The battle ended soon, just as Liu Zhang expected, the field left for the cavalry was too small, and when they approached the camp, they encountered many resistances!

Dong Zhuo couldn't bear the heavy casualties, so he could only order the troops to withdraw, and the whole army retreated to Hulao Pass.

This battle can be said to be a complete victory, killing more than 10,000 coalition troops and injuring countless people!

When the coalition forces fled, they also suffered huge casualties due to crowding, trampling and killing each other!

In the end, only a few thousand people escaped safely back to the camp!

After this battle, the morale of Dong Zhuo's army was greatly improved, and he was even more fearless of the Kwantung Allied Forces!

And because of this casualty, the coalition forces died down, and they didn't even have any intention of attacking Hulao Pass anymore!

Liu Zhang once again spoke of the internal situation of the coalition forces. Because of the casualties, the heroes did not want to compromise their own strength, and no one was willing to send soldiers to attack the pass. Even though Yuan Shao gave the order, no one followed it.

More than 100,000 coalition troops can only stay in the barracks every day, without the slightest aggressiveness! Even when Dong Zhuo sent people to call in front of the camp, the coalition forces couldn't shrink back!

The tiger prison was closed, and Dong Zhuo had already slacked off. Er Yuan's performance really disappointed him! Looking at it like this, the coalition forces are about to disperse!

Just when everything was going in a good direction, there was finally bad news!

"Report to Xiangguo that Zhonglang defeated General Niu Fu and wiped out his entire army again. The Baibo army may enter Luoyang at any time!"

Dong Zhuo was shocked when he heard that, Luoyang doesn't have many troops stationed now!

"What! This trash, lost again? The whole army was wiped out! Our family insists on slaughtering this trash!"

If the Baibo army crosses the river east and enters Sili, then Luoyang will have no danger to defend, and without soldiers and horses, it will definitely fall!

As long as Luoyang falls, Dong Zhuo will not only be cut off from the rear, but also the supply of food and grass will be completely cut off. If this continues, he will definitely be trapped to death in Hulao Pass!

"This trash! Trash!"

Dong Zhuo was furious, wantonly smashing the house to vent his anger.

There was too much movement in the house, Li Ru walked in from the outside.

"Dong Xiangguo, why are you so angry?"

"Niu Fu, this useless thing, was wiped out by an army of 20,000 before, but this time, he was defeated by an army of 10,000! He was still wiped out! This trash, our family must kill him!"

Dong Zhuoyue became angrier and smashed the room desperately.

"What! Niu Fu has lost again!"

Li Rudu was very shocked. He knew the significance of Hedong County to Luoyang, so he desperately asked Dong Zhuo to add troops to Niu Fu before the expedition, and let him continue to guard.

"Didn't you let Niu Fu stand firm? How could you be willing to wipe out the whole army?"

Dong Zhuo glared at Li Ru angrily, how could he know why Niu Fu was wiped out!

"Okay, okay, think about what to do now! The Baibo army is about to hit the city of Luoyang!"

How to do? How do I know what to do? I told you not to use Niu Fu, but you didn’t listen. Now that the 30,000 army is completely lost, you ask me what should I do?

Li Ru kept complaining in his heart, since he didn't agree with Niu Fu from the very beginning.

"Dong Xiangguo, why don't you ask Liu Zhang to discuss it."

Dong Zhuo frowned, disapproving of this proposal.

"Wen You, our troops have shrunk again. I'm afraid Liu Zhang will pay less attention to us!"

"Dong Xiangguo, don't worry, even if we don't tell him, Liu Zhang will know sooner or later, why don't you take the initiative to tell him and see his reaction."

Just when Dong Zhuo was struggling, Liu Zhang walked in!

"Dong Xiangguo, who made you so angry?"

Dong Zhuo hurriedly stood up to greet him, and put on a smiling face. The current situation is getting worse and worse, and he is relying more and more on Liu Zhang!

"General Wei, I just wanted to invite you, but you came unexpectedly! Please sit down!"

After taking their seats, Dong Zhuo looked at Liu Zhang suspiciously, thinking that Liu Zhang was well-informed and already knew about Niu Fu!

"General Wei came here, could it be that he knew about the Baibo army?"

"Baibo Army?"

Liu Zhang's voice was slightly puzzled, and he didn't understand Dong Zhuo's meaning.

"What Baibo army? Isn't the Baibo army in Hedong?"

Liu Zhang didn't look like he was pretending, and Dong Zhuo tried to ask questions again.

"General Wei doesn't know that the Baibo army is about to hit Luoyang?"

Liu Zhang's eyes widened, and he looked at Dong Zhuo in surprise.

"What? Didn't Dong Xiangguo arrange troops to garrison in Hedong? How did they make it to Luoyang?"

Now Dong Zhuo was sure, Liu Zhang really didn't know, and he wasn't going to hide it from him right now.

"Hey! Why didn't our family send anyone! It's just a shame that we mistrusted mediocrity and lost troops! Our family gave Niu Fu 30,000 people, but I didn't expect his entire army to be wiped out!"

This situation is really big. It's beyond Liu Zhang's expectations. With the defeat in Yangren City and the disastrous defeat in Hedong County, Dong Zhuojun's casualties have exceeded 50,000!

"Dong Xiangguo, once the Baibo army approaches Luoyang, we will be in danger!"

Liu Zhang is indeed very nervous now. Once the Baibo army captures Luoyang, the emperor must be abolished. Who will obey the edict? His edict of Yizhou Mu has also become waste paper!

"I don't know how many defenders Luo Yang has?"

Dong Zhuo was depressed and sighed helplessly.

"Hey, there are only less than 5,000 old and weak people..."


Liu Zhang stood up straight away. This Dong Zhuo is too courageous. He is not afraid that the ministers will turn against him even if he puts such a small number of people in Luoyang!

"Must return to the teacher quickly!"

Dong Zhuo didn't know how to return to the teacher, but who would return? What about Hulaoguan? What about the coalition forces?

"General Wei, our family is also very worried. Now that the coalition forces are newly defeated, there are still more than 100,000 people. If I wait to leave, it is inevitable that Yuan Shao will not take the opportunity to detain the gate! Once the Hulao Gate is broken, the entire Sili will be flat. , How can we resist an army of 100,000?"

Liu Zhang now fully understands that Dong Zhuo has not thought of moving the capital until now, no wonder he is reluctant to give up Hulaoguan!

"Has Dong Xiangguo ever thought about a question? Why has the coalition army never attacked since they gathered at Hulao Pass?"

Dong Zhuo frowned and looked at Liu Zhang strangely. Is there even a question? He must have been scared of being beaten!

"Of course our soldiers are too strong, and these rebels are afraid!"

Liu Zhang chuckled twice, then shook his head.

"Dong Xiangguo, we only won a small victory, how can we make the Kwantung Allied Forces change color?"

"Why is that?"

Liu Zhang stood up and walked to the map beside him.

"This is Sili. You must know that Sili is guarded by eight gates. Having eight gates means that there are eight roads to enter Luoyang! After throwing away Guangcheng Pass and Hangu Pass, there are still Xiaopingjin, Mengjin, Hu Prison, Yuanyuan, Dagu, and Yique are the six important points! Dong Xiangguo thinks about it, why did Yuan Shao gather all his soldiers and horses at Hulao Pass, the most dangerous pass?"

(end of this chapter)

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