At the grand dessert banquet, BIGMOM sat at a gorgeous table, enjoying a variety of delicious desserts.

The atmosphere of the banquet gradually became warm and cheerful, and the guests were chatting or tasting, with laughter and exclamations one after another.

And the aunt had been paying attention to Ornn, so she could see the situation on Tren's side clearly.

"When did this dog-headed man appear there?" Looking at Nasus shaking hands with Tren, the aunt was really confused. She had been paying attention to Tren... Ornn beside her.

But Nasus's appearance did not cause any fluctuations, unless the other party jumped out at the moment she blinked, but this was impossible!

"It's just as I thought. Jenny Tren has infiltrated Cake Island, no! The entire Ten Thousand Kingdoms." Perospero was also puzzled, but with the foreshadowing of Ornn and Po, he was no longer surprised.

"What a terrifying guy!"

Not only Big Mom and Perospero, but also those who had been paying attention to Tren were attracted by the dog-headed Nasus next to him.

"Dog-headed fur tribe?" Stussy frowned and said.

"This is not the fur tribe. The fur tribe does not have this characteristic. This guy does not have many animal symbols except the head. Especially without a tail." Morgans denied. As a news tycoon, he knew a lot.

"So it's a new species!" Umit's eyes flashed with emotion. His shipping is all over the world.

If he can find the country of this species, he can also use this to get involved in the population auction of the Chambord Islands.

Especially since the core of the navy moved to the new world, Shampoo Island has completely become a lawless area.

"Hehe." Dorag Piercro noticed Umit, sneered in his heart, and said nothing. After all, he had been preparing for the banquet for a long time.

The sudden appearance of the unusual Nasus, with a mysterious atmosphere, added a bit of strange color to the originally lively banquet.

"Mom, mom!" The aunt showed a strong interest in Nasus, and at this time she was already walking towards Teren with a smile

Her eyes were attracted by Nasus's unique temperament

Gain, Nasus, like Ornn, is a race that she does not have in the Ten Thousand Nations, so she took the initiative to come forward to talk.

"It's really another surprise!" Auntie walked up to him with a smile on her face

"Would you like to introduce yourself? Jenny Tren."

"My name is Nasus, an archaeologist from the Tren Adventure Group." Nasus slightly moved the white bow under his neck, and with the gold chain monocle on his left eye and the gentleman's beard on both sides of his mouth

Not to mention, he really looks like a "human"

"Archaeologist?!" After learning that Nasus was an archaeologist, Auntie's curiosity was completely ignited

"Is he from O'Hara?!"

"O'Hara... should it be called Shurima?" Nasus was stunned, but Auntie had already made up her mind

After all, apart from the genius archaeologist on the great O'Hara Island, who else dared to call himself an archaeologist openly?

Especially after the Demon Slayer Order, even Robin himself did not call himself an archaeologist.

"Mom, mom, mom, mom!" Big Mom laughed again. She was still very interested in ancient civilizations and historical relics, especially in the process of collecting races and unique creatures, she also collected a lot of things.

So Nasus's identity made her feel both surprised and excited.

"Jenny. Tren, how about I invite you to see my collection?" Big Mom enthusiastically invited Tren to visit her private collection. After all, Tren was the leader of the adventure group, and Big Mom knew that she couldn't ask Nasus directly.

"If Nasus is interested, let him go!" Tren smiled. What's so good about the collection?

Just when Big Mom left, the cows, horses and snakes at the banquet would come up to refresh their spiritual emotions.

"Then I'll go and take a look!" Nasus was not interested in sweets, so why not observe some historical objects?

So Big Mom and Nasus left together, but Perospero didn't follow...

In Big Mom's private exhibition room, many collections were placed here

"Mom." At this time, a man who was also dressed elegantly came out, looking very strange.

"Sibsit, why didn't you go to the dessert party?" Auntie said softly. Normally, Auntie was very gentle to her children.

