The old man was sitting on the ground, and the old man was sitting on the ground.

Naval base, office

Smoker, who had dealt with another wave of pirates, sat in his chair with interest, still smoking, staring at Dashiqi

"How? Their identities."

Looking at Smoker, Dashiqi did not answer immediately, but walked to the window, opened it, and felt the fresh air by the way.

"Mr. Tren and the others are different from pirates." Thinking of the expressions of Tren and Li Jing when they were strolling on the street, Dashiqi could not associate them with the vicious pirates.

"Based on what judgment?" Smoker exhaled a puff of smoke calmly, "You should actually be curious about why I am chasing a guy without a wanted order?"

"Yeah!" Seeing Smoker speak, Tashigi nodded without hesitation

"Mr. Tren and the others are real adventurers. As your adjutant, Colonel Smoker, I really don't understand your thoughts."

"You are not taught by Mr. Zephyr, Tashigi."

"I am the 1176th batch. Mr. Zephyr has stopped taking students, so I was trained by Vice Admiral Gion!"

"So it was Gion!" A woman with a mole on the corner of her mouth popped up in Smoker's mind, and he covered his face, "Has this guy started teaching students..."

"So, Colonel Smoker, why are you..."

"Because Roger was the same back then, in the name of adventure, but actually a pirate." Smoker looked heavy, and Tren's face appeared in his mind

"However, adventure This kind of thing does exist, but I want to extinguish the flame of evil..."

"No wonder, it turns out that Colonel Smoker wants to take revenge!" Tashiki pouted and murmured

"What!? Am I that kind of person? Am I such a petty person?" Smoker shouted

"Even if Jenny Tren confronts me in public, saying that I smoke and harm people! I, Smoker, am not the kind of guy who takes revenge!"

"Heh." Looking at Smoker's righteousness, Tashiki deliberately curled his lips, "In fact, I found that Mr. Tren is still a little bit of a sea..."

"Pah!" Smoker stood up instantly and put on his coat, "I knew that Jenny Tren's tail was still exposed! Hahaha! Let's go and catch him!"

"I didn't say he was a pirate, I just thought Mr. Tren might be allergic to seafood. Colonel Smoker."

"Uh..." Smoker froze in place for a while.

"In fact, Mr. Tren will not stay for long. Their ship has already submitted an application to pass the Grand Line."

Because Tren is not a pirate, the transition needs to submit an application like a merchant ship

Don't ask, the only thing to ask is that it is legal and compliant!

"Why is this guy's application so well written?" Smoker looked at the document in his hand and fell into deep thought, "Could it be that this guy is a noble from some kingdom?"

Timo: "Yordles are also nobles! What's wrong with being able to write an application? Do you know where the law protecting the Yodels came from?"

After hesitating for a moment, facing this flawless application, Smoker had no reason to refuse, so he signed his name

"It seems that Colonel Smoker still understands!" Tashigi smiled and accepted the document.

"Alas!" Smoker sighed, "I always feel that it won't be that simple! Although I'm not a woman, my sixth sense is still very strong."

On the other side, at the harbor

Tren smiled as he watched the supplies being transported from the conveyor belt to the Black Pearl. He and Li Jing didn't bring much money when they went out, so they asked the store owner to bring all the things to the harbor, and then handed over the money and the goods

"Thank you, everyone!" As the last supply was delivered to the ship, a box was also sent from the Black Pearl in the opposite direction

Li Jing took the box and gently opened it. In an instant, the full Bailey shone with dazzling light, and there were also gold coins and so on... This was just one of Aaron's treasures.

"This is your money." After Li Jing divided the money, he sent the box back, and the conveyor belt slowly retracted.

"See? There must be a lot of treasure on this ship." Teken, who was hiding not far away, said

"Indeed." Jinsha and Dot nodded at the scene

"They are ready to set sail now, let's get ready too!"

"No problem." The three pirate captains left one after another.

Then, dozens of pirates from the Dot Pirates suddenly attacked the patrol navy in a block, causing a riot.

Smoker also attacked his support as they planned.

If the plan goes on like this, there will be no problem, but these three pirates obviously underestimated Smoker's strength. Smoker is a natural fruit ability user at the very least, and he is not something that a small pirate can resist.

So within a minute, Smoker killed all the pirates of the Polka Dot Pirates. There is no jail for these guys who are not cadres of the pirate group.

"Wait!" A pirate saw that he was about to be submerged in the white fog, and in fear of death, he told his captain's plan.

"These three guys are really..." Smoker bit the cigarette, then handed over the aftermath to his men, and rode a motorcycle to the harbor.

He didn't know the strength of Tren and others, but being attacked by the three major pirate groups was probably not much better.

The most important thing is that Tren might be a kingdom noble under the World Government! Although he didn't know whether it was true or not, he couldn't bear to see a civilian being attacked in his own territory!

In the harbor, Teren and Li Jing have returned to the Black Pearl, and the ship started to sail out of the harbor.

[Summon 100%]

"Full?" Teren was excited when he saw the summon button flashing again, so he instructed the three people on the ship to open a bottle of sweet wine each.

"Timo, Captain, I bought you some clothes?" Teren looked at Timo and smiled slightly. He was in a good mood and was ready to find a good place and then summon his partners.

"Very nice clothes!" Li Jing was a wretched uncle.

"Captain Teren, the scout's clothes are very important." Timo replied.

"Hahaha! You can wear them when you have nothing to do! It's not like we have to fight every day!" As soon as Teren finished speaking, the Black Pearl stopped.

"Captain, something bad has happened! We are surrounded!" The ship elf Xiao Hei rushed out quickly.

"Hmm?" Hearing this, Tren and the other two noticed that the Black Pearl was surrounded by three pirate ships.

"Tsk tsk tsk, isn't this the guy who killed the "Shark Tooth" Shrike?" Tren stood on the pirate ship, holding a musket in his hand, with a very arrogant expression.

"Don't look at it, there are hundreds of people in our three pirate groups together!" Jinsha laughed.

"You'd better jump into the sea honestly, maybe we can spare your life."

"I made a mistake, Captain." Looking at the three arrogant guys, Timo's face was very gloomy. It was his fault for not observing in advance.

"It's okay, don't blame you, I asked you to come down to drink." Tren smiled slightly, "Besides, they were prepared in advance, you just happened to meet the gap."

"I can kill them all, but their shells are already aimed at the Black Pearl, I'm worried about accidentally hurting the ship." Li Jing said calmly.

"Is that so..." Teren didn't want to see his Black Pearl damaged, because it was not clear whether the people in this world could repair the ship.

Teemo was a sniper and was now exposed. He had no chance to deploy mushrooms in advance, so he was a single target. Li Jing was also strong in swordsmanship, but he was also a single target. He could cut off three pirate ships with his sword energy, but he would definitely hurt the Black Pearl because the two sides were too close.

"It can only be like this, maybe it's God's will!" After a moment of silence, Teren silently used the opportunity of the third summon.

"I hope it will be as I wish this time! Let's do group damage."

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