It has been about a week since Big Mom and Kaido met. The weather is clear and cloudless.

Under the blue sky, the sea presents a deep and peaceful blue, and the breeze blows the sea surface, causing slight ripples.

Teren stood at the bow of the Black Pearl, holding a white bowl in both hands, and in the bowl was Mr. Ping's special noodles.

He quietly enjoyed this moment of tranquility and beauty, feeling the warmth of the sun on his body.

This ordinary day made him feel at ease and satisfied.

Teren took a deep sip of noodles, savoring the deliciousness, with a happy smile on his face, as if this moment was the whole meaning of his life.

"Ordinary and peaceful..." Teren's words of sighing have not been finished, and a noise came from behind.

I saw Tom and Jerry arguing endlessly, and the sound became louder and louder, breaking the original quiet atmosphere.

"Be quiet! You two! The good mood is broken!" Teren shouted angrily, his voice echoing on the sea.

Tom and Jerry stopped arguing immediately after hearing Tren's scolding, showing a trained expression.

They lowered their heads to look at their toes, not daring to make any more sounds.

"Hey, hey..." Tom silently put the machete in his left hand behind his back, trying to cover up his mistake.

Jerry also threw the crossbow aside, blinked his eyes, and acted like an honest child.

Tren sighed helplessly and shook his head: "Alas, can't it be said that going out for breakfast can't make people worry-free."

"Also, can't you pay attention to your image?!" After saying that, he walked in wearing flowered shorts and holding a bowl in the eyes of Tom and Jerry.


When Tren finished his meal and was about to go out, he saw Bonnie, wearing a printed T-shirt, leaning against the side with a towering chest, as if waiting for him

"Tomorrow is over, don't you have any preparation?" Bonnie looked at the man in front of her, who was mentally depressed, and asked.

Perospero came again yesterday afternoon. This time he came to tell Tren that the wedding banquet has been scheduled for tomorrow and hoped that Tren could arrive on time. Then he said a lot of respectful words and left.

However, during this period, Perospero kept mentioning the deal between the two intentionally or unintentionally, and seemed to be preparing to use Tren's killing of Capone Becky as a fuse to promote the beginning of all this.

"Preparing for what? Oh!" Tren suddenly realized

Bonnie originally thought that Tren would be worried or nervous about this, but unexpectedly he still remembered it. Seeing this, Bonnie smiled and thought to herself: "It's not completely indifferent."

"I have a fishing competition with SpongeBob this afternoon!"


[5% Bonnie][45% Summon] Obviously, Bonnie has been tortured and refreshed this week.

Bonnie: "Isn't this guy worried at all? No! Is it that no one on this ship is worried?"

Before coming, she deliberately greeted all the members of the adventure team, but almost no one was nervous. Instead, they were all having fun. Some even invited her to join them. Although she was also reluctant to leave, she couldn't refuse!

White Bear's meals, SpongeBob's games, Nasus's historical interpretation, Ornn and Steve's sleep-inducing forging, Li Jing's tea, and Po's health-preserving kung fu

Hei's chess, Tom and Jerry's performance, Sadako's gardening, the interesting transformation inventions of the Minions in Wolf's laboratory, and the cute and soft platelets that can be hugged at night!

No matter how mature Bonnie is, she is just a nine-year-old girl. The child's mentality makes her unable to control herself.

"Okay, let's talk about tomorrow tomorrow!" Tren looked at Bonnie and waved his hand

Bonnie also lived in the Black Pearl during this period, but she couldn't enter the room at all, so she stayed in the medical room all the time.

"No, tomorrow is..." Bonnie was about to raise her hand to hold Teren, but Thor, dressed in a maid outfit, appeared in a second and grabbed Bonnie's raised arm.

"What do you want to do?" Thor frowned slightly.

"Nothing... nothing." Looking at Thor, Bonnie swallowed her saliva.

"Nothing?! Hehe..." Thor let go of Bonnie's arm and sneered, "Do you think I don't know your methods? If you dare to hold the captain's hand today, you will hold the captain's hand tomorrow... woo woo..."

Thor's fierce words were covered by Teren before he could say them.

"Thor, you can't say that!"

Looking at Teren who was playing with Thor and leaving, Bonnie sighed. As soon as she walked outside, she heard the voice of the Holy Lord.

"Little girl, that's not how you persuade me." The Holy Lord's voice was low and slightly bewitching.

"Hmm?" Hearing the words of the Holy Lord, Bonnie frowned and turned to look atThis one can obviously walk around, but he prefers to stay in the boat on the wall.

"I have a way to make your wish come true." The Lord continued.

"You said the same thing last time!" Bonnie snorted coldly, "You asked me to use my ability to shrink to win sympathy, but what happened? Mr. Ping really took care of me like a child! And I was too embarrassed to change back in front of him."

Thinking of Mr. Ping's kind fatherly eyes, if Teren hadn't come forward to explain, Bonnie really couldn't change back in front of him.

"Everything has unexpected things, and success also requires a price." The Lord smiled without caring.

"So, you are actually ready to deal with tomorrow?" Bonnie asked, changing the subject.

"Little girl, your little cleverness is not very useful in front of the noble dragon and the demon wizard." The Lord smiled after hearing Bonnie's trick.

"Then you guys..."

"I don't know about the others...but I don't care about ants."

"Ants..." Bonnie muttered to herself.

When Bonnie returned to the bedside of the medical room and sat down, she still felt uneasy.

So she came to the deck again, and Bonnie saw Tren lying on his recliner, and Thor was beside him as usual.

"Tren, we have to talk." Bonnie said seriously.

Teren glanced at her and said with a smile: "What's wrong? Bonnie, you won't be fooled by the Lord again, right?"

"I won't be fooled for the second time!" Bonnie glared at him, and then said seriously: "I don't believe you don't have any plan at all.

Tomorrow we will face so many powerful enemies, you can't let everyone sit and wait for death, right?"

Looking at Bonnie, Teren sighed and pretended to comfort her: "Don't worry, Bonnie. I have my own arrangements."

Bonnie looked at him suspiciously: "Do you really have a plan? Then why don't you tell me?"

"Yeah, it's not the time yet. You will know it tomorrow."

"You are so perfunctory..."

"No, I am serious."

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