At The Beginning of The Game, The Five Tiger Generals Were Intercepted

Chapter 111 Is the general going to kill relatives righteously?

Luoyang, the Great Hall of the Imperial Palace

Liu Hong leaned lazily on the dragon chair, he didn't want to go to court early, but today Huangfusong returned to Beijing.

"Oh... ah"

Stretching, he immediately felt much more comfortable, and looked at the ministers below him a little more pleasing to the eye.

"My dear friends, is there anything to do?"

He Jin came out slowly, shaking his fat body.

"Your Majesty, Zhonglang General Huang Fusong is waiting outside the hall."


Liu Hong is in a good mood, as long as he finishes seeing Huangfusong, he can go to rest!

Not long after, Huangfusong entered the hall, went to the middle, knelt down on both knees, and bowed.

"Your Majesty, Huangfusong, greet Your Majesty!"


Liu Hong felt a little dissatisfied, looking at Huangfusong who was kneeling on the ground, he never let him get up.

Did you miss a few words? How about long live long live?

Seeing that there was no movement, Huangfu Song kowtowed loudly again.

"Your Majesty, Huangfusong, greet Your Majesty!"

"Okay, get up."

Liu Hong spoke a little fast and was quite dissatisfied.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Huangfusong stood up slowly and straightened his chest.

"Your Majesty, I have urgently summoned my servants to return to Beijing. What is the matter?"

Liu Hong glanced at Zhang Rang, motioned for him to talk to Huangfusong, and Zhang Rang understood.

"Lord Huangfu, Liangzhou Beigong Boyu and Bianzhang, Han Sui rebelled, Liangzhou Governor Zuo Chang was unable to conquer, so he could only defend Jicheng. His Majesty specially summoned the general to come back to fight against the rebels."

"Master Huangfu won't refuse, will he?"

Huangfusong glanced at Zhang Rang contemptuously, he really hated these eunuchs to death.

"As long as His Majesty orders, I will go through fire and water, and I will not hesitate!"

"it is good!"

Huangfusong was rigid, he didn't understand human feelings and was not liked by Liu Hong, but he was able to fight, and he listened to the instructions, so Liu Hong used it very easily.

"Huangfu Aiqing is worthy of being a loyal and loyal man! I have now named you General Zuo Cheqi, commanding the troops of the headquarters and the soldiers of the three auxiliary counties, and going to conquer!"

Huangfusong had no expression on his face, he was not happy about being promoted, and knelt down to thank him.

"Chen Huangfu Song thank you!"

"Ai Qing, please get up!"

When Liu Honggang wanted to say that he would leave the court without incident, Huangfusong spoke up.

"Your Majesty, the officers and men of the minister's department have been through the battlefield for a long time, and I beg your majesty to let the minister rest in Luoyang for a whole day before going to Liangzhou to defeat the enemy!"

"Okay, sure."

Without even thinking about it, Liu Hong agreed directly, and then looked at the ministers.

"Every dear dear, if there is nothing wrong, you can leave..."

"His Majesty!"

Huang Fusong interrupted Liu Hong, making Liu Hong slightly annoyed.

"What is it!"

"Your Majesty, when I was in Yecheng, I discovered that the house of the Zhongchang servant Zhao Zhong far exceeded the prescribed standards. Please order the governor of Jizhou to investigate and deal with it! And confiscate his property!"

Huangfusong directly impeached Zhong Changshi, and it was Zhao Zhong whom Liu Hong trusted very much!

"What? There is such a thing!"

Liu Hong frowned, and turned his eyes to Zhao Zhong.

Zhao Zhong was not mentally prepared at all, he did not expect Huangfusong to impeach him in the hall, and immediately knelt down in front of Liu Hong and began to cry.

"Your Majesty, I have been wronged!"

"Your Majesty, if you are an incomplete person, what is the use of the wealth outside of your body? Your Majesty, please be careful!"

With snot and tears, Zhao Zhong kowtowed and cried, and looked at Zhang Rang from time to time.

Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong were both close ministers of the emperor, so they were naturally irreversible, so he immediately excused him.

"Your Majesty, this matter needs to be investigated in detail, and it cannot be concluded based on one person's words."

