"Don't say anything nonsense, the situation is different now!" Facing the unfamiliar Brin, Saint Mark had no time to care.

"Okay, okay, watch me!" Brin smiled slightly. She had strong confidence in her acting skills.

At this point, Brin said directly to Cooper, who had just stood up and was out of breath, "You go and lead him to this side."

"Huh?" Cooper, who was almost spitting blood, pointed at himself, "I... I'll go?"

"What nonsense, don't forget your mother's plan and instructions!" Brin sneered, and it was obvious that Cooper had laughed at her three eyes before

"Only I can succeed, and this opportunity needs to be touched."

Looking at Brin's smile, Cooper gritted his teeth, and thought of the aunt, so he stood up with difficulty and glared at her

"I'm for my mother's plan!" After saying that, he turned and rushed towards the Gray Wolf outside...

After a moment, a stream of light flashed, and before Brin could react, Cooper had already smashed into the left side of her, and his chest was sunken, his mouth was slightly open, and he had obviously lost signs of life.

"Irritable guy." Gray Wolf pinched his left hand, and the dark green dark source crushed and swallowed the boomerang.

Saint Mark watched his brother die, hiding behind the house with tears streaming down his face and clenching his teeth.

And Brin also reacted quickly. When she saw Gray Wolf coming towards her, she immediately used her beautiful face and innocent and kind acting skills to fall to the ground and let out a delicate cry.

"Hmm?" Hearing this voice, Gray Wolf frowned and looked sideways, only to see Brin half-fallen there like a refugee.

"Save me! I am a resident of Flavor Island. I don't have time to evacuate. Everyone walked too fast and forgot about me..."

Don't say it, Brin's acting skills are really powerful, and she interprets the image of a pitiful woman to the fullest.

"Success." Brin looked at Gray Wolf who walked towards her without saying a word, and the corners of her mouth rose secretly.

"My foot is injured, can you help me?" Brin shyly stretched out her left hand, staring at Gray Wolf with her big watery eyes, her eyes full of expectation and helplessness.

Seeing this, Gray Wolf slowly raised his arm.

"That's it. Just hold my hand like this. As long as you touch it, I can trim your memory, and then Mom's transformation plan will succeed."

Brin stretched out her hand nervously. Looking at Gray Wolf's hand close at hand, she secretly rejoiced in her heart that she finally succeeded.

However, at this moment, something unexpected happened.

Gray Wolf's arm actually passed through Brin's hand directly like a phantom, as if her palm was just air.

Then, he suddenly swung his hand back, and there was a crisp sound of "Pah!!", which resounded throughout the building.

The sound of "Pah" kept echoing in the building, shocking people like thunder.

All those who were pretending to be dead and expecting the plan to succeed were stunned by this sudden change. They widened their eyes and couldn't believe what was happening before their eyes.

Brin even stared at Gray Wolf with a red mark on her left face, full of astonishment and anger.

Her lips trembled, and she wanted to say something, but she didn't know where to start.

"You...you..." His eyes were full of doubt, anger and confusion.

Gray Wolf looked at Brin with disdain, his tone full of sarcasm and contempt.

"What about me? I have Hong Hong, don't flirt in front of me, don't you look at what you look like, bah!"

Gray Wolf's blunt words were like a sharp sword, ruthlessly piercing Brin's heart.

Listening to Gray Wolf's words, Brin's pupils shrank, and her face gradually became gloomy, "You asked for it. Although it's not as convenient as a handshake, it's also considered a touch just now."

"Sure enough, there is a problem." Gray Wolf was just about to take action, but Brin smiled slightly

"I have a way to make you obey."

"Memory world!" As she said, she activated the fruit ability and waved her hand, and the surrounding scene suddenly changed.

In the blink of an eye, Gray Wolf found himself in a dark space.

"What is this place? Did you send me away again?" Gray Wolf looked around vigilantly.

At this time, Brin's voice came

"This is the world I created with your memory. Here, you will face the deepest fear in your heart."

Grey Wolf snorted coldly, "This king has no fear."

However, as time went by, Grey Wolf found that some strange figures began to appear in the darkness around him.

These figures seemed to be the enemies in his memory, rushing towards him one by one with fangs and claws

Grey Wolf could deal with it easily at first, but as the number of enemies increased, he gradually felt exhausted.

"What is going on?" Grey Wolf was secretly shocked.

Outside,Brin looked at Gray Wolf trapped in the memory world, with a smug smile on her face.

"Gray Wolf, just sink slowly like this! No one can experience the fear deep in their own memory.

As long as you fail, then...hahaha!"

Saint Mark and others were relieved to see Gray Wolf trapped.

"Sister Brin is really amazing."

In the memory world, Gray Wolf suddenly stopped his movements, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

Then, he suddenly opened his eyes, with a firm light flashing in his eyes, and said: "What do you think I have experienced to achieve what I am now?"

"Sadness, separation, pressure, anxiety, regret, even my tears contain all the pain!" Gray Wolf roared loudly.

"This king will not be defeated by fear. Because this king is a villain himself!

This routine of who is more fearful and who is more painful, can't there be some novelty?"

As Gray Wolf spoke, the dark energy on his body suddenly surged, as if it was about to break through the sky.

For a moment, all the people close to Gray Wolf were swallowed by the dark source and turned into nothing.

"Fear? Hahaha! A group of losers can make this king feel fear?!" His laughter echoed in the air, full of ridicule and disdain.

Gray Wolf stood in place, the dark aura on his body became more and more intense, like a demon returning from hell.

"This king is the king, the wolf king."

Real world

Brin, who controls the memory world, looked at Gray Wolf who broke free from the memory world, and his face became very ugly.

"This is impossible! Those are obviously the most feared existences in the depths of your memory!" Brin said in disbelief.

"That's of course because..." Gray Wolf slowly opened his eyes, with a cold light flashing in his eyes, staring straight at Brin: "Honghong, whom I fear the most, is not fear in my heart."

Hearing this, Brin was struck by lightning, and her body trembled slightly.

She never thought that the person Gray Wolf feared the most and feared the most turned out to be the person he loved the most!

This fact made her fall into despair for a moment.

Originally, she thought that she had found the most vulnerable part of Gray Wolf's heart, and could easily control him, and then trim his memory according to her mother's plan

But now it seems that everything is beyond her expectations.

Gray Wolf exudes a powerful aura, and the dark source floats, step by step towards Brin, every step is accompanied by endless pressure, making people breathless.

Facing such a powerful Gray Wolf, Brin felt that her strength was insignificant in front of him.

She tried to struggle, but found that she could no longer move, and could only watch Gray Wolf approach.

At this moment, Brin finally realized that she had made a fatal mistake.

She underestimated Gray Wolf

What he feared most was actually what he loved most

No solution.

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