At The Beginning of The Game, The Five Tiger Generals Were Intercepted

Chapter 176 Liu Zhang's name spreads far and wide

"Hahaha, brother Yuan, although the latter general is young, his character is absolutely worth mentioning!"

Yuan Pang still had a smile on his face, approving Zhang Wen's words very much.

"Zhang Cheqi is right. It is very difficult for someone who is in a high position at such a young age as the General Empress to be so humble! I admire him from the bottom of my heart!"

Liu Zhang was so embarrassed by the compliments of the two men that he quickly stopped them.

"The two adults are both highly respected seniors, so don't break the boy!"

"Hahaha, general, let me introduce you to others."

As he spoke, he dragged Liu Zhang to the right and walked a few steps to the side of a rather majestic man.

"This is General Zhou Shen, General Zhou Shen. General Zhou has also read military books since he was a child, and has been on the battlefield for many years!"

Although Zhou Shen's Dangkou General was just a miscellaneous general, Liu Zhang still did not despise him, and took the initiative to bow his hands and salute Zhou Shen.

"General Zhou!"

In this day and age, there are not as many miscellaneous generals as there were in the Three Kingdoms decades later, and their status is much higher than that of the captain.

Zhou Shen was naturally flattered, although his qualifications were much higher than Liu Zhang's, but he was wasting his time, and so far he has only become a miscellaneous general.

"I have seen the general!"

Zhang Wen stretched his hand to the other side again, but his smile became a little awkward.

"Presumably the latter general already knows Dong Zhuo, the Polu General."

Liu Zhang didn't speak, but nodded to Dong Zhuo. He had already greeted Dong Zhuo just now.

Liu Zhang's attention was attracted by one person, and it happened that Zhang Wen reached out to him.

"General Empress, this man is amazing! I specially recruited him to join the army!"

Liu Zhang laughed and nodded to Zhang Wen.

"I know, Tiger of Jiangdong!"

Liu Zhang recognized Sun Jian a long time ago, and turned his head to salute Sun Jian.

"Brother Wentai, long time no see!"

Sun Jian is a bold person, and he has recognized Liu Zhang long ago.

But now that the status and status gap between the two is too big, he didn't have the cheek to step forward.

"After a farewell in the past, I never thought that Lieutenant Liu had been promoted to the general!"

Sun Jian didn't dare to be negligent, and bowed his hands in salute, with a little embarrassment in his words.

Back then, one of the two was Sima, and the other was a miscellaneous captain, so the status was not much different!

It took only one year for Sun Jian to join the army, but Liu Zhang has already reached the high position of General Sifang!

"Brother Wentai is good at fighting, and he will definitely be promoted to a noble in the future!"

Among the generals and schools in front of him, Liu Zhang is most optimistic about Sun Jian. This is really a war lunatic!

Not only is he extremely brave, but he also takes the lead in every battle. The soldiers under his command are just like lunatics!

Liu Zhang couldn't help looking at Dong Zhuo at the side again, and couldn't help laughing in his heart.

It is estimated that Dong Zhuo would never have imagined that he would be beaten by Sun Jian and move the capital! Hahaha!

Zhang Wen then introduced other generals to Liu Zhang. They were undoubtedly insignificant figures whose names were not even recorded in the history books. Liu Zhang just waved his hand as a gesture.

"Rear General, a banquet has been held in the mansion, specially to welcome you!"

Zhang Wen has already attached great importance to Liu Zhang. When Dong Zhuo and Zhou Shen came, he did not host a banquet.

"Thank you Zhang Cheqi, please!"


Zhang Wen did not back down this time, after all, he was the supreme commander of Meiyang, and he took the lead to walk into the city.

Liu Zhang made good arrangements for the army, ordered Huang Zhong and four people to settle the soldiers, and asked Jia Xu and Xunyou to accompany him to the banquet.

Thirty miles away from Meiyang City, the Xiliang rebel camp was stationed here.

In the commanding tent of the Chinese army, the leaders of the Xiliang rebels gathered, and Bian Zhang was sitting in the main seat impressively.

"Generals, according to the latest information, the imperial court has dismissed Huang Fusong and replaced him with Chariot General Zhang Wen."

