiled slightly, with a harmonious expression.

"Sorry." Perospero also smiled. Then, the five people came to Perorin Town together.

This place is different from Candy Island, because Perospero's fruit ability has not yet awakened, so his ability cannot have any effect on this island.

Therefore, the candy features on the island are all built with building materials, but Perorin Town is very different!

Almost all the buildings here are created by Perospero's licking fruit ability, so it is completely a candy town.

"It's a real candy town! Long live!" Patrick licked the street lamp first, and then hugged the house and gnawed it.

"Wow~ so delicious!" Patrick's eyes lit up, and saliva flowed down the corners of his mouth.

"Captain, I'll go look after Patrick!" SpongeBob said, but the excitement in his eyes could not be hidden. He couldn't wait to explore this wonderful place.

"Go! Thor is here." Tren nodded with a smile, agreeing.

Looking at SpongeBob and the disappeared Patrick, Tren waved his hand with a helpless smile on his face.

"The two of them..." Looking at the running SpongeBob, Thor pouted and said with some dissatisfaction: "It's really a headache!"

"Do you want to go too?" Tren looked at Thor and asked, with a hint of ridicule in his eyes.

"I don't want to, I'm Captain Tren's personal maid!" Thor straightened his chest and raised his chin proudly. She wanted to stick to her post and take good care of Captain Tren.

After chatting for a while, Tren and Thor came to the central candy house in Perolin Town, and came to the hall at the invitation of Perospero.

"Captain Tren, why don't you sit down?" Perospero looked at Tren and asked in confusion.

"Is this chair not sticky?" Looking at the chair made of candy, Tren hesitated.

"Haha! Not at all. Although my fruit ability is to create syrup, once it is materialized, it will not have other characteristics, except for encountering high temperatures."

"That's good!" Hearing this, Tren sat down without hesitation and touched the table. It was indeed as Perospero said, no different from ordinary tables and chairs.

Thor did not sit down, but stood quietly beside Tren.

"Speak!" Tren looked at Perospero with a long tongue and a raised mouth corner.

"What did you just turn into candy?

The two guys in the mouth, the so-called bean minister, Daifuku.

If I remember correctly, it is Charlotte Daifuku, the third son of Big Mom, that is, your brother, right? "

Seeing that Tren got to the point so directly, Perospero no longer beat around the bush and asked directly: "Captain Tren, I wonder what you think of our BIGMOM Pirates?"

"What else can I think? It's just that you BIGMOM are quite fertile!"

As soon as the voice fell, Thor suddenly put his hand on Tren's shoulder and raised a thumb as if to say, "I can do it too!"


"Indeed, my mother has never stopped since I was born." Perospero didn't care about Thor, after all, he was a guy with a bounty of 3.1 billion.

"Our BIGMOM Pirates relied on the blood ties between brothers and sisters and relatives as a bond and the strength of my mother to become the Four Emperors of the New World! "Perospero said proudly, "But now..."

Changing the subject, Perospero showed a trace of helplessness on his face: "Mom has recently become obsessed with using my sisters to marry other forces, such as Capone this time."

Hearing this, Tren frowned slightly, but soon regained his composure: "Isn't it normal to be unable to give birth?"

After saying that, Tren prepared to take a sip of the hot cocoa in front of him.

However, before he could do it, Thor on the side quickly took the cup away and handed it to him.

Looking at Tren's somewhat surprised expression, Thor smiled and explained: "Drink it! Don't praise me."

At this time, Perospero continued: "Mom longs to create a utopia where all races and species can live in harmony!

But those outsiders, how could they understand Mom's ideas? They don't have such a dream at all! "

At the end, Perospero's voice became low, as if he was full of worries about the future.

"So..." Tren's mouth corners slightly raised, his eyes with a hint of teasing, raised his eyes and stared at Perospero, and asked softly: "Are you considering yourself the next successor of the BIGMOM Pirates? Charlotte Perospero."

Hearing this, Perospero's face changed instantly. However, he soon regained his composure and showed that ugly smile on his face again.

"I am my mother's eldest son!" Perospero said calmly, "I love all my brothers and sisters."

Tren looked at Perospero's smile, so he asked: "How old are you?"

Perospero was obviously caught off guard by this question, but he quickly reacted and answered: "50." Although his tone was still steady, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

After hearing this, Tren suddenly realized that there could be a prince for fifty years in the world?!

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