Meiyang City, a city far away from the battlefield, should have been quietly waiting for the end of the war, but soon it will no longer be peaceful.

Five miles away, behind a hidden earth mountain, Li Wenhou was leading an army of ten thousand.

Han Sui gave Li Wenhou and Song Yang separate instructions before, and Song Yang lay in ambush, waiting for Zhang Wen to enter the urn. Li Wenhou, on the other hand, took a detour to the outside of Meiyang City, waiting for an opportunity to capture Meiyang City.

"General Li, there is news from Commander Bian that Zhang Wen's 100,000 troops have been heavily surrounded by our army. There must not be many soldiers in Meiyang City at this moment!"

Li Wenhou was rubbing his fingers gently, listening to the orderer's report absently.

For this task, Li Wenhou didn't want to come. He wanted to fight on the frontal battlefield, how happy it would be to fight on the battlefield?

It's a pity that there is no way. After Han Sui proposed a plan, Beigong Boyu called Li Wenhou to come, and he did not dare to openly disobey Beigong Boyu.

"Commander Bian is sure to surround Zhang Wen's 100,000 troops?"

"Report to General Li, Commander Bian indeed said so, and General Han asked me to give the general a message, so that I can wait for the opportunity to capture Meiyang City."

"If Meiyang City is invincible, General Han will ask General Li to detour behind the official army and join General Song to attack and kill the official army!"

The messenger confirmed his doubts to Li Wenhou confidently, and conveyed Han Sui's plan again.

Seeing that Li Wenhou didn't respond, his subordinate urged him again.

"General Li, Commander Bian has repeatedly ordered that we must not delay the opportunity of the battle. If we can..."

Before the messenger could finish his words, Li Wenhou met Li Wenhou's fierce eyes.

"General...I....I didn't mean that...I..."

The messenger was taken aback by Li Wenhou's eyes, he actually saw the killing intent in his eyes!

Li Wenhou, like Beigong Boyu, is a Qiang man, and he was born in Huang Zhongyi Conghu. Naturally, he is very convinced of his elder brother Beigong Boyu and has no idea, but it is different for Bianzhang Han Sui.

Bian Zhang and Han Sui, after all, they are Han Chinese, but they are famous in the northwest region.

When the eldest brother Beigong Boyu tricked them to come here, Li Wenhou thought that he wanted to kill these two people to establish his prestige, but he never expected that he would coerce them to join him.

It's fine to join, after all, these two are also capable people, and they are not comparable to ordinary people!

But Beigong Boyu actually made Bian Zhang the leader! Hand over all the military and political power to Bian Zhang!

Beigong Boyu's decision made Li Wenhou unacceptable, and the two even had a fierce quarrel.

Li Wenhou felt that it was enough to have Beigong Boyu as his elder brother to lead him. How could he endure two powerless Han people riding on his neck and shit?

It's a pity that Beigong Boyu is very firm, and Li Wenhou can't shake his determination even if he speaks out. In desperation, Li Wenhou could only accept the reality.

It was okay at the beginning, Bian Zhang was quite polite, but as time went on, as the team grew, Bian Zhang became more and more rampant. Except for Beigong Boyu, the others didn't take it seriously at all, and they had completely forgotten about it. Position yourself!

Han Sui is fine, and has always been very polite to these Qiang people. Although he offered strategies to defeat powerful enemies several times, he never took credit for it.

Li Wenhou became more and more dissatisfied with Bian Zhang, but his friendship with Han Sui became deeper and deeper.

In addition, Han Sui often complained to him, saying that Bian Zhang had changed and even ignored the friendship of his old friend, which made Li Wenhou feel that Bian Zhang was an ungrateful villain.

The messenger originally mentioned Han Sui, and he didn't feel disgusted when he heard Han Sui's words to him, but the messenger repeatedly gave him orders in the tone of Bian Zhang, and the anger in his heart rose uncontrollably!

"Get out, tell Bian Zhang, I, Li Wenhou, can't delay the big event!"

"Yes! Yes! Little one, get out now, get out now..."

The orderly felt relieved and stepped back, but his heart was already filled with resentment.

Li Wenhou stood up and gestured to the soldiers under his command. The soldiers were all brothers who had followed him for many years, so they naturally understood what Li Wenhou meant, and they all got on their horses.

"Boys, Meiyang City is empty, I will rush into the city at this moment, and I can loot wantonly!"

"Property, woman, as long as you want, I will never stop you!"

The Qiang people are the Qiang people, and their greed is deeply rooted in their bones. When they heard that they could rob property, everyone became excited and wished they could attack and kill them immediately.

"Want it or not!"

Seeing the unscrupulous greed in the eyes of the soldiers, Li Wenhou felt complacent and asked loudly.

"Think! Think! Think!"

"Hahaha, boys, follow me and take down Meiyang City!"

Li Wenhou roared, and then rushed out first, and the soldiers under his command did not hesitate at all, just roared and followed!

The morale of the ten thousand cavalry was high, and their shouts shook the sky, and they rushed towards Meiyang City at high speed.

And the distance of five miles is there in an instant!

Meiyang City, just as Bian Zhang Han Sui predicted, was extremely empty, only Liu Zhang's General's Mansion, Zhang Wen had already taken away all the troops, all of them!

Moreover, after Jia Xu discovered the strategy of the Xiliang Army, Liu Zhang transferred the Wufeng Camp. In other words, there are only 4,500 people in Meiyang City now.

There is no one more, only 4,500 people!

But there are indeed two generals, Huang Zhong and Dian Wei.

There are also two top wise men, Jia Xu and Xun You!

After Liu Zhang arrived at Wufeng Camp, he asked Dian Wei to escort Jia Xu back to the city. After all, it was difficult for Liu Zhang to guarantee Jia Xu's safety after rushing to kill him!

Liu Zhang didn't want something like Pang Tong's death from being shot in Luo County!

Although Meiyang City is empty, fortunately this city only has two gates, and there is also an urn city, if the enemy wants to attack, it will definitely not be so easy.

On the city wall of Meiyang, Jia Xu and Xun You stood in the middle, with Huang Zhong and Dian Wei standing on both sides.

At this moment, the four of them were staring at the front, and the dust all over the sky had clearly told the four of them that there must be many cavalry attacking!

And definitely not my own!

"Military division, look at what this means, at least ten thousand cavalry."

Huang Zhong's tone was heavy, but there was no sign of panic.

Jia Xu showed a sneer, and didn't pay attention to the cavalry below.

"Hehe, there are only 10,000 cavalrymen, what a bargain!"

"Everything is going according to plan!"

Huang Zhong and Dian Wei directly surrendered their hands and went to implement Jia Xu's plan respectively.

"Wenhe, the Xiliang army is considered unlucky to meet you!"

Even Xun You, who has always been dull, has a playful look on his face at the moment, so you can think of Jia Xu's viciousness!

Jia Xu didn't say anything, but just sneered a few times. Born in Liangzhou, he naturally didn't have any good feelings for the Qiang people!

Li Wenhou, who was leading his army to charge, was still thinking about how to break into the city, not knowing that he was heading towards a boundless hell!

(end of this chapter)

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