Liu Hong didn't want to be serious about this matter, he even pointed Zhang to ask Zhao Zhong and others to help him raise money, so how could he bother to check his house!

"Okay, I will leave this matter to my father to investigate, and we must not cheat for personal gain!"

"The humble minister obeys the order!"

Zhang Rang leaned over to accept the order, showing a wicked smile to Zhao Zhong.

"His Majesty!"

How could Huangfusong approve of this treatment? Ask Zhang to check, what's the difference between that and not checking?

"I feel that this matter is inappropriate, so I should let..."

"Okay, Huangfu Aiqing should concentrate on conquest, your heart should be on the rebels! Don't let the old Changshe incident happen again, this time the general will not be able to save you!"

Liu Hong's words were quite insulting, he mocked Huangfusong openly and secretly.

Huangfusong felt humiliated when he heard these words, his face turned blue and he didn't answer, and he didn't speak any more, just shook his head slightly and sighed, and stepped aside.

Huangfusong only knew that the impeachment of Zhao Zhong was unsuccessful, but he didn't notice that he was hated by Shi Changshi.

Zhang Rang looked at him with resentment, thinking that before asking him for money, Huang Fusong not only refused to give it, but even humiliated him!

This time he dared to impeach their ten servants, he really didn't want to live!

Zhao Zhong's eyes were even more ferocious, he never offended Huangfusong, never thought that Huangfusong would take the initiative to find him!

Seeing this scene, Liu Zhang couldn't help laughing in his heart.

This Huangfusong is still so ignorant and resented by Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong, how can you have a good life?

Seeing that Huangfusong had also retreated, Liu Hong stretched again, thinking he was finally all right.

"Okay, let's retreat..."

"Your Majesty! I have something to announce!"

Before Liu Hong finished speaking, He Jin interrupted him.

"Why didn't you say it earlier!"

Liu Hong was already a little angry, this He Jin would really spoil the fun!

"Your Majesty, this matter is very important, please forgive me!"

"Let's talk!"

Liu Hong slowly sat back on the dragon chair. Ever since he had Liu Zhang, he didn't like anything about He Jin.

Liu Zhang was watching the excitement from the sidelines, secretly laughing at He Jin who really has no eyesight at all, but unexpectedly He Jin looked at him and showed a sneer.

Could it be about me?

Liu Zhang's heart tightened slightly, he was confident that there was nothing that He Jin could catch.

He Jin bowed to Liu Hong, speaking with anger.

"Your Majesty, there are people who rely on power to wantonly oppress the people, rob other people's wives and daughters, and slaughter innocent people!"

The important ministers in the palace were slightly startled, looked at He Jin like a fool, and couldn't help but smile secretly.

Isn't this just talking about yourself? How arrogant are you He Shi?

When Zhang Rang heard what He Jin said, he immediately misunderstood, thinking that He Jin was also attacking their ten servants, and immediately decided to act first!

"General, don't you just talk about yourself! Do you really think His Majesty doesn't know about your crimes committed in Nanyang?"

"Could it be that the general wants to kill relatives righteously? To set an example for all the ministers?"

Zhang Rang's strange look made He Jinjin go crazy, he really couldn't figure it out, he hadn't troubled them yet, but they kept making things difficult for him.

Hey, I really regret not listening to Han Sui's words and killing the eunuch!

When Liu Hong heard Zhang Rang's remarks, he really thought that He Jin was going to kill his relatives righteously, and immediately expressed his appreciation.

"The general really deserves to be a role model for the officials! I am so relieved!"


He Jin is really a dumb person who eats coptis, so what's wrong with him! Just say it's amazing?

Now it's all right, everyone thinks that they are killing relatives righteously!

"Your Majesty, the minister's clan will strictly discipline him, but what I'm talking about today is not from the He family!"

"Oh? Who is that?"

Liu Hong just had a slight liking for He Jin, but now he completely shattered it.

Let me just say, how could a pig butcher have such awareness!

He Jin also felt the change in Liu Hong's tone, but he didn't care, he must make that person look good today!

He Jin stretched out his right hand and pointed directly to the side. "Your Majesty, it's him!"

"The latter general, Liu Zhang!"

(end of this chapter)

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