At The Beginning of The Game, The Five Tiger Generals Were Intercepted

Chapter 159 The Butterfly Effect Finally Appears

Dian Wei acted as if he was not afraid of heaven and earth, and his prestige was extraordinary, which also attracted everyone in the house.

"That's right, my lord, no matter how powerful the northwest rebels are, can they still count as one against ten?"

Liu Zhang was also quite relieved in his heart, for a fierce general like Dian Wei had a lot of confidence in his heart. But you can't be so arrogant.

"Come on, Ziyi, you two are brave enough to win the three armies, so you are not afraid, but what about our soldiers? They are not as brave as you!"

"But you don't need to worry too much. After all, we are not fighting alone, and the imperial court will definitely have many reinforcements."

As he spoke, Liu Zhang looked at Tai Shici, his eyes filled with hope.

"Ziyi, Huo Huoqi's chariot formation is very important. It may be our weapon to break through the Xiliang cavalry!"

Tai Shici gave Liu Zhang a resolute look in return, and directly surrendered.

"My lord, don't worry, the general will not disgrace his fate!"

Liu Zhang nodded, he was very relieved of Tai Shici, and then looked at Huang Zhong.

"Han Sheng, the essence of the cavalry phalanx is to resist the enemy in the middle and outflank the cavalry on both wings! Therefore, the coordination between infantry and archers in the central army is particularly important. You must focus on this!"

Huang Zhong looked happy, but he didn't expect Liu Zhang's opinion to coincide with his.

"My lord, the last general also had this intention a long time ago, and was looking for an opportunity to report to the lord! I didn't expect the lord to know about it!"

"It just so happens that I have time today, so I would like to take this opportunity to exchange training questions and opinions with each other, and let's discuss and discuss with each other!"


"My lord, when I was training the cavalry..."


Guanzhong, Meiyang County

Huangfusong is currently leading an army to station here, and this is the junction of Chang'an and Anding County.

Once the rebels pass through Meiyang, the royal tomb will be safe to defend, and it will definitely cause a shock in the world!

"General, according to reports from spies, Bian Zhang Han Sui will arrive in Meiyang tomorrow with 40,000 rebels."

finally come…

Huangfusong thought silently in his heart, and then looked at everyone in the room.

"Generals, the rebel army is 40,000, and we have more than 30,000 people. Do you have a plan to defeat the enemy?"

"General Chariot, the enemy is powerful, we might as well stick to the city and wait until the enemy's food is exhausted, we will naturally retreat!"

Huangfusong nodded lightly, then shook his head lightly with a solemn expression.

General Di Yang seemed to have seen Huangfusong's thoughts, so he stood up to speak up.

"General Chariot, if His Majesty ordered the general to conquer the rebels, if he only defends but does not attack, wouldn't it be against the holy will?"

Huangfusong was so worried. Even if there was nothing wrong with relying on the city to defend it, it was inevitable that the court would find it hard to explain.

"General Di, in your opinion, what should our army do?"

The corner of Di Yang's mouth twitched, revealing a confident expression.

"Riding the general on chariots, the rebel army is exhausted from afar, and must be repaired! Why don't you take this opportunity and press the whole army together, and the enemy army will be defeated! The court will also look at the general with admiration!"


These four words shocked Huangfusong. He was originally a famous general in the Han Dynasty, but his record in the Yellow Turban Rebellion was mediocre, and all the limelight was robbed by Liu Zhang!

Now many people are saying that the three heroes of the Han Dynasty are far inferior to Liu Zhang, which makes Huang Fusong very annoyed.

Why is he not as good as Liu Zhang? Which of the three heroes of the Han Dynasty is not a famous general in the world?

This time Huangfusong went out with a mission, he wanted to prove to the world that Huangfusong is a general who can fight well, and that the three heroes of the Han Dynasty are the top combat power in the world!

All of this was influenced by Liu Zhang!

"Okay, General Di's words are very close to my heart! Your Majesty has valued me and appointed me as General of Chariots. How can I sit in the city and do nothing?"

