The truth is that the island is full of mystery.

Vilmeyou Island, a small island in the East China Sea that was originally unknown and ordinary, is rich in a rare plant that contains IQ components, making the animals on the island extremely violent and huge.

Due to this special situation, the island has been ignored for a long time, and even pirates dare not approach it easily.

However, the trajectory of fate is always full of unexpected twists and turns.

One day, after escaping from the Impel Downs and strolling around, the Golden Lion Shiki came to this island. After analyzing the IQ components on the island with his researchers, he decisively moved the entire island to the sky, turning it into a hidden floating island.

Later, in order to make his territory look bigger, Shiki repaired and brought in many small islands to form an experimental island and an accommodation island.

So this huge new Vermeu was born! ! !

"How is it!? Tren." Shiki stood on his gorgeously decorated and huge ship, standing on the golden lion head on the bow, looking far away at his vast territory, his face full of pride.

Tren, who was standing aside, looked at the extremely proud Golden Lion and sighed softly: "It's really good, but it's a pity... I don't know how long this glory can last!"

"Hmm? What do you mean?" Hearing Tren's nonsense, Shiki turned his head with some confusion.

Tren did not answer Shiki's question immediately, but asked Shiki's age: "You should be almost 70 years old now, right?"

"Yeah." Shiki was not stupid. He immediately understood the deep meaning of Tren's words - he was getting older and older. Maybe one day, this island that he once ruled as solid as a rock would gradually fall apart and collapse with his aging and death.

Thinking of this, Shiki's originally proud and complacent expression became a little solemn.

After a moment of silence, Shiki burst into a hearty laugh again: "Forget it, that's a long time later! Welcome to Wilmeyu! This is the base camp of my flying pirate group!!"

Before he finished speaking, the two ships had officially arrived above Wilmeyu.

It has to be said that the aesthetics of the Golden Lion are still online. At least the layout of this Wilmeyu is quite good, and it doesn't look like a floating island made up of various different parts.

Not long after, under the precise control of the Golden Lion, the two ships slowly anchored in a large lake on the island.

At the same time, a group of members of the Flying Pirates dressed in clothes similar to those of the Little Life Club quickly arrived.

They stood neatly in two rows, obviously preparing to welcome their captain.

"Captain!!!" A shout like a tidal wave rang out.

"I'm back." Shiki nodded very casually, and at the same time, Dr. Indigo, who was wearing blue suspenders and a white coat, ran over excitedly.

He was a researcher of the Golden Lion, and he was responsible for all the research on the island, but Tren was not interested in this IQ.

At this time, Tren slowly walked down from the Black Pearl with [Gambling Delusion] on his waist, and Li Jing followed closely.

Sadako was still lying on Tren's back, as if she was asleep.

As for Timo, he did not intend to show up easily, just to create a potential sense of threat to the Golden Lion.

"Yeah." When Shiqi saw Tren getting off the boat, he immediately turned his eyes to him.

When he found that Timo did not appear, his brows slightly frowned, and he couldn't help but sighed: "This person is really vigilant!"

Indigo on the side looked at Tren curiously, full of questions in his heart.

He felt that Tren did not look like the younger brother that Golden Lion had just recruited into the pirate group, because Tren's position was almost level with Shiqi.

Shiqi seemed to see Indigo's doubts, patted his shoulder, and explained with a smile: "This is my guest, Mr. Tren.

He is a very remarkable person. He is not a pirate, but an adventurer."

"Adventurer?" After hearing Shiqi's introduction, Indigo became more curious about Tren.

He secretly looked at Tren, trying to find something special about him. However, apart from being young and having a woman whose face could not be seen clearly behind him, Tren was nothing special, at most he had a good appearance.

"Excuse me, Shiqi." Tren nodded to Shiqi with a smile, indicating

Responded, and then calmly looked at the crew members of the Sky Pirates who were staring at him.

Seeing the confidence and calmness in Teren's eyes, Shiki smiled slightly, and then waved his hand, "How can we not have a banquet when guests come? Right!"

"Yes!!!" The younger brothers shouted in unison.

"Let's go! Teren." Shiki smiled at Teren, and then the two walked slowly towards the big city on the island

"My Sky Pirates are good, right?" Shiki said with his head tilted.

"There are a lot of people, but it's just a lot of people." Teren's evaluation is very fair, after all, the Sky Pirates have always been a big pirate group

But the Golden Lion used to have a lot of people, that's a lot of people who could encircle Roger! If it weren't for that big wave, it would be a question whether Roger's pirate group could survive

But now there are a lot of people, but they are more of a mob, and the quality is completely incomparable to before

"Is it just because there are too many people..." Hearing Tren's evaluation, Shiki felt lonely and touched the rudder in his mind. In the battle of "Etwal", he lost all his cadres and only Dr. Indigo was left. He almost died.

"That's why I need you! Tren." The golden lion's expression was fleeting and turned back to a smile.

"Then you might as well give up everything and follow me." Tren also chuckled.

"So this is the captain's purpose?" At this time, Indigo, who was following behind, thought secretly in his heart, his eyes flashing with a thoughtful light.

He seemed to have guessed the intention of his captain. It turned out that he wanted to recruit this group of people to join their pirate group!

Thinking of this, Indigo decided to take the initiative and chat with Li Jing.

He approached Li Jing and asked with a hint of curiosity: "Which sea area are you from? How much is the bounty?" The questions asked by Indigo are often topics of pride and pride for pirates.

However, to his surprise, Li Jing shook his head and answered firmly: "We are not pirates, we are adventurers."

Li Jing's answer made Indigo frown. He asked doubtfully: "Uh... Is there any difference?" In his opinion, there is not much difference between pirates and adventurers.

Li Jing touched his beard and explained with a smile: "Pirates don't have Captain Tren, but our adventure team has Captain Tren."

The words revealed respect and dependence on Tren. In their team, Tren played a vital role and was their core and soul.

So, the position is not important.

If Tren is the navy, then they are the navy; if Tren is a pirate, then we naturally become pirates!

Li Jing's eyes flashed with firm belief, as if conveying a message to Indigo-their loyalty and unity are unshakable.

No matter what environment they are in, as long as Tren is there, they are willing to follow him.

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