At The Beginning of The Game, The Five Tiger Generals Were Intercepted

Chapter 123 The method of riding and shooting is related to the struggle for hegemony in the Central

Huang Zhong was the first to calm down and questioned Liu Zhang.

Liu Zhang took out these two things, naturally not to show off to them.

Liu Zhang looked at Huang Zhong and nodded slightly. Huang Zhong is the most experienced among them, and he was also the first to follow Liu Zhang.

"Han Sheng, Wei Qing's cavalry phalanx, we still don't have the conditions for full combat! This phalanx requires the cooperation of cavalry, crossbowmen, chariot soldiers and infantry."

"This formation can effectively restrain the cavalry and archery methods of foreign races, but we don't have crossbowmen now, so we can only use martial arts battalions instead."

"I'll give you the method of the phalanx first. You should study the coordination between the arms. For infantry, you can find Dianwei. For cavalry, you can find Zilong first. Remember to keep it safe, and don't treat it like it is seen by others!"

Huang Zhong's spirit was shaken, he didn't expect Liu Zhang to give him such a heavy responsibility, so he went out and knelt down on one knee.

"My lord, don't worry, the final general will definitely not disappoint my lord's trust, I will do my best!"

Liu Zhang nodded with a smile, he was more at ease with Huang Zhong, he was calm and calm.

"Han Sheng, I have already copied the copy myself, and I will give it to you when I leave later."


"Han Sheng, go back and sit down!"

Liu Zhang watched Huang Zhong return to his seat and sat down, and then looked at Tai Shici, which shocked the latter.

"Although the cavalry phalanx cannot be trained for the time being, there is no problem with Huo Huo's chariot formation!"


Tai Shici stepped forward and knelt down on one knee.

"The end is here!"

"Ziyi get up first."

Liu Zhang gave Tai Shici a little support to make him stand up.

"Ziyi, now your responsibility is heavy again! Do you still remember what I said when I handed over Wu Fengying to you?"

Tai Shici didn't think at all, and just blurted out.

"My lord, let Wu Fengying turn into the sharpest knife!"

Liu Zhang was very satisfied and kept nodding to Tai Shici.

"That's right! A sharp knife, a sharp knife, doesn't have to be sharp at the point, but both edges must be sharp!"

"This chariot suspension array is to give full play to the sharp two blades!"

"Ziyi, your burden is heavy again!"

Liu Zhang was a little apologetic, Tai Shici had already made it very difficult to train the charge cavalry, and now he was asked to train the cavalry again!

But there is no way, there is really no one under him to use, and Zhao Yun can't give up on riding and shooting!

It's a pity, it would be great if there was another general!

Tai Shici didn't feel any pressure at all, his eyes were unusually excited.

"My lord, don't worry, the general will not disgrace his fate!"

"Okay! Ziyi, we have known each other for many years, and I have no doubts in Ziyi!"

"Ziyi, please sit down."

Tai Shici was shocked all over, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart, yes, he and the lord have met for many years!

"Zi Long."

Zhao Yun heard Liu Zhang shouting, and quickly got up and bowed.

"The end is here!"

"Zilong, you won't be angry if you gave someone else both sets of formations."

Liu Zhang valued Zhao Yun very much, and he was afraid that Zhao Yun would feel that he was partial to Huang Zhong and Tai Shici.

Zhao Yun's eyes were clear, and he denied Liu Zhang.

"My lord must have a reason for doing things. Yun has no doubts about my lord!"

"Zilong Zhongyi, I am very moved!"

Zhao Yun led his troops to Hedong, and Zhao Yun also captured the people under pressure. Now the results are divided, and it's nothing to do with Zhao Yun!

If it were Liu Zhang himself, he would have opinions in his heart!

"Zilong, your cavalry and archers are the most important thing in our army at present! Whether our cavalry phalanx or chariot formation, they are mainly aimed at foreign races!"

"Let's not talk too much, at least in the next 20 years, we won't be able to conquer Xianbei, Karasuma and other nomadic peoples."

"So your martial arts battalion will lay a solid foundation for us to conquer foreign races in the future!"

