"Rear General!"

Zhang Wen walked up to Liu Zhang and called Liu Zhang softly.

His voice contained gratitude, apology, self-blame, and even remorse!

Zhang Wen hated himself for making his own way, hated himself for being greedy for meritorious deeds, hated himself for not being able to respect Liu Zhang more!

In the end, the clown will always be himself, and Liu Zhang is still the one who saves the world.

Liu Zhang did not have the proud attitude of a winner, but gave Zhang Wen a very gentle smile.

"Zhang Cheqi, would you like to fight the traitors with me?"

With tears in his eyes, Zhang Wen kept nodding. Liu Zhang's generous gesture really moved him!

"Rear general! I knew that you would definitely lead us to defeat the rebels!" Sun Jian also stepped forward, his expression was very excited, and even his voice trembled a little.

"Wentai, do you still have the strength to fight against the thieves?"

Sun Jian looked at Liu Zhang's slightly playful expression, and immediately laughed out loud.

"Hahaha! Don't worry, General Empress, Sun Jian has plenty of strength!"

"So do I, I can fight to the death with the thieves at any time!"

Even Dong Zhuo and Zhou Shen came forward and stood together with Liu Zhang.

Liu Zhang didn't expect that at this moment, everyone would be twisted into one rope!

How can there be any reason for defeat in such a fight?

"Soldiers! Do you dare to follow me and fight the rebels to the death!"

The soldiers of the Han army were infected by the atmosphere of the coach and the general, and their blood surged up one after another, wishing to go forward and fight immediately.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

"Ho! Ho! Ho!"

The corner of Liu Zhang's mouth twitched, and he became more confident in his heart, and shouted directly.

"Beat the drum!"

As soon as the voice fell, only the sound of drums sounded from the battlefield!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Liu Zhang turned his head slightly and gave Zhao Yun a wink, who immediately understood and rushed forward.

Zhao Yun rode his horse and stood up, pointing his spear directly at the Xiliang army, and only one person exploded with shocking momentum!

"I am under the command of the Empress General, Wuqi Captain Zhao Yun! Who dares to step forward and lead him to death!"

Zhao Yun was so arrogant that he directly asked the general of the Xiliang Army to come up and suffer his death!

This arrogance also completely angered the Xiliang army. They are all Qiang warriors. How can they let this man who looks like he has not even grown hair show his strength here?

"Don't be crazy! Don't come here to get you!"

With a roar, a general from the Xiliang army rushed out, and this man rushed towards Zhao Yun with a huge ax in his hand.

"Kill! Die for me!"

Wu Guyuan roared as he charged, his momentum was not weak at all, and he was in front of Zhao Yun in an instant, with the big ax already raised high.

Zhao Yun seemed to be stupefied by fright, he didn't react at all, and just let the big ax be raised above his head!

All the Han soldiers held their breath, sweating for Zhao Yun! If this ax is chopped down, how can there be any reason to survive?

When Beigong Boyu saw Zhao Yun's appearance, his brows were filled with joy. If Wuguyuan can kill Zhao Yun, the morale of the Xiliang army will be greatly boosted!

Wu Guyuan had already swung his full strength towards Zhao Yun, and he had even seen Zhao Yun's tragic death!

It's a pity that the moment the ax touched Zhao Yun, Zhao Yun easily dodged it, turned the spear in his hand, and pierced Wu Guyuan's chest directly.


Blood gushed out of Wu Guyuan's mouth in an instant, and he was speechless due to the tremendous pain, and could only grit his teeth and look at Zhao Yun.


Zhao Yun didn't even look at Wu Guyuan, the spear continued to wreak havoc in Wu Guyuan's body, and then he pulled it out abruptly, executing Wu Guyuan directly!


The battlefield immediately quieted down, and then the Han army burst out with shocking cries!

"Ho! Ho! Ho!"

"Ho! Ho! Ho!"

