The toll road is made up of a stream of water flowing from bottom to top.

Therefore, as the Black Pearl gradually approached the stream, it floated up slowly as if riding an escalator.

However, what happened next was unexpected - the speed became faster and faster! The strong wind whistled past, even blowing Tren's lips open.

"I... Damn... Who will... Help me..." Tren raised his hand with difficulty and tried to grab the boat pole.

But the wind was so strong that his movements looked more like he was enjoying the baptism of the wind.

At this moment, Li Jing and several other people had already squatted in the cabin, silently watching the captain who was "enjoying" on the deck.

"The captain is the captain, he is really extraordinary!

If it were me at my age, I would not be able to bear it at all." Li Jing stroked his beard and said with deep emotion.

"I always feel that the captain seems to be asking us for help. Two!" Gray Wolf said while playing the cards in his hand.

"Nonsense! Gray Wolf, that's Captain Teren!" Li Jing curled his lips in disdain

"How can you doubt the captain? He wants us to stay where we are and ignore him."

"Really? Three with one." Timo also drew a card with his little hand, then raised his eyes and stared at Li Jing, revealing a hint of doubt and curiosity in his eyes.

"Of course! Li knows a little lip reading!" Li Jing said confidently, with a proud look on his face.

"What did the captain just say?" Timo continued to ask, and Tuanzi, who was lying on the side, also raised his head and stared at Li Jing curiously.

"Well..." Li Jing narrowed his eyes slightly, as if recalling the scene he had just seen

"Captain Tren just said, 'It's so cool, this is the stimulation of the law of nature, everyone don't pay attention to me!', so we just stay quiet."

"Li Jing, you can also lip read?" Sadako tilted her head in surprise, with admiration in her eyes.

Li Jing smiled complacently and raised his chin proudly

"It's good to have many skills! After all, I am also the deputy captain! And I am the one who knows the captain best in the team, haha!"

"No, it's very wrong!" Gray Wolf was not convinced by Li Jing's explanation. He put down the cards in his hand and stared at Teren on the deck with a frown

"The captain seems to be waving to me."

"Ah! Gray Wolf, you worry too much again. Look how happy the captain is! He is dancing with joy." Li Jing smiled and patted Gray Wolf on the shoulder, trying to relax him.

"The captain seems to be flying!" Timo suddenly opened his mouth wide and raised his hand in horror to point in the direction of Teren.

Everyone looked in the direction he pointed, and saw that Teren's body seemed to have lost balance, swaying as if he was about to take off at any time.

"Did he fly with joy? Well, I can probably understand this feeling." Li Jing touched the beard on his chin and said thoughtfully.

"No! The captain is gone! Bah, it was Captain Teren who flew out!!" Sadako exclaimed.

"Damn! Is it necessary to play so excitingly?" Li Jing blinked, obviously also stunned by this sudden scene.

"Bang!" At this moment, Timo took out his grappling hook launcher without hesitation and quickly shot three sharp grappling hooks at Teren.

Because it was a tailwind at this time, the three-claw grappling hook easily and firmly grasped Teren's waist.

Then, Teren floated behind the Black Pearl like a flag, until the Black Pearl broke through the clouds again and arrived at the mysterious "White Sea"!

Sky Island, the "Sky Holy Land" of the Kingdom of God, the beach

The black pearl that broke through the clouds was quietly stopping on the shore at this time, and everyone got off the boat and stepped into this real "Sky Island".

"Captain, are you okay?" Sadako squatted beside Teren, who looked hopeless, lifted her long hair, tilted her head and stared at Teren.

"Oh, it turns out that I am still the leader of a group!" Teren laughed at himself, and then his life lost its color.

"Well..." At this time, Tuanzi also came over and rubbed Teren.

On the other side, among the three people who also got off the boat, Gray Wolf was smiling

"Gray Wolf, are you so happy?" Li Jing looked at a wolf with a smile

And Gray Wolf

Ignoring Li Jing, he turned around and imitated the tone: "Ahem, I am the one who knows the leader best in the group!"

"Haha." Timo couldn't help laughing.

"Timo, keep your voice down, Deputy Li can read lips, don't think he doesn't know you're wearing a mask."

"Is that so? That's amazing."

"Tsk, it's good to have many skills, don't you know?"


"That's enough, you two!" Looking at the two guys who sang the same tune, Li Jing's old face turned red

Just as he was about to refute, the three of them seemed to notice something at the same time, and their eyes were all cast to the bushes in front of the beach

"Who's there?!"

"Hmm?" Noticing that Li Jing and the other two were different, Teren regained his composure and looked up.

A "shasha" sound was heard from the bushes, and then a blonde girl wearing a pink top and carrying a basket came out.

Like the old lady at the "Gate of Heaven", she had a pair of small white wings, but there were two more tentacles on her head.

"My name is Conis, I'm just picking up some shells here!" Conis explained nervously.

There was no way, Tren and his gang still looked scary in the eyes of others.

In addition to Tren and Li Jing, there was a woman in white who exuded a coldness all the time, a werewolf, a short raccoon, and a big white bear with horns.

"Conis? Are you from Sky Island?" Looking at Conis, Tren took the initiative to ask.

"Yeah." Looking at Tren, who seemed very gentle, Conis was relieved and answered, "What about you? You look different from me, but you look a bit like the Shandia clan, but you are different."

"We are from Qinghai, not Shandia. We are an adventure group." Tren waved his hand and smiled.

"Adventure group..." Conis covered his mouth with his hand when he heard this.

"Is it the kind of animal juggling?" Conis said, without giving Tren a chance to speak, but continued.

"Then are you here to perform with equipment? I see you have a lot of animals, a werewolf who can jump through a ring of fire, and a short raccoon!"

Gray Wolf: "Jumping... a werewolf jumping through a ring of fire."

Teemo: "Short... a short raccoon."

"Puff! Ahem." Li Jing turned his face away to hide his flushed face.

"No, you are a guy with wings and tentacles, what right do you have to say this king!" The dark green dark source appeared in Gray Wolf's hand instantly.

"Gray Wolf, do her! I'll be your assistant." Teemo also pointed viciously.

"Who is the short raccoon! He Teemo is an authentic Yodel!"

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