Looking into Tren's eyes, Morgans swallowed his saliva. His mouth was still upturned, but he didn't look like smiling. He just froze there.

"I didn't expect that the famous intelligence emperor Morgans would have such an expression. It's rare." Stussy interrupted the conversation with a smile on her face, and walked towards Tren with a slightly swaying step.

"This is a favor, Morgans." Stussy suddenly approached Morgans and said, swaying towards Tren.

And Morgans pursed his beak, without nodding or speaking.

"Captain Tren, I have heard of you for a long time!" Stussy walked in front of Tren and showed a charming smile

"I have been in the New World for so long, but I haven't visited my Happy Street.

You know, the Red Hair Pirates went there a lot back then." Her words were full of enthusiasm and temptation. As the queen of Happy Street, this kind of self-familiar conversation technique is simply a piece of cake.

Teren frowned slightly, but on the surface he still answered politely: "Then next time, I will bring a few admirals to visit you?"

"Admirals..." Stuth's brain circuit did not turn around for a while, but he soon understood what the so-called "patronage" meant

So Stusi smiled and shook his head: "Haha, forget it, Marinford is still vivid in my mind!"

"But, Captain Teren, I'm not interested, then your other partners..."

Stusi is still unclear about Tom and Jerry's surprise attack on Mary Geoise, so as a secret intelligence agency directly under the Celestial Dragons, her current task is to contact other members of the Teren Adventure Group

In the pirates, she really doesn't believe that there are people who are not lustful!

That's why she became the entertainment emperor among the six underground emperors with the support of the World Government. After all, the third-rate places are where the information is most circulated!

"Happy Street, I'm quite interested." Thor came up with a smile on his face.

"Give me the coordinates? How about that?"

[5% Stussy]

"Sit... coordinates?" Stussy was stunned when she saw the woman in front of her wearing a maid outfit, yellow twin ponytails, dragon horns on her head, and a long green dragon tail behind her.

At the same time, she also recognized the other party's identity - the dragon maid Thor.

Thor looked at Stussy's chest and sneered: "Captain, I'm Dragon, so my chest size is D cup!"

"Me too! What are you mocking!?" Stussy's face changed drastically and her eyes widened.

"Is that so?" Thor glanced and said calmly: "C."

"D! It's D!" Stussy shouted, and even supported her chest.

"Don't deceive yourself in front of my real dragon eyes." Thor smiled, with a hint of pride in his eyes.

Women are so amazing sometimes. They are always particularly concerned about things like scoring mechanisms.

Just when Thor and Stussy were about to measure by hand, Nasus came back

"Captain." Nasus nodded to Tren, but when he saw Thor and Stussy's behavior, he was stunned for a moment, but he didn't care much

As for Po and Ornn, let alone, one is honest and lonely, and the other is talkative and is interested in a tigress

"What do you mean? Is there anything interesting?" Tren looked at Nasus and asked.

"Just a bunch of useless things." Thinking of the things in Big Mom's collection room, Nasus shook his head, "But there is a square rubbing stone tablet deep in the collection room, I am more interested in that thing."

"Is Big Mom's historical text also placed there..." Hearing Nasus' words, Tren frowned.

"Mom, mom!" Suddenly, Big Mom's hearty laughter came from a distance.

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and saw Big Mom's huge body slowly standing up.

Originally standing on her left and right were Perospero and Katakuri, but now they were replaced by two short figures - Capone Bege, who was wearing mafia-style clothes, and Charlotte Chiffon, who was wearing a floral dress and looked more masculine.

Big Mom smiled and said loudly: "Thank you all for coming to this dessert banquet today.

Now, I want to announce an important news to everyone, that is, my 22nd daughter, Charlotte Chiffon, is about to marry the captain of the Flame Tank Pirates, Capone Bege!" As soon as the voice fell, the whole venue was boiling instantly, with cheers and applause.

"The BIGMOM Pirates finally chose to unite!" Umit's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a smile.

"I don't know what BIGMOM is planning... um! This is indeed the touch of D." Stussy felt the softness on his hands while looking at the main stage.aunt.

"Mom, family is always our most important wealth!" Perospero said with a firm tone.

"BIGMOM, the tide of the times has changed you!" Morgans sighed softly, closed the notebook in his hand, and then quickly took out the camera to record this historic moment.

"Has the BIGMOM Pirates started to use marriage relationships?

The era of family ties and blood ties seems to be over from now on! Lingling." Not far away, a short and fat man with a beak-like nose, big lips, and a big beard like two leaves.

Wearing a pink button-down shirt, a white apron, dark purple pants, a yellow scarf, and a big hat

There is a big feather on it. The man who always wears a sword looks at the laughing aunt and sighs.

["Gourmet Knight", a former member of the Rocks Pirates, now the chef of the BIGMOM Pirates, and one of the founders of the pirates, Long Bread]

When this news came out, except for Tren and others who had already received the invitation letter, everyone else and some of the children of Big Mom who were unaware of it were stunned.

"From now on, the Flame Tank Pirates will be one of the pirate groups under BIGMOM!" Capone Bege was very smart. He just shouted loudly

The purpose was to let people present, such as Morgans, spread the news

This way, it would be easier for him to use the name of the Big Mom Pirates to do things in the future!

Just when everyone thought that the matter was over, Big Mom suddenly turned her eyes and looked at Tren.

"Why is this old woman looking at me?" Tren frowned, having a bad feeling.

"Oh my god!!" As expected, Big Mom spoke again.

"There is one more thing, that is, the BIGMOM Pirates will form an alliance with the Tren Adventurers! And we have already discussed it.

Right? Captain Jenny Tren."

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