There were too many people around Yuan Shao, and Cao Cao was on the edge again, so Liu Zhang didn't notice him at all at first.

Cao Cao bowed his hand to Liu Zhang. The two had no deep friendship, nor did they have any personal grievances. Generally speaking, they could be counted as acquaintances.

"I haven't seen you for many years, General Wei is still handsome!"

"Hehe, I heard that brother Meng De has great ambitions and is dedicated to eradicating thieves for the country. He even uttered bold words about the tomb of General Han Zhengxi engraved on the tombstone after his death! Why are you with the thieves today?"

Cao Cao is different from Er Yuan. Liu Zhang must be extremely careful when talking to him, and he must be preemptive everywhere.

"I didn't expect General Wei to be the one who knows Cao Cao best!"

A flash of shock flashed in Cao Cao's eyes. General Zhengxi had always been his ideal, but he had never told anyone about it. After all, the status of Cao Cao's eunuch is really disgusting.

"I, Cao Cao, have a deep hatred for the foreign race who poisoned the frontiers of the Han Dynasty. I always think about leading the elite soldiers to kill the traitors!"

"Meng De, if you want to fight against the outside world, you must first secure the inside. You are surrounded by thieves, how can you have the energy to kill the outside thieves?"

Liu Zhang chuckled, and continued to direct the conflict to the coalition forces.

However, Cao Cao is obviously not comparable to Yuan Yuan, and there is a way to deal with Liu Zhang's rhetoric.

"General Wei, I heard that the general said above the court that traitors seem loyal and falsehoods seem true. Cao admires that very much! Loyalty and treachery have never been defined, but Dong Zhuo's actions, is there one? Loyal?"

Liu Zhang raised his palm and interrupted Cao Cao's speech.

"Brother Meng De, Dong Zhuo followed the late emperor's order and supported the second prince to ascend the throne. Isn't this loyalty?"

Cao Cao smiled and shook his head, disapproving of Liu Zhang's words.

"General Wei, there is no way to know whether the late emperor left a will or not."

"Whoever said that there is no way to study, I will swear to the sky, the first emperor told me personally when he was dying, that he wants the second prince to inherit the throne!"

While Liu Zhang swore, he also raised his hands in the air with a very serious attitude.

This stunned the coalition forces a little. At this time, people paid great attention to oaths, and the more prestigious the people, the more they cared. Since Liu Zhang had already sworn, it was probably not a lie.

"Even so, it is a fact that Dong Zhuo murdered Zhongliang and fornicated the harem. General Wei, as a former emperor and former minister, should turn a blind eye to it?"

Cao Cao's reaction was quick, and the successor couldn't explain it, so he directly transferred to Dong Zhuo's behavior.

What Dong Zhuo did was all a matter of anger and grievance, so Liu Zhang should have no way to justify it now!

"Hehe, why is Brother Mengde so naive? Could it be that this kind of thing didn't happen when the Yuan family was in power? Which of the superiors didn't exclude dissidents? As for the promiscuous harem, I didn't know about it, and I didn't see it."

Cao Cao frowned, this Liu Zhang is too good at quibbling.

"General Wei, if you didn't see it, it doesn't mean it didn't happen. No one in the world knows what Dong Zhuo did? Otherwise, why would all the heroes fight together?"

Liu Zhang still had an expression of indifference, even a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Ben will only believe what he sees."

Cao Cao wanted to argue with Liu Zhang again, but Yuan Shao stopped him immediately.

"Meng De, why do you waste your time talking with these traitors? Wait until we catch him and see if his mouth is still so hard!"

Yuan Shao had heard enough arguments, even Liu Zhang's voice made him sick!

If you want to avenge your shame, arresting Liu Zhang is undoubtedly the most effective way!

At this moment, there are only a thousand people around Liu Zhang, and Yuan Shao believes that as long as his subordinates swarm up, Liu Zhang can definitely be captured!

Just as Yuan Shao was about to order the whole army to attack, Liu Zhang saw through his plot.

"Yuan Benchu, you, a lowly person from a concubine, how can you lead a group of heroes? According to this general, it is better to give up the position of leader to Yuan Shu, the son of the Yuan family!"

Yuan Shu originally hated Liu Zhang very much, but when he heard this sentence, he immediately changed his previous attitude, the more he looked at Liu Zhang, the cuter he was!

If the situation didn't allow it, Yuan Shu really wanted to rush over and hug Liu Zhang, and then yell at Yuan Shao to get out.

But Yuan Shao didn't think so, his fists were clenched, especially when he saw Yuan Shu's smug smile, he was even more annoyed.

"Traitor, don't try to sow discord here. Our Yuan family's brotherhood is stronger than gold, how can you instigate it with a few words!"

When Yuan Shao said this, maybe he wasn't embarrassed himself, but the heroes around him were all embarrassed.

Love is stronger than, Yuan Shao, dare to say it!

"Okay, whatever you say is right! I, Liu Zhang, am not someone who takes advantage of others' dangers. You have just arrived here and have not set up camp, so I will not lead an army to attack you. How about it, is it interesting?"

Yuan Shao is really going crazy, this good guy let Liu Zhang do it! He didn't take advantage of others' danger. If he raised his troops now, wouldn't he be a villain in vain?

"Then what are you doing here if you're not staying in Hulao Gate!"

Hearing Yuan Shao's question, Liu Zhang laughed again.

"Hehe, I'm here to learn the methods of the heroes of the Kanto region, come here!"

Hearing Liu Zhang's order, Dian Wei patted his horse forward and raised his halberd with both hands.

"Under General Wei, General Dian Wei! Who dares to come to die!"

It turned out that Liu Zhang was here to fight the generals! No wonder he only brought so few soldiers here!

The prefects around Yuan Shao felt relieved, after all, Liu Zhang had a great reputation, and it would be too unwise to fight him immediately as soon as he arrived at Hulao Pass.

On the contrary, it is much easier to fight generals. There are more than ten people here, don't they have a few generals to compete with Liu Zhang?

"Hehe, Liu Zhang, you are really arrogant! Treat us prefects and generals like nothing!"

Yuan Shao suddenly felt that the general is also good, as long as the general wins, Liu Zhang can be hit hard! If the situation permits, the whole army can take advantage of the trend!

"Don't talk nonsense! If you have the guts, just step forward!"

When Dian Wei saw Yuan Shao's tall and handsome boy, he hated him from the bottom of his heart, wishing he could chop him in half with a single halberd!

It was the same with Yuan Shao, he didn't even bother to take a look at such an ugly, dark-skinned barbarian like Dian Wei.

"Whoever dares to fight, take down this ugly ghost for me!"

"I go!"

I saw a man rushing out of the formation, full of momentum, he rushed towards Dian Wei with a big knife in his hand.

"Who is this?"

Hearing Yuan Shao's question, Bao Xin who was on the side hurriedly responded.

"Leader, this is my younger brother Bao Zhong! Bao Zhong possesses great strength and is easily defeated. He will definitely be able to make contributions to the leader."

Yuan Shao nodded lightly, looking at Bao Xin with a look of relief.

"Hey, General Bao Xin, I'm afraid General Bao Zhong won't be able to behead generals for generals in the future..."

Bao Xin looked displeased, this Yuan Shu is too rude!

"What does the latter mean? Could it be that you look down on my brother?"

Yuan Shu raised his head slightly forward, motioning Bao Xin to look at the situation on the field.

Bao Xin quickly turned his head to the battlefield, only to see that Bao Zhong's head had already fallen to the ground, and he didn't make a single scream before he died.

"Second brother!"

(end of this chapter)

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