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Navy Headquarters, Marinford Originally, the Navy Headquarters was not far from the Sabaody Archipelago, and the Navy was stationed at the 60th to 69th giant trees in the Sabaody Archipelago, and the Red Port where the government came and went was also located here...

"Warring States, now this The situation is very serious! What on earth do they want to do by executing Saint Charlos in such a shameful way? The World Government is still here!

I don't care what method you use now, you must suppress this group of people in the Sabaody Archipelago!

Original The Admiral of the Navy Headquarters and the current commander-in-chief of the World Government, Sora Steel, roared at Sengoku through Den Den Mushi.

This incident caused an uproar because the person who was executed was not an ordinary Celestial Dragon, but the eldest son of the Charlos family!

This The whole of Marijoa was thrown into chaos.

The Celestial Dragons put pressure on the issue and demanded that it be resolved as soon as possible.

Steel Bone Sora was furious at Sengoku's performance, "Now the Celestial Dragons have begun to exert pressure! Look at those newspaper reports, What has it become!

They dared to challenge the authority of the world government!

Do you know how big a crisis I am facing? If this storm cannot be quickly calmed down, you and I will be implicated! "

Faced with such accusations, Zhan Guo could only respond helplessly: "I understand Your concerns, but please calm down.

This matter is indeed beyond my expectations, but I will do my best to deal with it. "

Gang Gukong's voice became more severe: "I don't care what method you use, as long as it can Just suppress the entire Troon Adventure Group! If you can't do it, then you will have to bear the consequences!" After saying that, he hung up the phone.

"This... can't you just be more quiet? ? "Zhan Guo felt annoyed. He knew that he had a heavy responsibility on his shoulders. If he was not careful, the consequences would be disastrous.

But it was not easy to completely suppress Teren's group. After all, the other party's strength was there. Teren, Jian Ghost Li Jing, Shadow Wolf King Gray Wolf, Bikini Bottom Three Generals, just these six... If they confront each other head-on, the Navy may fall into a passive situation.

Zhan Guo frowned, and after a moment of silence, he took out a Den Den Mushi said to Den Den Mushi: "Return all the generals and lieutenant generals in the New World bases back to Marinford!

And send all the warships stationed in Sabaody Archipelago No. 60-69 out to try to hold back Tren. Partner! "

However, Zhan Guo knew that this was just a stopgap measure. The purpose of doing so was just to delay Tren and his gang and buy himself more time to organize and mobilize troops.

After all, this was not the top war, and Tren Lun's sudden action caught Sengoku off guard. Even if he wanted to, he was powerless. He didn't have enough time to prepare for a powerful battle, and he didn't even have time to summon the Seven Warlords.

"Garp." Sengoku gave the order and turned to look at Fortunately, his old friend did not criticize Garp's fakery.

"Don't worry! I will accompany you." Garp, who was sitting on the sofa, smiled slightly. The three admirals were transferred back in time. There was not enough time for the vice admirals of the headquarters except Garp. Only T-Bone, Flying Squirrel, Ghost Spider, and Fire Mountain are left. As for the others, there is only Admiral candidate "Peach Rabbit" Gion from Vice Admiral Crane's side!

The most important thing is that all the combat forces outside cannot be transferred back. We can only transfer some back.

"This guy is also crazy! I let them pass, why did he do this? "Zhan Guo frowned. He even asked all the nearby naval bases to turn a blind eye to send Tren to the new world. Unexpectedly, everything was fine because of "stupid Celestial Dragons!"

"Hmm? "Hearing Zhan Guo's whisper, Garp's expression brightened up. "Haha, I didn't expect you to curse Zhan Guo! It's really rare!" Garp couldn't help laughing after hearing Zhan Guo's words.

Zhan Guo frowned He frowned and said seriously: "Don't laugh so happily. If things develop to the point where we need to take action ourselves, it will be troublesome."

Zhan Guo looked at the heartless Garp in front of him and felt helpless.

"Then you What is the final plan? "Garp seemed to be completely unaware of the seriousness of the problem and continued to respond with a smile.

Zhan Guo glared at him and continued: "If possible, it is better to let Tren and his group go. After all, the cost of fighting now is too high, and I don't believe that Borsalino, the first guy to arrive, will go all out. "

After listening to Zhan Guo's words, Garp couldn't help but shook his head.

He expressed his concern, "Let them walk past the World Government like this, I'm afraid the higher-ups won't let you off easily."

Warring States was silent for a moment, then slowly said, "So what? Are we going to go to war with all our strength and fight to the death?

The end result is that the Navy's high-end combat power will suffer heavy losses, and more than half of the troops will be lost.

And those old guys above will only say nice words, but in fact they will not send any help.

By then, the New World will become chaotic, and the situation in the Grand Line will also fall into turmoil. This is not the result I want to see."

As the Navy Marshal, Warring States must think about the problem from a global perspective. He is well aware of the complexity and danger behind this war.

Winning this battle will not solve all problems, but may trigger more crises.

Therefore, he must act cautiously, weigh the pros and cons, and find the most suitable solution.

Instead of relying solely on force to solve everything.

Executing Ace is because of his bloodline, and at the same time, it can also take this opportunity to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates, so launching the top war is a perfect thing for the World Government!

Of course, if there is no unexpected situation like Blackbeard.

So for Trun and his gang, are they really valuable? Do they really have to sacrifice the combat effectiveness of the entire navy for a Celestial Dragon?

In fact, even the real navy will not easily go to war with the Four Emperors!

"We must fight, but we can't fight with our lives!" Sengoku sighed slightly, and then quickly put on his marshal's cloak.

"I understand what you mean!" Garp did the same, put on the cloak called justice, and laughed loudly.

Then, the two left the office and prepared to go to the Red Port of the Sabaody Archipelago to take charge

Face the Trun Adventure Group! !

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