Liu Zhang's words were very euphemistic, and it was short of explaining that Zhao Yun's martial arts battalion was the reliance for conquering the world of the great man!

Everyone in the room is his confidant, so it stands to reason that even if Liu Zhang made it clear, there would be no problem.

But now that the world is not chaotic and Emperor Ling is still in power, Liu Zhang will inevitably restrain himself.

Zhao Yun didn't know if he understood Liu Zhang's meaning, but he understood that Liu Zhang needed him most now, and he made a promise right now.

"My lord entrusts me with such a heavy responsibility, if Zhao Yun disappoints my lord, I will be a man in vain!"

Liu Zhang smiled softly and couldn't help shaking his head. Except for Jia Xu and Huang Zhong, everyone in the room is almost in their weak years, which seems to be a sign of youthful ambition.

"Zilong, although the tactics are not given to you, there are many cavalry training methods recorded in the two tactics. You can communicate more with Han Sheng and Ziyi. I think it will definitely benefit you a lot!"

"The general obeys orders!"

Zhao Yun's voice is sonorous and powerful, and this attitude makes people very reassuring.

"My lord, I can understand these things in exchange for my lord's forgiveness to the Wei family, but it's not in exchange for the protection of the Wei family, right?"

"My lord has just reconciled with the general, are you willing to fight against the general again for the sake of the Wei family?"

Seeing Zhao Yun sitting back, Xun You asked Liu Zhang his own questions.

In his opinion, these two methods of warfare are indeed worth enough, but at most they are in exchange for the lives of the Wei family, and their value is far from the weight of causing Liu Zhang and He Jin to fight against each other again!

With a smile on his face, Liu Zhang cast his eyes on Jia Xu, causing Jia Xu to feel helpless.

"Gongda, I guess Wei Bocuo has plotted against the lord a lot, and even used blatant schemes!"

Seeing Liu Zhang's wry smile, Jia Xu confirmed her guess in her heart.

"My lord, did Wei Boxie tell the lord that the tactics in his hands are solid foundations?"

"Are you threatening the lord that once he dies in the hands of the lord, the news that the lord slaughtered the Wei family for the sake of tactics will spread throughout the big man?"

Liu Zhang was shocked, and couldn't help giving Jia Xu a thumbs up.

"Wen He, you are really amazing. That's how Wei Bocuo plotted against me! It even started when he asked Zilong to bring him to see me!"

Zhao Yun turned pale with shock, he didn't expect to cause such a big trouble!

"My lord, I..."

Liu Zhang raised his hand to interrupt Zhao Yun, without any intention of blaming him.

"Zilong, you don't have to blame yourself! Although I have followed Wei Bo's way, we and the Wei family can get what we need!"

Even though Liu Zhang said so, Zhao Yun still felt deeply guilty. From his eyes, it can be seen that this time must be an unforgettable lesson for him!

"That's why I just said that I underestimated Wei Bocuo. He is really powerful. From the very beginning, I have been following the script he designed!"

"Gongda, you probably don't know yet! The Wei family has been smuggling!"

Everyone looked puzzled and looked straight at Liu Zhang. Seeing that no one was talking, Xun You took the initiative to ask questions.

"My lord, what is a script? What is smuggling?"


Just now Liu Zhang was still wondering why everyone had this expression, and it was only after Xun You said that that he understood.

"You all want to ask this too?"

Seeing Liu Zhang's question, everyone including him, Jia Xu, nodded quickly.

"Ahem, the script is that Wei Bocuo devised a strategy, and the whole process of this strategy is called a script!"

"As for smuggling, he sold things from the Han Dynasty to the Southern Xiongnu in Hetao at a high price. Whether the court allowed it or not, the Wei family would sell it. Then he took things from the Southern Xiongnu at a low price and paid a high price. Sell ​​it to the people of our big man!"

"This Wei family is really powerful. Now they know how to use middlemen to make money! Profiteers!"

Everyone had question marks in their heads again, and looked at Liu Zhang very puzzled.

"My lord, what is a middleman?"

(end of this chapter)

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