The reason why he could be fished out of the bureau.

It was the old man who came forward and used his reputation as a guarantee.

Because of the achievements the old man had made, the people above let him go.

Otherwise he was at this time.

Maybe he's already eating a gun.

And he can stay at school.

It was also because the school principal had received the old man's favor before allowing him to stay.

Although I stayed at school——

But his reputation is utterly stinky.

Both students and teachers.

There was a strange look in the eyes that looked at him.

"Su Hao......"

Lin Yi's eyes flashed with resentment.

"I didn't expect you to be so vicious. I was just going to change seats with you in class. You didn't hesitate to kill a classmate to frame me."

That's right—

He was already sure that Su Hao framed him.

The old man also told him—

With the power he shot at that time.

It doesn't do much damage at all.

It was because a master hand used internal force to shatter Xiao Feng's heart.

at today's medical level.

Can't check anything at all.

And at the time, the one who could have this strength was Su Hao.

After that, the old man also used his strength to check.

He was brought into the bureau and locked in the small dark room because someone was instructing him behind his back.

that person-

It is the eldest young master of the Su family - Su Hao.

The reason why he thought it was because of the dispute caused by changing seats in class last time, caused Su Hao to retaliate.

That's because he didn't know when he had offended the other party before.



Lin Yi raised his head suddenly.

at the same time--

Su Hao's figure appeared at the door.

brush brush............

One after another look at him.

"Wow...the male **** is finally here. I haven't seen him for more than a month. I feel that the male **** has become handsome again..."

"If it wasn't for the sake of seeing my husband up close, I would have asked to change majors long ago, and I feel terrified to be in the same classroom with a murderer..."

"Me too. His name is Lin Yi, isn't he? It's not his fault that he looks so ugly. It's understandable that he runs away even if he looks so ugly."

"¨ˇ But he wants to compete with his husband for a position, which is a bit unreasonable, and he doesn't look in the mirror to see his own virtues, and he is not worthy to support his husband..."


The professor of the professional course saw the situation.

He could only helplessly shook his head and stopped the lecture first.

Hearing the discussions of the surrounding classmates, Lin Yi's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

You are still talking about how good Su Hao is.

As everyone knows, he is a vicious hypocrite.

When you sell you, you are still counting money for him.

[Lin Yi is angry with you, causing his mood to be unstable, the villain value +200! 】

[Lin Yi is angry with you, causing his mood to be unstable, the villain value +200! 】

Su Hao frowned slightly and looked in the direction of Lin Yi.

It happened that the eyes of the two met.

There seems to be sparks flickering in the void, and electric lights are intertwined.

After a moment-

Lin Yi looked away.

He remembered what the old man told him.

Su Hao is very strong and is not under him, so let himself not offend him for the time being.

"Damn...when my strength breaks through, I must avenge this..."

[Lin Yi is angry with you, causing his mood to be unstable, the villain value +200! 】


Su Hao sneered.

Is this unbearable?

It's only just beginning.....


Taking his eyes back, he swept his eyes away, and found that there was still an empty seat next to Chu Menghan.

A smile appeared on Su Hao's face, and he walked over immediately.

"Su Hao is here...he is"

Next to Chu Menghan.

Chen Yushu's hand tightened.

Chu Menghan was speechless, and gave her best friend a blank look.

You are nervous.

Grab my hand for what?


Her heart was also very restless.

Although he has already sat with Su Hao.

But she still couldn't help being nervous, and her heart was racing.

No accident-

Su Hao came over and sat down beside Chu Menghan.


Class continues.

But many girls are a little distracted.

From time to time, he would look in the direction of Su Hao.

To this-

The professor who lectures can only turn a blind eye.

When nothing is seen.

Next to Chu Mengyao.

Chen Yushu tangled her fingers, her palms began to sweat, she gritted her teeth several times, but hesitated.


She mustered up courage.

He turned his head to look at Su Haofei.

"Su......Student Su Hao."


Su Hao raised his eyebrows slightly and turned his head to look.


Chen Yushu swallowed and was fascinated by Su Hao's handsome face.

After calming down, she summoned up the courage to ask again.

"Saturday is Menghan's birthday, and a party will be held at that time, you...can you come to participate?".

Chapter 119


Chu Menghan turned around and looked at her best friend.

I just heard that she wanted to invite Su Hao.

At the time, he thought he was joking with her.

did not expect--

She sent an invitation directly.

Can't help but.

Chu Menghan's ears moved.

Little hands clenched, a little nervous.

Obviously, he also wanted to hear Su Hao's answer.

"Chu Menghan's birthday?"

Su Hao frowned slightly, then smiled.

"Of course, if Menghan doesn't mind me disturbing...-"

He hasn't finished speaking yet.

A voice rang out quickly.

"Don't disturb, don't disturb..."


The eyes of Chen Yushu and Su Hao looked at each other.


Chu Menghan's face "swiped" and turned red.

She was a little confused, and she couldn't help but say it just now.

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