Abdicate to the virtuous?

Liu Zhang couldn't help laughing in his heart, Zhang Wen said these four words a little too reluctantly!

"General Dong's words are wrong!"

At this time, Zhou Shen, the general of the gangsters, stood up and spoke directly against Dong Zhuo.

Zhang Wen's eyes lit up, Zhou Shen is his direct descendant, and he will definitely speak for himself.

Zhou Shen and Dong Zhuo are at the same level. If Liu Zhang continues to be humble, he can take advantage of the situation and take back his life.

"Does General Zhou still want to experience being trapped in a heavy siege? Don't you think that our Han soldiers have not suffered enough casualties?"

Dong Zhuo hated Zhang Wen to death, so now that he had the chance, he would try his best to pull him down.

"Hmph, General Dong don't let Zhang Cheqi take the blame for everything he wants!"

Like Dong Zhuo, Zhou Shen must protect Zhang Wen. If Zhang Wen falls, Zhou Shen will not have a good life!

Unexpectedly, Dong Zhuo immediately exploded after hearing Zhou Shen's words.

"Don't let him carry it? If you don't let him carry it, let you carry it? Ah! More than 20,000 lives have died tragically, so let you carry it!"

Dong Zhuo had written all his anger on his face, and then pointed at Sun Jian.

"Ask Sun Sima, how many times has he told Zhang Wen not to chase blindly? If Zhang Wen could listen to half a sentence, how could he have caused such a catastrophe?"

"If it hadn't been for General Empress' magical soldiers descending from the sky, and if it hadn't been for General Zhao beheading the two of them forcefully, and General Empress scaring off the thieves, would you and I still be able to sit here?"

"A 100,000-strong army! This is a 100,000-strong army! Zhang Wen almost died in just this one battle!"

Sun Jian did not cater to Dong Zhuo, nor did he defend Zhang Wen, but the gloomy expression on his face seemed to have shown his thoughts.

To everyone's surprise, Di Yang suddenly stood up.

"General Dong, in the final analysis, the responsibility for this matter rests with me. If I hadn't made great contributions, Zhang Cheqi would not have suffered such a catastrophe! I am willing to take all the responsibilities!"

Di Yang looked righteous and awe-inspiring, as if he was ready to sacrifice himself to save Zhang Wen.

Zhang Wen also never expected that Di Yang would take the initiative to speak up in this situation and stop the responsibility for himself! Immediately, he no longer doubted Di Yang, and even felt a little guilty about his suspicion of him before!

"Okay, everyone, don't argue."

This farce should also stop. As an audience, Liu Zhang was a little bored watching it, so he directly stopped the noisy crowd.

"The previous things are over, and it would be too inhumane to pursue the responsibility! Although our army suffered heavy losses, the Xiliang Army also suffered a lot of casualties. The matter is finally not beyond the point of no return!"

"But even so, the Xiliang Army is still powerful, so don't underestimate it! If we still blame each other, suspect each other, and fail to work together to deal with the enemy, we will eventually be defeated by the Xiliang Army!"

"Personal matters are small, and national affairs are the big ones! Zhang Cheqi is worshiped by His Majesty, and I, Liu Zhang, are willing to obey Zhang Cheqi's dispatch! I see this matter, so there is no need to discuss it any further!"

After Liu Zhang finished speaking, some people were happy and some were worried, but they all fell silent.

Zhang Wen saw that the situation was almost over, so he hurried down the steps, lest someone demolish his platform again!

"Since the general later said that, it would be too unreasonable for Zhang to evade it! I will take over this position for the time being, and I will mention Zhang to the generals. Zhang thank you all here!"

Zhang Wenyi bowed to everyone, and when he arrived at Liu Zhang, he put on a new posture. He wanted to please Liu Zhang!

"Hmph, pretending!"

Dong Zhuo was extremely dissatisfied, and cursed in a low voice, but it was heard by everyone.

Zhang Wen was very magnanimous. Not only did he not get angry, but he saluted Dong Zhuo again.

Dong Zhuo didn't want to talk to Zhang Wen at first, but when he saw Liu Zhang winking at him, he reluctantly bowed his hand to Zhang Wen.

"Okay, I also hope that you can put aside your previous suspicions and join hands to fight against the enemy!"


Zhang Wen can finally breathe a sigh of relief, and the power of General Cheqi is back in his hands!

"Everyone, let's talk about the previous loss first."

Liu Zhang's words aroused Zhang Wen's dissatisfaction in an instant, and he secretly blamed him for not opening any pot! Zhang Wen suddenly became a little nervous again.

"Twelve thousand cavalrymen died in the battle, and more than three thousand were injured. The horses suffered countless losses!"

Dong Zhuo's voice was full of resentment. Why did he hate Zhang Wen so much? It was because of Zhang Wen's fault!

"The infantry died... 23,000, and the wounded... there were more than 5,000 wounded..."

As soon as Zhou Shen finished speaking, Dong Zhuo exclaimed.

"What! How much did you say? How many died in battle?"

Zhou Shen glanced at Dong Zhuo again, originally he didn't want to answer, but because of the aggressive questioning, he could only repeat it again.

"Twenty-three thousand people died in battle..."

Dong Zhuo grabbed Zhou Shen's chest and glared at him.

"Didn't you say that only a few thousand died!"

Zhou Shen obviously felt a little guilty, so he could only make sophistry in a low voice.

"I'm talking about hurting thousands..."


Dong Zhuo was really going to be blown out of anger, his face turned red from being suppressed.

Everyone in the room didn't understand why Dong Zhuo was so angry. It was a cruel war, and the death and injury of soldiers couldn't be more normal!

Even Liu Zhang was very puzzled. There may be evidence to say that Dong Zhuo cherishes soldiers.

After all, more than ten years ago, Dong Zhuo followed Zhang Huanqiang and made great contributions. Dong Zhuo gave all the 9,000 horseskins to his subordinates.

But even so, it wouldn't be such a big fight with Zhou Shen, right? After all, they are not his direct subordinates!

Everyone didn't understand Dong Zhuo, in fact Dong Zhuo had feelings for these soldiers.

Why did Dong Zhuo go to Hedong to summon the county soldiers? Because Dong Zhuo had been the governor of Hedong County for a long time! These soldiers were very convinced of Dong Zhuo and followed him without hesitation.

But what happened? There were heavy casualties in the first battle, and many Hedong children who trusted him died because of Zhang Wen's stupidity!

"General Dong, the dead cannot be brought back to life, so please mourn!"


Dong Zhuo glanced at Liu Zhang who was persuading him, roared, and finally put Zhou Shen down.

Liu Zhang nodded to Dong Zhuo, thanking him for the face he gave him. But such a large casualty was far beyond Liu Zhang's expectations.

"More than 35,000 people died in the battle, and 8,000 were injured! It is equivalent to losing nearly half of the troops..."

Liu Zhang's words were actually for Zhang Wen to hear. He only hoped that Zhang Wen would learn the lesson and never make his own decisions in the future!

But Zhang Wen heard something different in his ears, as if Liu Zhang was deliberately disgusting himself, his face became more and more ugly.

"General Empress, I know that everything is my fault, and you don't need to emphasize it again."

Hearing Zhang Wen's lukewarm tone, Liu Zhang laughed angrily.


"What is the general laughing at?"

Liu Zhang stopped his smile, focused his eyes on Zhang Wen's face, and stared at him like this.

Zhang Wen suddenly felt a chill down his back, and a sense of fear came from his heart.

"You... what are you going to do?"

(end of this chapter)

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