"You know, Mom, I like staying here."

"Yeah." Auntie nodded and then introduced

"This is my 41st son, Charlotte Sibsit, who also has a lot of insights into cultural relics."

"Nasus, an archaeologist." Nasus is still veryPolite.

"Archaeologist?" Sibster nodded, a hint of emotion flashing in his eyes.

"Mom, mom! Sibster, just now, you had a discussion with Nasus." The aunt narrowed her eyes and smiled, and it was obvious that she wanted to see the real material of Nasus.

"Archaeological academic exchanges are a must!" Sibster smiled at Nasus.

So next, Sibster had his own unique insights and interpretations of each of the aunt's collection exhibits, and from a professional perspective, he revealed more stories and secrets behind these cultural relics to the aunt.

"Mr. Nasus, what do you think?" Sibster said, turning his eyes to stare at Nasus.

And Nasus directly picked up a fragment of the ancient national civilization that Sibster had just explained, and gently pinched it: "What is my identity, Nasus? The things of a country a hundred years ago are not worthy of my research."

"You..." Sibster looked at the broken collection, his teeth were broken, and he raised his hand and pointed at Nasus.

"In my opinion, most of the so-called 'collections' in your room are just junk!" Nasus said as he walked straight to one of them.

"Like this one, it is clearly an item from a hundred years ago, but it is classified as three hundred years old."

"And this one, it is clearly a modern craft, but it is exhibited here as an antique." Nasus continued to point out other problems, his eyes were sharp, as if he could see through all the falsehoods.

After hearing what Nasus said, the aunt's face became a little ugly, but she still resisted the urge to get angry.

"Humph, your so-called experts can only praise some ordinary things to the sky, and don't understand the real value at all." Nasus said disdainfully.

Nasus' words stunned Sibster and the aunt present. They didn't expect Nasus to criticize these collections so bluntly, without any human touch.

However, Sibster was unwilling to accept Nasus' criticism easily. He sneered and said, "Mr. Nasus, you may have your own opinions, but these collections have been appraised by me, and their value is undeniable."

Nasus shook his head, "Only you think they are valuable! If I am not mistaken, most of the things here are just fooling people."

"I see that you obviously don't know anything, and you are just pretending here!" Sibster shouted, "Whether it is valuable or not is not up to you."

"Then you have the final say?" Nasus looked at Sibster sharply, "Real treasures can stand the test of time.

And your so-called collections are nothing but temporary vanity."

The aunt frowned slightly and fell into deep thought. She began to re-examine her collections. Is it really as Nasus said? After all, this thing was really given by the guests when she held a tea party.

At this moment, Nasus walked to an ancient map fragment, pointed to a mark on it and said, "For example, this, you think it is the key clue to find a lost treasure, but it is actually someone deliberately tore it up to make it look old."

Xibster's eyes widened. In fact, he already knew what Nasus said just now, or he had already known his mistake, but he would not admit that he was not as good as Nasus

"Impossible, you are talking nonsense, I have been studying this thing for two and a half years!"

Nasus raised his mouth slightly, "Real archaeological research is not about the length of time."

"Mom! This guy is talking nonsense, there is no research at all! He is deceiving you!"

Looking at Xibster's appearance, Nasus said directly to the aunt: "Next, I will have an academic discussion with this Xibster."

"Well. Okay! Xibster is just right, you can also learn from him!" The aunt nodded without hesitation, or her interest had disappeared at this time, so she turned around and left.

"Ah!" After the old lady left, Nasus sighed, then slowly took off the lens and took out the long axe.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Sibster looked at this scene and didn't react for a while.

"Your stubbornness reminds me of that group of guys in Shurima."

"A group of guys?" Sibster frowned, and Nasus had rolled up his sleeves

"They are just like you, knowing that their questions are wrong but still stubborn, so.....

In terms of archaeology, do you want to listen to me or the axe?"

Sibster: "........"

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