Dong Zhuo was shocked that Liu Zhang had thought so far, and allowed himself to poison Luo Yang!

What is Liu Zhang thinking? What is the purpose? Did the loyal and patriotic Liu Zhang in the past pretend, or did Liu Zhang really change?

Dong Zhuo thought about it, but still couldn't figure out why Liu Zhang changed so quickly!

Since the day of Liu Hong's death, Liu Zhang has changed and become a stranger to everyone!

However, Li Ru didn't think too much about it. He felt that since Liu Zhang could propose moving the capital, he would naturally recognize a series of consequences brought about by moving the capital!

"Dong Xiangguo, don't stop, but accept the chaos! When the Baibo army floods into Sili and Yuan Shao divides his troops to attack the Luoyang passes, it will be too late to move the capital!"

Dong Zhuo committed the old habit of being indecisive again, Li Ru couldn't help urging him. In his opinion, moving is all about gain and nothing harm!

"General Wei, our family has no objection to moving the capital, but it will take a certain amount of time to move the capital. What should we do at Hulao Pass? Who will stop Yuan Shao's attack?"

Liu Zhang frowned, showing a hint of displeasure, and did not answer this question.

Dong Zhuosheng was afraid that Liu Zhang would not be angry, so he quickly explained to him.

"General Wei, it's not our family complaining. Think about it, the Baibo army needs our family to take care of it? Moving the capital requires relocating the people, so the people also need soldiers to take care of them? There are also guards everywhere. There are not a few soldiers and horses!"

"At this point, our family is no longer secretive from you. The entire Xiliang Army plus the Bingzhou Army is only more than 50,000!"

Of course Liu Zhang knew about these situations, and he made this gesture on purpose! Even if he agreed to send troops to guard Hulao, he would definitely not be so forthright.

"Dong Xiangguo, I also understand your difficulties. How about I leave some soldiers to garrison Hulao Pass, and you leave a general to continue to deter Yuan Shao and others under our banner, how about it?"

Dong Zhuo quickly nodded in agreement, for fear that Liu Zhang would go back on his word.

"Just General Yiwei! Just General Yiwei!"

"The general has one more condition. Dong Xiangguo must agree to the general."

There are still conditions! Dong Zhuo's smile froze in mid-air.

"General Wei, please speak."

"I will not participate in Dong Xiangguo's relocation of the capital. I will return to Hanzhong with my troops. After all, I will also serve as the prefect of Hanzhong."

Dong Zhuo was stunned by Liu Zhang's conditions, his mouth opened slightly, and he even suspected that he heard it wrong!

Is there such a good thing? Liu Zhang even asked to leave the capital by himself!

Dong Zhuo had just had a little thought about how to drive Liu Zhang away after he arrived in Chang'an! I didn't expect him to bring it up so soon!

In order to prevent it from being a dream, Dong Zhuo pinched his own thigh! Not finalizing until the pain hits!

"Dong Xiangguo, is there a problem?"

"No! No! General Wei, please go ahead!"

Where Dong Zhuo would have any problems, he wanted to thank Liu Zhang for his great kindness!

"That's the deal! I'll go back and make arrangements!"

"Alright, leave everything to General Wei!"

Dong Zhuo was afraid of long nights and dreams, and Liu Zhang was even more afraid!

Now Liu Zhang has got everything he wants, and if he stays here any longer, it will really be a waste of time.

Immediately return to Hanzhong, and then fully manage Yizhou is the most urgent and most needed thing at the moment!

Liu Zhang left the government office under the enthusiastic gaze of Dong Zhuo and Li Ru, and went directly to the barracks to summon all his confidants.

"Generals, Dong Zhuo has decided to move the capital to Chang'an. It is meaningless for us to stay here any longer. I have decided to set off tomorrow and return to Hanzhong!"

Dian Wei, Zhao Yun, and Tai Shi Ci were overjoyed, especially Dian Wei, who even burst out laughing.

"Okay! My lord, it's time to go back! I've really had enough of this poor place!"

Xun You was also very excited. No matter how much Sili does in this place, it is not the goal of the plan after all. Only in Hanzhong is the platform for real display!

"When we arrive in Hanzhong, we can show our talents!"

Zhao Yun and Tai Shici clenched their fists lightly. They knew Liu Zhang's plan very well. When they arrived in Yizhou, every battle was related to the future, and it would be extremely important to them as well as to Liu Zhang's group.

"My lord, what about the soldiers under our command? There are many people who may not be willing to go far away in Sichuan with us."

Zhang Liao stood up, clasped his hands and asked Liu Zhang a question. When he first recruited Hanxingying, it was because he was willing to go to Hanzhong to expose a lot of people.

"It's okay, you go and inform the whole army immediately, and we will set off for Hanzhong County tomorrow. Those who are willing to go with us can leave together tomorrow, and bring their family members with them when passing through Luoyang. If you don't want to go, don't force it, just go Just let them and Dong Zhuo stay at Hulao Pass."

The loyalty of soldiers largely depends on whether their families are under the rule of the monarch. If soldiers are forced to move to Hanzhong, they will inevitably flee on the way! Instead of this, it is better to give up directly and only lead willing soldiers to Hanzhong.

Zhang Liao accepted the order, but the worry on his face did not diminish.

"My lord, if we leave the decision-making power to the soldiers, I am afraid that many people will not want to go with us."

Now Liu Zhang has 40,000 troops, 10,000 Wufeng battalion, 4,000 Hanxing battalion and 1,000 trapped battalion. These 15,000 people will definitely follow Liu Zhang, but not necessarily the remaining 25,000 people!

The 25,000 people were originally composed of the Xiyuan Army and the Yulin Army. They went through a screening and half a year of training! Although it can't be called an elite soldier in a hundred battles, it is definitely not comparable to ordinary miscellaneous soldiers!

Zhang Liao was very reluctant to give up the 25,000 people directly, so he sent a reminder to Liu Zhang.

But Liu Zhang didn't care. It didn't make any sense to take these soldiers away forcibly. When he arrived in Yizhou, millions of people were waiting for him. How many troops do you want?

"Wenyuan, the soldiers are good but not many! They have also fought hard for us for half a year, so there is no need to embarrass too much."

Zhang Liao was moved for a moment, this is the real king of benevolence and righteousness!

"My lord is broad-minded, and Wen Yuan admires him so much!"

Liu Zhang didn't know whether Zhang Liao was flattering or complimenting him from the bottom of his heart, but he felt very comfortable hearing it.

"Hehe, Wen Yuan won the prize!"

"Generals, it's getting late, get ready as soon as possible! Remember, you must clean up tomorrow morning!"

Zhao Yun and the other five stood up one after another and accepted Liu Zhang's military order.


"Okay, the military adviser will stay here for a while, and the others will go get ready!"

The five generals didn't dare to delay, they walked out quickly, only Liu Zhang and Xun You were left in the big tent.

"Gongda, how much food and grass do we have, can we support it to Hanzhong?"

(end of this chapter)

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