"Ho! Ho! Ho!"

Zhao Yun didn't look complacent at all, as if he just crushed an ant to death, he pointed the tip of his gun at the Xiliang army again.

"Who else dares to step forward and lead to death!"

"Zhao Yunxiu go, Gai Kundou is here to get you!"

There was a loud shout, and another person rushed out from the Xiliang army. Gai Kundou was holding a mace, and his figure was very majestic!

"The enemy will die!"

Gai Kundou was full of momentum, roaring and rushing towards Zhao Yun, waving the mace in his hand continuously!

Zhao Yun looked at Gai Kundou contemptuously, not paying attention to him at all.

Gai Kundou is a warrior of the Qiang nationality, where has he been so underestimated? Immediately, he smashed the mace at Zhao Yun with all his strength.


With an ear-piercing sound of collision, Zhao Yun pressed the tip of the spear firmly against the mace, no matter how hard Gai Kundou tried, he couldn't hit it any more!

"That's it?"

The corner of Zhao Yun's mouth twitched, revealing a sneer, and then withdrew the strength in his hands. Gai Kundou was caught off guard and fell forward.

Zhao Yun didn't intend to let Gai Kundou go, and directly shot Gai Kundou off his horse.

Gai Kundou knew that he couldn't defeat Zhao Yun, and he didn't want his horse, so he frantically fled in the direction of Beigong Boyu.


Seeing Zhao Yun stretching his bow and nodding his arrow, Beigong Boyu immediately shouted. It's a pity that his drinking is no different from farting to Zhao Yun.

The arrow shot out from the three-stone strong bow, as fast as a thunderbolt of lightning, straight into Gai Kundou's back! The arrow was so powerful that it directly shot through Gai Kundou!

The scene became quiet again, and the Xiliang army was stunned by Zhao Yun's arrow! The Han army was also speechless by this stunning arrow!

Even Sun Jian and Dong Zhuo opened their eyes wide with admiration on their faces!

Bian Zhang, Han Sui, and Bei Gong Boyu were so frightened that they couldn't speak and broke out in cold sweat. The power of this arrow completely shocked them all!

They were very scared, afraid that this shocking arrow would fall on their heads!

Liu Zhang's ability is very good. I didn't expect that there are such capable people under his command!

"Zilong's sharp shot!"

Tai Shici let out a loud roar, and was full of admiration for Zhao Yun's arrow!

The Han army was also awakened by Tai Shici's voice, and they all burst into heaven-shattering roars.

"Ho! Ho! Ho!"

"Ho! Ho! Ho!"

"Ho! Ho! Ho!"

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Although the drummer was exhausted, he still gritted his teeth and pounded the drum violently in front of this soaring aura.

"Who else dares to step forward and lead to death!"

Zhao Yun became more and more courageous as he fought, and he kept waving his spear, wantonly provoking the Xiliang army.

Arrogant, arrogant, domineering, rampant and even crazy!

Facing tens of thousands of Xiliang cavalry by himself, Zhao Yun didn't show any timidity!

On the other hand, the Xiliang army, Bian Zhang, Han Sui and even Beigong Boyu, together with tens of thousands of cavalry, just watched Zhao Yun show off his power in front of him.

No one dared to say anything, no one had the courage of flesh and blood, and no one dared to come forward!

"You bastards, since you don't care about confronting me, why don't you surrender quickly!"

Zhao Yun yelled again, the sound was as loud as thunder, and the Xiliang army was so startled that they retreated again and again, and their positions were thrown into chaos!

"The latter general, this is a god-given opportunity, please order the general to charge and kill the enemy!"

When Sun Jian saw that the Xiliang army was retreating and chaotic, he hurriedly asked Liu Zhang for orders.

This is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The morale of the Xiliang army is low, and the situation is in chaos! Rushing to the past now will definitely cause them heavy losses!

If you grasp it properly, you may be able to win a battle!

(end of this chapter)

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