"Zhang Wen not only brought tens of thousands of soldiers from Chang'an, but also general Dong Zhuo, who broke the barbarians, and Zhou Shen, the general who destroyed the bandits, each raised tens of thousands of soldiers, and they have gathered in Meiyang!"

Bian Zhang looked heavy, obviously under a lot of pressure.

Beigong Boyu on the side snorted softly, showing disdain.

"Don't worry, chiefs. Huangfusong also claimed to be the Three Heroes of the Han Dynasty, so he was beaten by our army and fled in embarrassment? General Han, you are the smartest here, what do you think!"

Beigong Boyu turned his attention to Han Sui. The last design of Huangfusong was also designed by Han Sui, which raised Han Sui's status instantly.

Han Sui nodded to Beigong Boyu, but his expression was a little heavy.

"General Beigong is right. Huangfusong still has some talents. As for Zhang Wen, he is absolutely ignorant of military affairs! I have heard of Zhang Wen. He came from a civil service background. This should be his first time leading an army." "Hahahahaha, that old man Liu Hong really has no one to use! He even sent a scholar who is powerless!"

"General Beigong is right! As for Dong Zhuo and Zhou Shen, they are even more incompetent! Dong Zhuo has been defeated by Zhang Jiao several times!"

"Hahahahaha, what a waste, waste! Hahahahaha"

Beigong Boyu was even more disdainful. In his opinion, he couldn't even beat the peasant uprising army, let alone fight against his elite Yi Cong!

"General Beigong shouldn't take it too lightly. According to the news from the scouts, one person came today!"

Han Sui interrupted Beigong Boyu's laughter, causing the latter's dissatisfaction.


"The latter general, Liu Zhang."

"But the boy who put down the Yellow Turban Rebellion?"

Li Wenhou on the side exclaimed, with a hint of fear in his voice.

"Why is General Li shouting so loudly? Putting down the Yellow Turban Rebellion? Still a boy?"

The speaker was Liangzhou local tyrant Song Yang, the main initiator of the Liangzhou rebellion.

Li Wenhou's face was heavy, he ignored Song Yang, and turned his attention to Han Sui.

"General Li is right, this Liu Zhang must not be underestimated!"

The atmosphere in the tent suddenly became depressed, everyone was watching each other, and no one spoke.

"Wen Yue, please tell everyone in detail, so we can discuss how to deal with it."

After all, Bian Zhang is also the leader, and he can't be intimidated by a name just by looking at the generals under his command!

"Liu Zhang should not be the weaker champion this year, but within a year, he killed Bocai, broke hundreds of thousands of yellow scarves, and then moved to Hebei. Zhang Jiao's three brothers died in his hands one after another!"

"Liu Zhang always wins every battle. Hebei Yellow Turban was at a loss when he saw Liu Zhang's banner, and he couldn't even arouse the desire to resist!"

"Furthermore, this person's use of troops is unpredictable, and he often takes surprises! Moreover, he is extremely courageous. He once infiltrated a camp of more than 100,000 Yellow Turbans with hundreds of people, and personally beheaded Bocai!"

Han Sui's description of Liu Zhang and Li Wenhou's fear made everyone fear Liu Zhang.

"What are you afraid of!"

Beigong Boyu let out a loud roar, he looked at the generals with a look of fear, and he couldn't find a single place.

"If you are timid before fighting, what great cause are you talking about! Why don't you go back to Liangzhou as soon as possible!"

Bian Zhang also stood up and roared.

"That's right! No matter how powerful Liu Zhang is, can he still stop our tens of thousands of cavalry!"

"By the way, Huangfusong was defeated before, and tens of thousands of cavalry were added to all parts of Liangzhou. Now we also have 100,000 people!"

One hundred thousand!

Bian Zhang's words are very effective, the number of soldiers and horses is the confidence, the more confidence, the more fearless naturally!

"Chief Bian is right. No matter how powerful Liu Zhang is, he is only a single person. Now that we have the advantage in soldiers and horses, we will surely defeat the government and the army!"

Han Sui also boosted morale. He just wanted the generals not to underestimate Liu Zhang, but he did not expect to cause such a panic.

"Go to Zhang Wen and ask him to fight tomorrow!"

Bian Zhang's eyes were determined, and he had already made up his mind.

(end of this chapter)

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