Thinking of defending the city, Huangfusong couldn't help but see Bo Cai's figure in his mind, and his anger became even stronger.

"I have made up my mind. When the enemy army arrives tomorrow, I will personally lead the army to fight out. I will definitely give Bian Zhang a head-on blow to Han Sui!"

"I will obey the command!"

Seeing Huangfusong's stern face, the generals had made up their minds, and they didn't dare to raise any further objections, and they all surrendered their hands.


"Okay, everyone's problems are basically solved, and you must pay more attention to training soldiers in the future!"

After more than an hour of discussion, Liu Zhang and the four generals under his command have also finished the discussion. Today's harvest is good!

"By the way, has the letter from Beihai been delivered?"

Liu Zhang looked at Huang Zhong, who nodded.

"Don't worry, my lord, I have already sent a fast horse to go."

"That's great, I'm only a few days away from getting married, and I just take this opportunity to recruit talented people!"

The four of them looked at Liu Zhang, and they all bowed their hands in congratulations.

"Congratulations, my lord!"

"Hahaha, you don't know yet, His Majesty has given me the marriage of Princess Wannian, and this marriage will have to be done again soon!"

Huang Zhong and the others were slightly taken aback, very puzzled in their hearts.

Isn't this the lord who will not marry Cai Yan? Why do you want to marry Princess Wannian again?

What does the princess do? Concubine?

"Okay, it's getting late, Han Sheng will stay for a while, and everyone will go back separately!"

Liu Zhang also felt the strange eyes of everyone, and hurriedly told them to leave.

"What's going to happen to my lord?"

Seeing that the other three were leaving, Huang Zhong asked Liu Zhang aloud.

"Han Sheng, I have good news for you! The ginseng plant of the royal family is currently being taken care of by Princess Wannian. I will get some for you at that time, and it will definitely make Huang Xu heal!"

When Huang Zhong heard this, he froze on the spot, and then fell to his knees with a plop.

"My lord's great favor, Huang Zhong's death is hard to repay! It's just that my lord and Miss Cai have a deep friendship, how can I marry another princess just because of Huang Xu!"

"Huang Xu was recruited by the lord, and he has lived for more than ten years. Huang Zhong and his wife are already satisfied! I implore the lord not to worry about Huang Xu anymore!"

"Huang Zhong thanks my lord!"

Huang Zhong's eyes were red, and he kept kowtowing to Liu Zhang with such force that Liu Zhang's ears were ringing.

"Han Sheng!"

Liu Zhang got up straight away, walked quickly to Huang Zhong, and pulled him up.

"Han Sheng doesn't have to be like this. Although you and I are monarchs and ministers, we are actually relatives! Huang Xu is not only your child, but also my brother!"

Huang Zhong was so moved by Liu Zhang that he burst into tears, and even his hands trembled slightly.

"My lord! Huang Xu must be able to die without any regrets for being so valued by my lord! Huang Zhong dare not embarrass my lord anymore!"

"Han Sheng!"

Liu Zhang held Huang Zhong's arm tightly, with emotion on his face.

"Han Sheng, don't think too much, marrying Her Royal Highness is also forced by the situation, not all because of Huang Xu, you don't have to feel so guilty!"

"You don't have to worry about Cai Yan, Yan'er and I are deeply in love, how can we give up lightly! Just wrong her and let her be my concubine!"

Thinking that he hasn't said this to Cai Yan yet, Liu Zhang's head can't help but feel a little big.

"My lord's kindness, Huang Zhong's death will never be repaid!"

Huang Zhong keeps saying that he doesn't want to embarrass Liu Zhang because of Huang Xu, but in his heart he also hopes that his only child can live forever.

Huang Zhong just didn't want to embarrass Liu Zhang anymore. He felt that Liu Zhang had done enough for his family, so much that Huang Zhong could not pay it off in his whole life!

"Han Sheng, you followed me when I was three years old. I have already regarded you as my family. Don't be polite to me!"

Liu Zhang patted Huang Zhong on the shoulder, turned and walked out. Only Huang Zhong, who was stunned in place, was left behind.

(end of this chapter)

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