"Tap~tap!" Zhan Guo took a step forward with difficulty, splashing the water on the ground. The golden light on his body had long disappeared. He wanted to take another step forward, but his legs suddenly softened, and he knelt down with a "bang".

"After all, it can't resist the passage of time!" Behind Zhan Guo, three meteorites like stacked ice cream balls were split from the middle and stood on Nut Island!

"Buddha's Warring States..." Tom's figure walked out of it. Without the suppression of the Buddha in Zhan Guo's palm, Tom felt relaxed.

In addition to the blessing of the immortal body, Tom looked unharmed.

Zhan Guo raised his head with difficulty and looked at Tom in front of him, his heart full of unwillingness and helplessness.

He knew that he could no longer continue to fight, and could only watch Tom approach step by step.

Tom walked straight to Sengoku and looked at the old man with gray hair (Sengoku's age can be called an old man)

He raised the sickle and put the curved blade against his neck

"This battle is very good! It's a pity that your old body can't let you dance completely."

"Hahaha!" Looking at the cold sickle against his neck, Sengoku laughed instead of being afraid

"Rocks, Roger, Whitebeard, Golden Lion, Red Earl, Kaido, and Big Mom in the old era were suppressed by us

Now, who of you who belong to the new era can..." Sengoku's tone was a little sad when he said this

"Each era has its own king. Roger opened the Age of Discovery, creating countless pirates who rushed to the sea one after another!

And the navy... hehe. Forget it, kill me! I thought I could stop you, but now it seems that it's in vain!"

Tom looked at the former Navy Admiral in front of him, and his eyes flickered with the Mangekyo Sharingan without any emotion.

He knew that what Zhan Guo said was true. Every era has its own specific kings and influential figures, and their existence drives the progress of history.

However, as time passed, a new generation gradually rose and replaced the old ruling position.

In the end, even the former admiral of the navy seemed powerless in the face of the challenges of the new era.

Tom looked at Zhan Guo, frowned slightly, and then he gently turned his wrist holding the sickle and swung a beautiful knife flower.

With a "clang" sound, the sickle blade was deeply embedded in the land beside Zhan Guo, making a crisp sound.

Tom folded his hands across his chest, staring at the calm sea, and said: "If you think I will go to the captain after I defeat you, you are wrong."

Zhan Guo was full of doubts and confusion after hearing Tom's words. He raised his eyes and stared at Tom

But Tom still stared at the sea, as if he was completely immersed in his own world.

When talking about Tren, Tom's tone was not as arrogant as before, but rather seemed a little deep and serious.

"If we really want to help, do you really think that we can be trapped by just a few islands?"

Zhan Guo's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief and shock, and he murmured to himself: "Then why do you do this?"

Tom snorted and said calmly: "It's just a feast for fun."

"Feast for fun..." After hearing this, Zhan Guo frowned and fell into deep thought.

What is Jenny Tren planning? What is their real intention? Is it really like Rocks back then, wanting to create a new era?

A trace of doubt flashed in Zhan Guo's eyes, staring at Tom closely, trying to find the answer from his expression.

"What do you want to do?" Zhan Guo's voice was questioning.

The situation at this time has become very complicated, and it is certain that multiple forces have been involved.

Tom raised his chin slightly, his eyes firm and confident, and replied: "Whatever the captain wants to do, we will follow his steps."

Zhan Guo sneered and said disdainfully: "You are just a group of pirates who only know how to rob and destroy."

However, before he finished speaking, Tom laughed and retorted: "Pirates? Hahaha! This is just a label you put on us."

Tom's words were like a bolt from the blue, which shocked Zhan Guo directly.

Yes! The Teren Adventure Group, are they really pirates? Think about it carefully, they have never been... Instead, it is the World Government and the Navy...

Looking at Zhan Guo's shocked expression, Tom sneered contemptuously.

"Rules and order? Humph, they are just shackles used by the strong to restrain the weak.The so-called justice and evil, kindness and sin, are all defined by the will of the strong! "

"This battle is very interesting, so I won't kill you.

But more because you are just an old man in my eyes now! "After saying that, Tom turned and left, leaving Zhan Guo standing alone.

Zhan Guo looked at Tom's figure going away, and endless emotion surged in his heart.

He clearly realized that the world was undergoing an earth-shaking change, and he was no longer young, and could no longer defend justice as bravely as he did in the past.

Zhan Guo slowly stood up and stared at the split meteorite and the endless sea in front of him.

For so many years, he has always implemented "justice reigning in the world" and is also known as "Buddha Zhan Guo" because of his strength.

Since he was young, he has firmly believed in the orders of the World Government and climbed to the highest power in the Navy because of his reliable completion of tasks.

Since he became the marshal, anyone who doubts the World Government, even his companions, will become the target of attack.

Those who do not obey the government's orders are not the Navy. This stubborn idea occupied all his action concepts in the first half of his life.

O'Hara incident. When Sauro questioned the Navy, he shouted: "Are you questioning the government's judgment?" to stop Sauro from speaking.

The Operation Fruit incident, the death of Rocinante, who was like his own son to him...

"World Government, Navy, Revolutionary Army, Pirates..." Sengoku muttered to himself, his eyes full of fatigue and helplessness.

He sighed deeply, as if he was carrying endless worries and pressure in his heart.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on the hat half buried in the soil on the left side, on which was embroidered a seagull symbolizing the "Navy".

I don't know if it was for other reasons, but this hat was taken off before the war, and I didn't expect it to reappear here.

Sengoku took out the hat, gently stroked the seagull on the pattern, and a bitter smile appeared on his face

"Haha, this era no longer needs 'justice that reigns over the world', nor does it need those outdated figures to lead."

His voice was low and firm, as if announcing the arrival of a new era.

As this sentence fell, Sengoku's figure gradually disappeared into the darkness, leaving behind a silence and contemplation.

【Flavor Island: Grey Wolf vs. Charlotte Saint-Marc, Charlotte Comper, Charlotte Brin, Charlotte Moscato】

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